
She Belongs To Alpha Auden

one-night stand
enimies to lovers

“You’re mine, Alexa. Since the moment you pleaded with me to keep you hidden on your wedding day. You became mine the moment you offered me your virginity. I can smell my pup in you, and that means you now belong to me.”


Alexa– a young omega, had everything mapped out in front of her, but the picture perfect future shattered when she walked into her fiance in bed with her twin sister!

No longer interested in the wedding, she leaves her fiancé, Alpha Trevor, on the alter– chosing to hide away with a stranger from a club instead.

Everything spiraled after that and soon, Alexa got tangled in a mess she created with her own hands, especially after she winded up pregnant.

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1: Plunged into Despair + making bad decisions.
Alexa’s POV. “You bastard!” I flung the velvet box at Trevor and to my dismay, he easily dodged it, and the box crashed into the lamp on my sister’s bedside table and tumbled open to reveal the watch I just spent my entire life’s savings on. Trevor glanced at the gleaming watch in shock but before he could attempt to say another thing in an attempt to placate me, I reached into my bag and tossed a book at him, this time he didn't dodge it and let the book hit him right in the face. Somehow that doesn’t feel as satisfying as I thought it would be. Maybe if I hit him with something a little more sharp? Or maybe, I should toss something at my sister as well? I faced Elena with a sneer and she cowered further into the blankets. A part of me was still in shock from seeing her, of all the people, in bed with my fiancé. My fiancé thought it’d be for the best if he cheated on me… with my own twin sister. We were supposed to get married tomorrow. Damn it. “You,” I finally addressed her, and at once, Trevor shifted to block her but I snarled and reached for something else to fling at her. “How could you! How could the both of you do this to me?!” I screeched. Trevor’s lips part, then they slam close, with no words coming out. By the looks of things, he was starting to get worked up. Good, he should be. “Have both of you lost your ability to speak?!” I screamed. “Say something! Explain yourselves!” Yes, explain to me why my own twin thought it’d be wise to climb into bed with my fiancé, explain why the man I just spent my entire life savings on, thought it’d be for the best to betray me a day before our wedding. He was the man I spent most of my life pining for, he was supposed to officially get mated to me tomorrow, then he’d become my Alpha, and I’d automatically become his Luna. I loved him so much and was ready to die for him. But right now, I’m more inclined to kill him. And I might if these two don’t manage to open up their mouth to say something. “Well?!” I demanded. “Alexa, it was an accident, I swear,” Elena whispers, she’s still in bed, holding the blanket up over her naked body. Her eyebrows are creased and her midnight blue eyes are filled with tears, they’re my exact identical eyes staring back at me. I made that expression when I was near tears as well, her face is a perfect replica of mine and yet, I can’t imagine myself in her current position, which prompted me into letting out a snort. “So you accidentally took off your clothes, rolled up a condom, fell into bed, then f****d in the apartment that I’m paying for?” Well, technically, Trevor was helping pay for the apartment as it’s well above what I can afford, but that’s besides the point. “Alexa… I…” she tries again, this time a tear actually slides down her cheek. “I didn’t mean to betray you, I swear. I didn’t mean to hurt you like this.” “Oh really, you thought I’d be fine with you f*****g my fiancé?” I turned to Trevor. “And you thought I’d be fine with you f*****g my twin sister?!” “No… of course not…” he seemed to be at a loss for words, which is very unlike him. Trevor was always the type that always knew what to say and how to say it, he was confident and sure of himself, even when he approached me, the reserved, poor omega in his biology class who always kept to herself, and asked me out for the first time, his confidence had won me over along with the fact that I’ve had a crush on him since the moment I saw him. Throughout our dates, and when he had taken my first kiss, he had been confident throughout. When he promised me that I’d never have to worry about money again once we got married, that his money would become my money and we’d be set for life as soon as he gets crowned pack alpha, I hadn’t doubted him for a second, because I was confident in him and had so much trust in his words. I loved that about him, I loved the self assuredness that he had because it made up for the one I lacked. Right now, he was the complete opposite of that. “Then why did you do it?!” I pressed. There’s anger bubbling up beneath me and I embraced it, I embraced it while it suppressed the sadness and anguish that was starting to creep up. I couldn’t dwell on that, not right now at least. “Spit it out! Say something!” “Because of you! You’ve been distant these days and…” Trevor started in a sudden burst of rage, but I meet him in the middle with fire literally rushing through my veins. “Distant!? Distant! I’ve been planning our wedding myself for the past month! I’ve been going to all the cake tasting, flower arrangements, dinner planning and I’ve been dealing with your mother myself! I stomached all that because you were getting ready to take over from your father, I dealt with that s**t. And you’re complaining that I’ve been distant!?” He flinched back and I turned to Elena. “What’s your excuse then? Was I so distant to you as well that you thought the best way to reconnect was to have s*x with my fiancé?” “No, it wasn’t like that,” she rushed to explain, her eyes darting all over the place, clearly nervous and clearly eager to get out of the situation. “It’s just that he said he was lonely and he just wanted to stop by, so I got him a drink we started talking and then…” “And then you f****d him,” I lifted my hands in the air and sigh in frustration. “The two of you, you’re f****d up. You’re f*****g sick,” I spat out. I reached for the golden engagement necklace that was tradition for an engaged woman to wear and I dragged it off my neck. Trevor’s eyes widened and I silenced him with a look. I took a few steps towards the bed and flung the necklace at Elena. “Here, since you seem to enjoy his company so much. you can have it for all eternity, tomorrow’s the wedding, right? You can marry him in my place and enjoy spending your life together.” “Alexis, babe, please,” Trevor tried. “We can talk this out and-” “Nope!” I interrupted. “f**k you Trevor, and f**k you too Elena. Traitorous bastards.” I tugged my bag over my shoulder, turned around and strode out of the room, faking bravado even though tears sting my eyes and blurred my vision with every step I took away from them. ——— What was the best place to go to cool off after catching your twin in bed with your fiancé? A bar! Bars are fun. At bars, there are no cheating fiancés or traitorous sisters, no. All there is, is an endless supply of booze, loud music and hot men. But, bars were no fun when everyone avoided you because they knew who you were engaged to. “That’s the Pack Alpha’s son’s fiancée,” I heard them whisper among themselves. “They’re getting married tomorrow, are they not?” “My family thankfully got invited to the wedding, I wouldn’t miss it for the world!” “What’s she doing here though? Shouldn’t she be with her bridal train girlies?” “She definitely shouldn’t be here. I wonder what she’s doing here…” I tried to tune those whispers out and instead focused on catching any man’s attention. But unfortunately for me, no man was looking at me twice, probably because they all know who I am and wouldn’t dare to try moving onto someone who belongs to Trevor, the pack alpha’s son. I felt like standing and screeching out at the top of my lungs that I wasn’t engaged anymore and that anyone could come hit on me, but there were many things at play here and Trevor’s family - particularly his snotty stepmother - so I kept my mouth shut and just nursed my drink for most of the night. A part of me still couldn’t believe this had happened, it almost felt like a dream, and anytime the image flashed in my head, that ugly image of my twin moaning and groaning as my fiancé f****d her hard and fast into the bed. I didn’t even know he could go that fast seeing as we’ve never done that and have been waiting till we get married. Clearly I needed more drinks. When I’d had my sixth glass, the bartender refused to get me anymore drinks, no one had approached me and the once buzzing bar interior had become hot and clammy, so I slid off the barstool and tried to find my bearings so I could get out of here and hopefully go cry myself a river at my best friend’s house, who, by the way, had sent me at least a million texts in the past hour and left me tons of calls since I had left her a vague text stating that there’s no wedding to attend tomorrow. I stumbled carefully and tried my best to weave through the swaying, sweaty bodies, though I did bump into some people and nudge some out of my way. I was successful out of the stuffy space after a few minutes and I suck in deep breaths even though my vision swammed. I turned on my wobbly feet and instantly crashed into a hard chest. A startled sound caught in my throat right as the stranger’s grip settled on my arm to keep me steady. My alcohol addled brain has me craning my neck up to see who it is and even though my vision is mostly blurred by now, I could tell that he’s someone I haven’t encountered before, coupled with being extremely handsome, a chiselled face, full, wavy hair, and inquisitive green eyes that stared at me like he was trying to figure me out right now, and that had my drunk brain blushing and from nowhere, I suddenly got the urge to yank him down into a kiss. “Well, hello handsome,” My words are slurred and he snorted at that, clearly amused with his hands still gently holding me in place as he lazily returns my greeting, somehow, his rich, deep voice carries over the music pumping through this place. “Hello to you too,” his eyes scrutinised my face. “Are you okay? You look completely wasted.” I felt a pout form on my face. “No, I’m not! Actually, I’m very fine and not drunk at all. I’m just, you know?” The brow he had arched was clearly an amused one, but it prompted me to continue. “Sad.” I completed my sentence. “Why are you sad? Since when do people leave bars sad?” A resigned sigh escaped my chest and I felt myself inching closer to him since he wasn’t pulling away yet. He felt extremely nice, warm and strong. “I’m sad because no one wants to talk to me.” He chuckled at that, clearly not buying my response. The laughter rumbled through his chest which my head is currently pressed against and I felt my breath hitch. “Well, I’d be happy to talk to you, it’s everyone’s loss in there for not talking to you, although I doubt a man with functioning eyes won’t want to talk to you after one glance.” He murmured and I bit on my bottom lip, not wanting to point out to him that the reason why no one wanted to talk to me was because I was claimed by Trevor. If this stranger is from this pack, he’d have definitely known this, and I was thankful for the fact that he’s completely clueless about Trevor and I. “You’re almost falling over. Let’s find you someplace quiet to sit down, hm? Then perhaps we could talk, so you won’t be sad anymore.” He sounded amused, so I peered up at him to gauge his expression. “Really?” I whispered. “Really,” he replied and steered me further away from the premises of the bar to a small nook on the far end of the road. The clear air sobered me up a bit and sighed in relief when I sank onto the bench planted outside. “Better?” He asked carefully and slowly released me. I missed his touch almost immediately. I nod heavily and eyed him tentatively. “About that talk… My version of that doesn’t include much talking,” the confidence currently flowing through me is as a result of the alcohol, otherwise I’d never dare say this, but still, he laughed and inched closer to me. “What kind of talk is that?” He murmured, hot breath brushing against the side of my face and I let out a shaky breath while greedily breathing in the heady whiff of his sandalwood scent. “Oh, you know, the nasty kind,” He grinned and leaned forward, and somehow, from there, everything else became extremely blurry.

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