
The Alpha's Cursed Rejection


Finding your mate is what all werewolves dream of.......or is it? What if you find your mate and it isn't the fairytale. What if the way you were always told it would happen falls flat?

Layla Thorn is an Alpha's daughter, a twin sister who discovers her mate but isn't too pleased about it. As a matter of fact, all she can tell her mate is about rejecting her.

Grayson Brooks is an Alpha who runs his pack well. He has dreamed of finding his mate only to be totally confused when he meets her. Can he find out the secrets Layla keeps? Will he even make the effort? He is intrigued for sure but is he willing to fight off something dark that threatens his mate bond?

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The sound of heels clicking rapidly across the floor followed by her shrill voice broke my concentration. “DYLAN! I’m here. We gotta go, baby!” I roll my eyes and return to what I was concentrating on. I look down at the sheet of music in front of me again and start moving my fingers when it happens again. “DYLAN THORN! DO NOT KEEP ME WAITING! Where the f**k are you?!” 'Seriously, could she be any louder?!' My wolf, Persephone, is snickering. 'She sure wishes she was allowed up the stairs!' 'At the moment, my ears wish she was too, Perse. Why is she even here?' Before Perse can answer me, the door flies open and I look in annoyance to see Missy scowling at me. I ignore her and return to reading. “Umm hello, where is your brother?” She says condescendingly. “I have no idea. I’m not his keeper. Why are you looking for him?” I say without turning to even glance at her. “We are supposed to be going to a dinner in the neighboring pack in an hour?!” She says shrilly. “Then he’s probably getting ready if you have another hour before you leave.” I point out as I look at her annoyed. I have no idea how my brother stands her company even for five minutes. She is an attractive girl I guess. Her dark brown hair is pulled up in some twist. Her pale blue eyes are accentuated by the tan she works on as part of her ‘job’ she says. Her bright red lipsticked mouth looks like normal set in a mutinous scowl. It’s either that way or it’s pouting because she didn’t get her way. I look at her dress. It’s a strapless pink silk with a wide white belt. It stops two inches above her knees to show off her long legs. She wears some super high white heels. Those things have to be at least five inches long. Maybe that’s why she looks so unhappy all the time. Her feet must hurt being that inclined. She’s already five nine, she doesn’t need those for height. My dad is going to flip when he sees how short her dress is, especially as this occasion calls for a long gown. “Ugh! I told him I wanted to go to by Evan’s party here in the pack first. Go get him for me, Layla.” She flops down on the chair across from me. I raise one eyebrow and just ignore her. “Layla! Didn’t you hear me?! Go upstairs and tell your brother I am waiting! You have to get ready anyway.” She huffs. “No. Why don’t you text him?” I say coldly. “I did. He didn’t answer me.” Now her voice is coming out in a whine and I almost prefer the shrill shrieking. I am about to reply when my dad links me. 'Layla sweetheart, can you come up and help me with my cuff links?' 'Sure, Dad.' I get up quickly and she says. “about time.” I turn and give her a withering look before I race upstairs. I knock on Dad’s bedroom door and walk in when he says to. “Sorry sweetheart, but I can’t do this pair up ever.” I smile at him. “not a problem Dad. I never mind helping with this set.” “Why do I keep you around?” He winks as he teases me, and I laugh. “Missy is downstairs waiting for Dylan.” I tell him as I finish fastening them and pick up his jacket. “Yes I think the entire pack heard her calling for your brother.” He says dryly and I smirk. “Is she dressed appropriately? Not a bikini top like last time.” I snicker as I remember the sequin two piece dress she tried to wear to another dinner. It had basically been a sequined sports bra with a long skirt. Both Dylan and my father told her she couldn’t go like that and she’d argued forever about how it was the in fashion right now. They left her here and I had to listen to her tantrum about being left behind. Geez, she was a piece of work. “It’s not a bikini top, but it’s short. Why does Dylan put up with her?” I mutter rhetorically. “Because he feels bad for her sweetheart and she plays it to the hilt. If her father hadn’t died protecting your brother, he’d probably ignore Missy.” He explains and I just shrug. “As long as he doesn’t feel so bad he makes her his Luna.” I tell him seriously. “Hmm, I’d have to remain acting Alpha for a long time then…” he jokes, but I can barely laugh. We walk out into the living room just as I hear a knock on Dad’s door. It opens and my twin brother walks in. He’s older by four minutes and so he is the Alpha heir to our pack. “Hey Layla, can you fix my tie? This silk doesn’t want to knot.” He gestures to the bad knot at his collar and I smile shaking my head. “Sure, come over here.” He stands before me, and I take a look at him. We aren’t identical, but everyone can tell we are related. Our hair is a mixture of blonde colors from golden to platinum. It works though looking like we paid a lot for hair color layering and highlights. His is straight and he keeps it short but not buzzed down. Mine is wavy with some loose curls hanging down to the middle of my back. Our eyes are a grayish green color. Dylan is tall at six-four, while I am only five-eight. We got my dad’s lightly tanned skin, but Dylan’s other features are from my dad. He has a sharp jawline, strong nose, and full lips. He’s built like an Alpha and works at getting bigger. I inherited Mom’s features; button nose, doe like eyes with heavy lashes and a full set of pink pouty lips. I straighten my perfect tie knot and step back to give him a once over. “Not bad dear brother.” He flashes a grin “Thanks, sis. Sure you don’t want to come?” I make a face. “No thanks. I’ll have to see all these people in a week anyway for your gathering.” He chuckles. “alright, enjoy your movie night. Liam is pissed you aren’t coming though.” “He was just hoping to use me as a shield from the females.” I arch my eyebrow and Dylan grins. “Well yeah of course. You know how he is.” His face clouds over “and speaks of the devil he’s on his way up. Needs help with his tie too.” I cluck my tongue as my brother’s Beta and our joint best friend walk in the open door. “Hey guys! Layla, I need help with this tie. It’s new and won’t cooperate.” “I swear, what are you three going to do without me one day.” I see Dylan stiffen and Liam looks uncomfortable too. Liam recovers first though. “I vote we don’t find out. You’ll just have to stay your smartass right here.” “Nah, you both just need to find your mates. I hope they are good with ties….” I say lightly. Before I can add more I hear Missy’s shrieks again. We left the soundproof door open. Liam sighs.“Oh yeah, I forgot, Missy is pissed, Dylan. She wanted to go to Evan’s party for a bit first.” He rolls his eyes at me and I bite my lip to not giggle. Dylan scoffs. “I already told her no. She can go to that if she’d rather. I didn’t want to bring her with me tonight, but she pitched an everloving fit and I bartered to keep her away from me next week with this one.” They start walking downstairs and I follow them. Maybe Dylan will leave Missy’s whiny ass here again. I can suffer for a few minutes if he’ll stay away from her. After ten minutes of her complaining they all leave. Liam is at the back. He turns to face me, one hand like a gun miming shooting himself in the head. I chuckle silently. He gives me a playful glare before linking, “next time you gotta go too sunshine. You could still be my date.” “Sorry, Liam. I’m staying here.” “I’ll get revenge for this suffering. At least your dad is driving, and I’m not alone with them.” “Bet Dad mixes you a few drinks afterward here from his bar stash.” I laugh. Once they are gone, I walk back to my room and decide a hot bath after dinner followed by a movie sounds fantastic.

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