
171 Words
Brian Wilcox. Rob Bromley. Damon Collins. Leroy Jones. Are they bad guys? Not exactly. Ok, Yes, They murder innocent Women, Quite often, for nothing more than just a bit of fun and excitement, But that's for one reason... and one reason only. Because they have wronged them. At one point or another, Every man on this planet has been wronged by a woman. Sometimes its something small... Sometimes its something big...and sometimes.. just sometimes, Its f****d up enough to turn that guy into a blood-crazed Serial Killer, It happens... Then there are other things that happen in this world... things that make the deepest, darkest pits of hell look like a day at the f*****g zoo.. and these guys should know that they are... they make it happen... But, As I said, they didn't start off like this, Cold-blooded killers, Life and the world made them this way. Ever since High School, They have stuck together, Brothers, them against the big bad world... and nothing would ever come between them... Right?
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