
The Bad Boy Next Door

opposites attract

“Hmm do we have a good girl?” he said smugly

“What because I don’t drink, party, sleep around or get into trouble?” I asked

“Exactly! That sounds like a good girl to me. Does that mean you’re still “pure” then?” he asked

“That is none of your business.” I said looking away from him, feeling my full face flush

“I think my time around here isn’t gonna be so bad after all. I will see you around good girl. You and I are gonna have a lot of fun.” He said smugly before handing me my book and walking away.


Taylor is seventeen, quiet, shy and what most class as a good girl but she is OK with that, she would rather be that way than drinking, partying and hooking up with randoms guys.

Nate seventeen and the polar opposite of Taylor. He is confident, cocky and the new bad boy in town...Taylor's new neighbor and her soon to be worst nightmare especially since Nate decided from the moment they met he was gonna make the good girl bad and get everything he wants from her.

What he does not expect is things aint gonna be that easy, teaching him he can't always get what he wants. Taylor may be a good girl but that don't mean she is gonna be an easy target for him. She knows his type and she sure as heck doe not wanna go down that road...well so she thought.

But people change and so do feelings. Will Nate turn the good girl bad or with Taylor turn the bad boy good? Only if Taylor knew just how convincing the bad boy next door can be.

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Chapter One - When good girl meets bad boy
Taylor’s P.O.V I was sitting on my front porch on a porch swing, reading a romantic novel and enjoying the sunshine. It was the last week of the summer holidays before senior year. I was glad it was the last year of high school because it meant I could get away from this town and the people in it. Some of the people were decent people but as for school I never exactly fit in much. I am what most people would class as a good girl. While everyone from school was spending their summer holidays partying, drinking, hooking up and whatever else. I spent a lot of it looking into colleges, reading and learning new things. I did have some fun with my best friends Carter. Not like the fun, all the other folk in our class were having but fun all the same. That was our choice though, none of that ever appealed to either of us. I wouldn’t exactly say we get bullied. Maybe an odd snide remark here and there, nothing too serious though. It was more like we never got included or invited anywhere from anyone. It was like every other school really. You have your jocks and cheerleaders. Your dorkish ones. The loners. The bad guys/girls. The outcasts, your quiet/good girls and guys etc.…and everything else in between. Carter and I fall under the quiet/good girls. Anyway back to where I was. As I said I was sitting on my porch, enjoying some me time and the quietness of the street, this street is usually always quiet. “Nate, where are you going?” I heard some woman voice “Away from you. I am not helping you. I never wanted to f*****g come here in the first place.” I heard a guy’s voice reply. How rude. This made me look up and that’s when I see an older woman, maybe in her early 40s and a guy who looked about my age. I had no clue who they were. I had never seen them around here. They must be the new neighbours my father said were moving in soon. He did say it was a couple with a teenage son. I am guessing that is who this guy is. Who talks to their mothers like that? It’s disgusting. “Well Nate if you never got thrown out of school then we wouldn’t be here would we?” I heard her say  "Whatever mum." he snapped. He looked up seeing me, watching him. “What the f**k you looking at?” he growled at me “NATHAN! DON’T BE SO RUDE.” I heard his mum shout. I just shook my head and looked away from him. Seriously who is this rude boy? I decided I would get back to my book. “I apologize for my son.” I heard from the garden next to me.  “It’s OK.” I smiled “I am Mrs Connors or Sandra. Te rude one is my son Nathan. My husband will be joining us next week.” She smiled at me. “It is nice to meet you. I am Taylor Ryan. I stay here with my parents.” I smiled back “Well, it is a pleasure to meet you, Taylor.” She smiled “Well I better get in and get started, properly see you around.” She added “I am sure you will,” I replied before she headed inside.  I pushed the rude boy to the back of my mind and got back to my book. I don’t know how long I was sitting, getting lost in the book. I was always such a sucker for romance. It is a shame romances in the books and movies don’t exist in real life. Next thing I knew the book was grabbed out of my hand/  “What the?”I said looking up And I was met with the rude guy from earlier. Though now that he was closer. I got a better view and oh whoa! What a view it was. He was whoa! He had the most think, dark curls. The most beautiful hazel eyes. I found myself trailing over his entire body which is something I never do. Why was I doing it to him? He looked like he worked out. I found myself swallowing hard. “What you reading this crap for? It is bullshit! It is all pretending. You not have anything better to do with your time?” he said to me with a dark chuckle “And are you finished staring at me?” he added. I decided I needed to pull myself together. I managed to snap out of it. When I did I stood to my feet and went to reach for my book but he never let me get it. He lifted it above his head. I tried to reach for it but couldn’t reach, just an inch or two shorter than what I needed to be right now. “Can I please have my book?” I asked standing with my arms folded over my chest. “Why? You don’t believe in all this crap do you?” he asked “What does it matter to you if I do or don’t?” I asked just loud enough for him to hear.  He stepped in closer to me. His aftershave tickling my nose. Damn, he smelt really good.He was only a few inches away from me now. It was making me nervous. I don’t like when people get to close to me especially guys. He reached into my ear,  “It is all lies that they tell you in these books and movies. I could show you how it really is in reality.” He whispered. My full body shivered when he did this even though I knew what he meant. It was disgusting. He stepped away from me, looking at me, a smirk on his face.  “So how about it? You wanna show the new guy what is good to do in this damn place?” he asked. “Eww…no. And I wouldn’t know. I am sure I am not into the same things you like. You will need to find someone else for that information. Now please give me my book.” I said. With me saying that the biggest smirk appeared on his beautiful stupid face. “Hmm do we have a good girl?” he said smugly “What because I don’t drink, party, sleep around or get into trouble?” I asked “Exactly! That sounds like a good girl to me. Does that mean you’re still “pure” then?” he asked “That is none of your business,” I said looking away from him, feeling my full face flush.  “I think my time around here isn’t gonna be so bad after all. I will see you around good girl. You and I are gonna have a lot of fun.” He said smugly before handing me my book and walking away. What does that mean? He and I are gonna have fun? That is never gonna happen. My mum has warned me about boys like him since I was a kid. I don’t blame her. He had trouble written all over him. And I knew I had to stay clear. Oh but only if I knew what was just around the corner. 

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