
Legacy of Love

contract marriage
enimies to lovers

Forced into a contractual marriage with Adrian Hayes by her grandfather's will, Sierra navigates betrayal, manipulation, and unexpected love after divorcing her unfaithful husband, Rex. As greed and jealousy threaten her new beginning, Sierra discovers strength and genuine connection in adversity.

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The Ultimatum
Sierra Lampard entered the sleek law office, the modernity of the surroundings stark against her turmoil. The conference room was bathed in the cold light of efficiency and legal finality. She looked out at the rain beating against the large windows. It was raining that day, too. 3 Months Ago “There’s no need for you to come now. It’s too late. He’s gone.” “What do you mean he’s gone?” “It means exactly what it sounds like.” The phone went dead. The silence that followed the disconnected call screamed in Sierra’s mind. Her beloved grandfather was no more. How was that possible? She had spoken to him only two days ago. He was the only living relative who cared for her. With him gone, she was truly alone in the world regarding family. At least she had Rex, her wonderful husband, who swore to love her forever. They had been married for three years, and she had not told her husband about her background. Her grandfather had advised her to keep it a secret for five years. It wasn’t a secret too hard to keep, as her husband and his family seemed disinterested in her past and family history. Sierra tapped the call button on her steering wheel. “Amanda, I'm sorry to cancel so late, but I can’t go with you this weekend.” “Why ever not?” “My grandfather passed away today. I need to go home and see Rex.” “No worries. I understand. Sorry for your loss. See you next month.” “Thanks.” “Sierra, I’m here if you need me.” “Okay, bye for now.” Sierra pushed the thick rim of her glasses on the bridge of her nose back in place. Rex was home today. She needed his comfort right now. Her world felt as if it was crumbling around her. Sierra forced back the tears that were threatening to blur her vision. Rex was her safe space. Everything would be fine once she was in her husband’s arms. She opened the door to their dimly lit, upscale apartment. Sierra heard giggles, intimate moans, and whispers coming from their bedroom. She reached the slightly opened door and halted in her tracks. Rex, her husband, was naked balls-deep in their neighbor Cassandra’s lady garden. Sierra slapped her palms to her mouth to hold back her screams of betrayal as she felt the color drain from her face and her heart shattering into a million pieces. "This can't be happening…" Sierra said, stumbling forward into the room. Her knees turned to jelly, sending her crashing to the ground. For a nanosecond, the room falls silent except for the sound of the rain. "Rex? What... is this?” Sierra asked while on her knees, gulping back the bile threatening to escape. "Sierra... This isn't what it looks like.” Rex said, scrambling to put on his clothes and tripping over himself. "It looks like you're f*****g the neighbor! In our home!” Her blood boiled, leaving warm patches on her cheeks. “My glasses may be thick, but I’m not blind, nor am I an i***t. This is exactly what it looks like.” Sierra felt her heart shatter into pieces. This was it. Now, she had no one. There was no one left who loved her. Rex tried to approach her, and she recoiled. His facade of indifference slips, revealing his frustration. He repeatedly combed his fingers through his hair, cursing while pacing the room. Then he stopped, and his icy gaze landed on Sierra. "Look, Sierra, I... We never should have got married. You were easy, a virgin, desperate to please, and obedient. So I could take over the family business. I needed a wife, someone I could control. That someone was you. I... I didn't think it through. You're not enough woman for me. I have needs.” "So, this is my fault? You promised me…" Sierra said, tears welling in her eyes, but she refused to let them fall as she eyed Cassandra, still naked in her bed, smirking at her. "Promises are a comfort to a fool. I want a divorce, Sierra. We're done.” He said, his voice frosty, void of emotion. He was right. She was a fool, not anymore. Sierra stood, her face hardened as she processed the betrayal. Yes, she was alone now, but her grandfather had sent her some money when he’d called despite her protest. It was enough to buy a small apartment and start over. If Rex wanted a divorce, he could have one. Return to Present: Inside the conference room, Rex is the picture of corporate indifference, dressed sharply, his posture relaxed yet authoritative. He watched Sierra with a gaze that suggested concern but was betrayed by the slight smirk playing at the edge of his lips. He pushes the divorce papers across the table with a practiced sigh. "Sierra, this is hard, but it's for the best. We can both move on." Sierra's hands tremble a little as she reaches for the documents, a sign of her inner turmoil. She takes a deep breath, steadying herself, refusing to let Rex see her falter. Her gaze focused, her voice calm, she said. "Moving on sounds perfect, Rex.” She turned to her lawyer, “By the way, I want to waive the alimony.” “Are you sure?” Her lawyer asked, eyes wide, swiveling his pen. “Yes, I want to leave this marriage with exactly what I came with.” She signs the papers, each stroke of her name severing the ties to her past. Rex smiled as he collected the documents. Sierra's posture didn't waver. Her signature was not just the end of their marriage but a declaration of her newfound resolve. "This is just the beginning.” She said to herself. Without another word, Sierra stood and walked out of the conference room, leaving Rex to ponder her words. A flicker of doubt marred his features as he stared after her. Before she left the office, she went to the bathroom, removed her glasses, and put in contact lenses. She changed into a fashionable two-piece trouser suit and scraped her hair into a messy bun. Satisfied with her new look, she threw her old frumpy clothes into the trash and entered the hall. The receptionist, who had greeted her when she entered the building, frowned and nodded. By the time Sierra exited the law office, the rain had stopped. She stepped into the hustle and bustle of the city, and the weight of the moment settled on her. The finalization of her divorce feels both like an ending and a beginning. Sierra lifts her face to the sky and away from the chaos of the city around her as she takes her first steps into a future undefined but wholly her own.

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