I have a question

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Chapter 3 Moira I should stop drinking, but this feeling of not caring, I don’t want it to go away. I don’t want to think about the fact that I was supposed to be married now. I was supposed to be drinking with Timothy, dancing in his arms as we did this together. He was supposed to wait for me to have our first drink together, our first crazy night out, our first everything. We were supposed to do it as husband and wife, like we had planned to do for years, but he didn’t and now here I am, in the arms of some stranger, a really hot one, but still a stranger and I am drunk. But I am not feeling anything aside from wanting. I want to dance some more, drink some more, and then I want to take this man to my room and see if he can rid me of my pesky virginity, something Timithy was supposed to do. My head is swaying with the amount of alcohol I have consumed, my hips are swaying with the music, and my heart is beating like a drum in my chest as the handsome stranger leads us to a table. Britney is talking, rambling on like she has been doing for the past week that I have known her, and Gabriel has his head turned to her, seeming to listen, but his eyes keep drifting everywhere around us, as if he is hipper aware of everything around him. I wonder if he knows that he is doing it and if it is something he always does. “Moira, are you alright?” Damn, even his accent is sexy. He has no right to be this good-looking. Gabriel smirks, and I realize that we have stopped moving, and I am just standing here, no longer swaying, but rather standing like a rock in the ocean, unmoving as everyone around us keeps moving him. “Yes, well.” I try to clear my throat, and with that, my mind starts to clear slightly. Not enough that I will be walking on my own up the two steps to our table, but enough that I can actually feel the blush rise up my cheeks. “Come, love.” He says, nearly carrying me up the steps to our table. “Thank you.” I tell him, hoping that I actually did order that drink and that it will be delivered soon so that I can stop blushing and staring like and i***t. I am never going to lose my virginity if I keep this up. “Take a seat and please stay there, I will go order your drink again and bring it to you.” He says, and then he is gone, making his way back to the bar. I am sure that my mother would be getting a heart attack if she knew that I was letting a man buy me drinks without supervising to make sure that he doesn’t spike my drink, but I don’t get any negative vibes from Gabriel. It might just be that my gut is drowning in alcohol, but I really think he is a sincere guy. “Holy s**t, girl. I bet you are glad you dumped Timothy at the altar right now. I was seriously proud of you for that, by the way.” Britney says, but my eyes are still on Gabriel, watching as he talks to the bartender. They laugh about something, but then the bartender gets busy with the drinks. I wonder why he is here alone. I should make a point of asking him. “Gosh, his face when you started reading those messages out load to everyone. I really didn’t think you were going to go through with that.” Britney keeps going, talking about the one moment in my life I decided that I was tired of being miss perfect. After Britney had called me, I had considered calling off the wedding there and then, but Britney is a vengeful woman, and she talked me out of it. Instead, we planned our revenge. Gabriel comes back with our drinks in hand, and Britney stops talking, a bright smile pulling on her lips. I wish I had her confidence. She is so wild and free, everything I never had the chance to be, but here and now, I want to be that. “So, Gabriel, what brings you to this sad part of the world.” Britney comes right out and asks. “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.” He says, a smile playing on his lips as he brings his whisky to his lips and takes a long sip. I watch his lips, wondering if they are as soft as they look. I wish I could feel them on my skin, find out if the romance books I have hidden under my bed hold any merit. “Try us. It can’t be worse than our reason for being here.” She says, and I glare at her. The last thing he needs to know is how unwanted I am. “Alright.” He says, placing his drink on the table before pulling up the sleeves of his shirt and I swear I moan as I watch the veins and muscles on this arms pop and move as he does it. Gabriel winks at me, and I realize that I really might just have moaned, but I can’t find it in myself to be embarrassed. If he doesn’t want me to moan, he shouldn’t tease me with the arm porn going on in front of me. “I just walked my ex-fiancé down the aisle to marry my new business partner.” Britney spits out the sip she was busy drinking down and starts to laugh. Oh, the irony. It seems he might be the only person on this planet who might actually understand what I am going through at the moment, but the difference is that he doesn’t really seem all that heartbroken about it. “You have to be shitting me.” Britney says when she finally stops laughing. I would’ve probably also laughed if it hadn’t been for the dread, knowing that she is about to tell him why we are here and there is nothing I can do to stop her. I try to give her a warning look, but she only winks at me before she opens her mouth. Why did I bring her of all people along again? “Little miss goody two shoes over there left her husband by the altar yesterday after announcing to all their friends and family that he had been f*****g me for the past year.” She says and Gabriel looks between the two of us for a moment. He must see something on my face, because he decides to give all his attention to me. “I guess I better start praying then, because you can be nothing, but God sent.” He says and the dread and embarrassment of everything I had gone through, suddenly feels worth it. Instead of making any comments about how messed up all of this is, the fact that I am here with my ex-fiancé’s mistress, or the fact that I had announced to everyone, my parents and his, that he is a lying pig that has been screwing another woman right under my nose while I thought that we were the same, while I waited for him and spent three years thinking he was taking his time to propose and get to the marriage part so that we could finally do all the things our parents and community would frown upon, he was out doing everything I was saving myself for. I probably should’ve called off the wedding and just keep what happened between close family, but I was hurt, am still hurt and I wanted him to hurt. I also wanted to ensure that my family wouldn’t be able to guilt me into giving him a second chance or to even consider forgiving him. That will never happen. Since I announced to everyone what Timothy did and stormed out of the church, I hadn’t answered my phone, or even looked at the texts everyone had sent. The only time I even touched my phone was when I decided I wasn’t going to waste my honeymoon or the chance to finally be free and do all the things I had seen my classmates and college friends do. I had called Britney, told her that I wanted to go, but I didn’t want to go alone, and she jumped at the chance to join me. It cost me some of my saving to have the flight details changed to hers, but it was so worth it. “I am going to dance, give you two some time to know each other.” Britney says before she practically runs off, disappearing into the crowd. I look after her with desperate eyes, wishing she wouldn’t leave me alone. I really don’t know how to talk to men and now I am going to have to figure it out on my own. “I do have a question, if you don’t mind me asking.” Gabriel says, so close to me that I nearly throw my drink that I am holding onto as if it will somehow anchor me. Gabriel has moved closer, his blue eyes now clear in the dim light. He truly is a beautiful man. His dirty blonde hair is lighter at the tips, and it looks like he has been running his hands through it, leaving it in a sexy, mess on his head. He could be a model and will most definitely be the model in my fantasies in the future. “What would you like to know?” I ask him, shifting closer to him. I don’t know why, but I have this need to smell him and I don’t want to look like a dog smelling its master for any betrayal, so I try to be subtle. He smells like woods and spice and a slight floral scent is also mixed in there. He smells like comfort, and I really wouldn’t mind falling asleep in this man’s arms if it means I could smell his scent all night long. “Why the woman that slept with your fiancé? I assume you had other options?” He asks, but there is no judgment, just honest curiosity. “Because they were all at the wedding. They heard my pain and some of them didn’t even look surprised, like they knew he was sleeping with someone. I just couldn’t stand having one of them here and constantly wonder if they knew. I mean, I should’ve known probably, but I was so in love, so blinded by this idea that I might just have found someone that would understand me, that would experience life with me. The sad thing is, every time he came back to town after one of his work trips, he would bring flowers, some, or other small gift. He was so loving, and I think that is what hurts the most. Knowing that he was only so happy and loving because he had a few days to get his c**k wet.” I tell him and then I cover my mouth, shocked that I would even say that word out loud. “I truly am pathetic.” I say, my shoulders dropping. I need to get back to that numb feeling. I reach for my drink, hoping that is will help me to feel nothing but happy vibes again. I take a sip, but then decide screw it, and down the entire cocktail. “Will you sleep with me?” I blurt out after I am done and I try to keep a straight face, but I can’t fight the blush working its way up my neck. Gabriel stands there frozen, his mouth open and then he closes it before he speaks. “Sorry, come again.” He says and I really don’t want to say it again, but I want to get rid of my virginity more than I want to hide under the table. “Wil you sleep with me?” I ask him again, really hoping he isn’t as drunk as I am. I really need at least one of us to know what they are doing. “I have another question.” He says and I have to remind myself that he isn’t saying no. At least not yet. “Whatever you need to know, I will answer it, as long as you will sleep with me.” I tell him, hoping I am not scaring him off. After a moment of being quiet, he straightens and then takes a seat where Britney had been, putting distance between us. “Alright, I will sleep with you, but on a few conditions.” He says and I am not sure if I feel relieved or like I just stepped on a landmine. “First, are you from a religious family, and is that why you wanted to wait until you were married before drinking and sleeping with someone?” He asks and I really wish he had asked anything else. “Yes.” What more is there to say to that. “Alright, then we will do this the right way. Two things, you are going to sober up, because I need you to give your consent that I can sleep with you and no, it doesn’t count if you are drunk.” He says when I open my mouth to argue, but then again, he is really taking this well and if he needs me to be sober to do this, then I am sure I can handle that. “You said there were two things.” I remind him. “Yes, marry me.” He says and this time, I am glad I downed my drink, or I might just be choking on it right now.
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