Chapter 2

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MARA'S POV Everyone was having a great time in our living room, but I chose to lock myself away in the room, focusing on tinkering with my drone. My parents and sister didn't pressure me to join in because they knew I was uncomfortable around crowds. Besides, after what I did earlier, I couldn't bring myself to face Denver. Embarrassment coursed through me. I was pretty sure Denver wouldn't spill the beans about my confession—he was not the type to kiss and tell—but guilt still gnawed at me. I shouldn't have taken that risk; it felt like I was betraying my sister in some way. One of the reasons I avoided social events was that I constantly compared myself to my sister. People often say she was beautiful, talented, and popular. But weren't I as well? Our living room was practically a shrine to my academic achievements, yet it seemed they were nothing because I lacked a recognizable name. Here I was again, drowning in my own insecurities. Why did I always turn everything into a competition? I should appreciate the unconditional love my sister gives me and stop thinking this way. I sighed, getting up from my seat and grabbing the empty mug from the side table. I would wash it in the kitchen. Just as I was about to reach the kitchen, I froze in my tracks when I saw my sister and Denver having a serious conversation—no, it was more like an argument. I could see Denver clenching his jaw while my sister looked apologetic. What's going on? "Why are we discussing this again?" Denver's voice carried frustration. "Hon, please try to understand. You know how much of a dream come true it is for me to perform alongside Martina Rossi. She's a ballet legend." Denver shook his head. "How many days will you be gone?" "A month and a half." "What? Did you hear what you said, Bella?" "Hon, please!" I had a pretty good idea about what they were arguing about. Actually, my sister informed us last week that she would be flying to Italy for a major ballet show. Even Mom asked her about the wedding preparations, considering it was just around the corner. My sister assured her that she would be able to handle it by putting the responsibility on me. She assigned me the task of handling the wedding invitations and giveaways, telling me to coordinate with the wedding planner. "Alright, but make sure you come back on the agreed date," Denver surrendered. "Thank you, Hon!" I saw my sister lean in to kiss Denver, and I pressed myself against the wall to avoid seeing it. "Come on, let's welcome the guests," Bella said. "Later. I'll follow." "Why?" "I'll just finish drinking this beer," Denver replied. "Okay, but follow me later, hon." When I spotted my sister approaching from where I was hiding, I immediately ran to the nearby cabinet. Then I breathed a sigh of relief when I heard her footsteps fade away. I peered over the corner to see what Denver was up to and saw him enter the kitchen. We were used to his presence because he visited Bella frequently. My parents treated him as if he were their child, allowing him to move freely throughout our house. After a few minutes, he still hadn't come out of the kitchen. I tightened my grip on the mug. I could have washed it later, but the temptation to see what my professor was doing inside the kitchen won out. I knew how devastated he was by my sister's decision. Slowly, I took a hesitant step inside. There, I saw Denver leaning near the sink. Sadness was evident in his eyes as he held a beer. I cleared my throat to make my presence known. He automatically glanced in my direction. "Seems like you're lost in thought," I said, approaching the sink. I turned on the tap and started washing the mug. "I just have something on my mind." "Why are you alone here?" "Drinking this beer," he answered quietly. I nodded, sensing that he needed some time alone, so I hurried to my task. "Do you already know about your sister Bella's plan to fly to Italy?" Denver asked just as I closed the faucet. "We know, but we haven't told you because Bella should break the news herself." "I don't know what to do with your sister anymore, Mara," he sighed. "Bella loves you very much. You know that and you can feel it too. But even before she met you, didn't she dream of performing on the same stage with her Martina Rossi?" Denver let out a deep breath. "I think you're right. Maybe I've been too selfish." "You're not selfish; you just love Bella so much and want to be with her," I said, trying to make my voice sound normal even though I was hurting inside. "Thanks, Mara." "Alright, I'll go back to my room." "Wait!" He took a seat at the table and motioned for me to sit beside him. When I complied, he pulled out his phone, showing me pictures. "I wanted to surprise your sister. I want to buy her a diamond wedding ring. Do you think this one looks good?" he asked, showing me the ring he picked. "It's beautiful..." "How about this one?" He scrolled again. "That's beautiful too, but shouldn't you be asking Bella about this?" "Yes, but that wouldn't be a surprise anymore." "I see. This one is stunning." I pointed to the last one shown. The design was simple yet elegantly captivating. "Good. That's also my first choice. I'll have it personalized." "Okay, I'll go ahead, Professor." "Let's go together," he said, standing up. He went first, and I trailed behind him. But I was taken aback when he suddenly turned to face me, causing me to step back and jerked my body backward to avoid making touch, which led me to lose balance. Before I hit the floor, his arms wrapped around my waist, catching me. "S-sorry..." I stammered, unable to look him in the eyes as our faces were just inches apart. He helped me to stand. I wasn't sure whether I was the only one who felt awkward, but the way he held the back of his neck with one hand in his pocket suggested he was. "I forgot my keys," he explained, getting the car key he had left on the table. He put it there while showing me the pictures. "Oh, I see. Alright, then, I'll leave." I hurriedly walked away from him. *** MARA'S POV It was hard to believe that I was being dragged into a musical play competition organized by our university. Apparently, every department needed a representative, and since nobody from the Computer Engineering department volunteered, I was chosen against my will. Yes, I did have a voice, but it was mostly limited to singing in the shower or while doing dishes. I couldn't imagine performing on a stage in front of a crowd. To make matters worse, I was assigned the role of Cinderella in this musical play. It was my chance to take the spotlight, but I really hoped it wouldn't be like this. Dressing up and putting on makeup was not exactly my comfort zone. But could I really refuse when my grade depends on how well I perform in this play? As I entered the classroom, a sour expression still lingered on my face. My shoulders slumped, reflecting my mood. Of course, my ever-annoying classmate, Ronan, couldn't resist approaching me. He was the one who never let a day go by without teasing me. With an irritating grin, he held out a piece of paper. My eyes widened as I read the words "Prince Charming." Did this mean he was going to be my partner? I instinctively touched my head as a sudden headache set in. "I'll be your prince charming, my Cinderella," he said with a mock bow. "Could you please give it a rest? I'm really not in the mood for your jokes." "You're never in the mood for anything. You always have that serious look on your face. I'm actually looking forward to this; I heard we have a kissing scene." "I already told you to leave me alone!" "I'm finally going to find out what your lips taste like." "One more word, and you're going to regret it!" There was a threat in my tone now. His friends also joined in the teasing, reminding me of the days when Ronan and I were considered a "couple." Yes, he once spread the rumors that he and I were officially dating. Well, I wasn't fond of his approach. I didn't want to be the class clown. My mom and my older sister Bella always taught me that women should be treated like delicate crystals—valued and respected. I shot a glare at my classmates, and they fell silent, except for Ronan. "Cinderella, the Fairy Godmother is going to transform you, and I'll finally get to see you without those glasses." "Just stop, Ronan!" He smirked. "You look adorable when you're blushing." He was about to pinch me, but I swatted his hand away. Still, he persisted, and now using his left hand he successfully pinched my cheek. "You have no manners!" I gave him a hard hit and a pinch on the shoulder. He dashed off, and I chased after him. We only stopped when someone walked into the classroom—it was Denver. He looked puzzled, his gaze shifting between me and Ronan. It wasn't even his class time. He was probably here to fetch something, as he headed to the drawer. With a file in his hand, he headed toward the door. But before leaving, he glanced at Ronan. "Follow me," he commanded. Ronan pointed at himself, clearly confused, yet he followed Denver anyway. At least, for a few minutes, the world would be quiet. I sat back down and retrieved my book. Reading was my routine every time our professor was late. I had just started reading when Ronan returned, scratching his head. "What?" I asked as he remained standing in front of me. "Are you sure that Professor Denver is your sister's boyfriend?" "What are you talking about ?" "If I didn't know he was about to marry your sister, I'd think he had a thing for you. He gave me a piece of his mind. He told me not to bother you, as if he's jealous." I shook my head. "Have you had too much coffee again? Your sanity seems to be slipping away."
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