Chapter 1: Crash

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Chapter 1: Crash Adam Evans lay in his stasis chamber, in limbo between consciousness and the oblivion of induced sleep. Although his eyes were closed, he had a strong sense that something was askew. His body ached, more than usual after such a long hibernation, and he felt somewhat awkward within the confines of his coffin-sized capsule. With a great degree of effort he willed himself to roll onto his side, but he misjudged the force needed and toppled forwards. He was falling. The unexpected sensation sent a surge of adrenalin coursing through his veins. His eyes shot open seconds before his head connected with the floor of the space shuttle in a flash of pain. He dragged himself across the floor with weak and shaky arms, easing the rest of his body out of the damaged stasis chamber. His legs flopped onto the deck with a thud and for a few minutes he lay with his eyes closed, trying to comprehend where he was and what had happened. The feeling of spreading wetness finally roused Adam. He opened his eyes to see the cabin filling with water. He sat up, a little too quickly; the action causing a spray of stars to dart about in front of his eyes. He pressed his hands against the throbbing in his temples and gently raised himself to his feet. He looked in the direction of the cockpit, further down in the water, and saw three bodies almost completely submerged. Only the shoulders and heads of the captain, his co-pilot, and the communications officer were visible. The image was surreal. Inside his head he heard their voices; giving instructions and calling out information to each other as they had done when all five of the crew were last awake together. Now they were lifeless mannequins. He turned to inspect the second stasis chamber, where Jason, the fifth member of the crew was, and found it relatively intact. His own chamber had twisted off its base and sat on its side, wedged against the second unit. Gripping the side and bending his legs, he dug his feet in and with an almighty tug, he managed to pull it back towards its base, though only enough to gain access to Jason’s chamber. The water was rising rapidly and had reached the top of his calf muscles. Oxygen was becoming scarce and despite the amount of water seeping in, he was sweating. His instincts were screaming at him to flee, yet a stronger part of his psyche refused to entertain the idea. Not when there was a colleague that needed assistance. He lifted the cover on the control panel of Jason’s stasis unit, punched in the code that would raise the transparent cover, and was surprised to find that it was still operational. “Jason! Wake up!” he said, gently shaking him. At first there was no sign of life. Jason’s bearded face remained still. Only a slight movement of his nostrils indicated that there was life in the pale body at all. “Jason! Wake up! We’ve got to get out of here.” He shook his crew mate a little more vigorously and was rewarded with a groan. “Jason. It’s Adam. Let’s go.” Jason moaned and tried to shrug Adam’s hand off his shoulder, but his movements were sluggish and Adam kept shaking him. Finally, Jason opened his eyes. “What’s going on?” he asked with a slight slur to his words. His eyes blinked rapidly, trying to accustom themselves to the light. “What are you doing?” “The shuttle has crashed, buddy. It’s taking in water. We’ve got to get out of here.” Adam threaded his arm around Jason’s back and began to lift him into a sitting position, but he’d barely moved his friend when Jason held his hand up in a gesture to stop. “Buddy, we’ve got to get the f**k out of here.” Jason frowned. “Just give me a God-damned minute, would you? I can barely move.” His eyes met Adam’s and held their gaze. “Just a minute, okay?” Adam nodded, though he knew he was frowning, too. “Sure thing.” He glanced over his shoulder then without another word he waded through the rising water to the shuttle door. When his hands found the handle he attempted to turn it. It was stiff at first and required a few attempts before it budged, but he was determined. I haven’t survived this bloody crash just to drown now, he thought to himself. “Are you ready?” he called out to Jason. “As soon as I get this door open, that water’s going to come rushing in.” Jason nodded reluctantly. An attempt to stand up resulted in him faltering, then crashing down on his arse. He grimaced as he hit the deck. “Are you right, mate?” asked Adam, wading as quickly as he could back to his crew mate. “Yeah. Yeah,” Jason replied, his frown deepening. “Here, let me help you.” Jason was heavy and it was a battle to hold him up and move through the water at the same time. Once they arrived at the door, Adam leant Jason up against the wall and turned the door handle one last time. “Brace yourself.” He pushed against the door, though it didn’t budge an inch. He looked at Jason and shrugged. Turning side on, Adam leaned away from the door then lunged at it, throwing his entire body weight against it. The door sprang out of its socket with a gentle pop, leaving only a narrow gap around its perimeter. Adam fought against the rushing water to slide the door open and when he had created a space large enough for both of them to swim through, he pushed off with his feet and propelled himself out of the shuttle and into the lake. When he was clear of the sinking craft, he stopped swimming and trod water. He watched the door, waiting for Jason to appear, and once he had, Adam started swimming towards the nearest shore. “Wait for me,” Jason called out. “Come on. We’ve got to get away from it before it goes under.” Only the tail end of the shuttle was visible above the water line but even that was disappearing rapidly. Adam continued treading water while he waited for Jason to catch up. “Bloody hard work swimming in these things,” said Jason referring to their space suits, which were puffing up above the surface of the water. “You’re not wrong, but we’d better keep them on. We might need them,” said Adam spearing off through the water. He’d been on the high school swimming team and competed successfully several times on their behalf. Even after school, after university, he’d maintained his rigorous swimming schedule. It was natural his stroke wouldn’t be as strong after years in space, though his skills in the water had most certainly not abandoned him. By the time they made it to shore they were both near collapse. Adam had just enough strength to pull himself up the muddy bank to the edge of grassy field above it. Glancing over his shoulder and seeing that Jason had made it safely out of the water, he closed his eyes. Although he’d intended to rest only a little while, he drifted into a deep, peaceful sleep. The sun was low on the horizon when he woke up. Jason was still sleeping beside him. Adam sat up and surveyed the surrounding countryside. There was nothing but tall grass and trees. Jungle probably. Across the far side of the lake there was more of the same. No sign of human habitation. The cool evening air was thick with insects and Adam was glad they had decided to keep their spacesuits on. Beneath the lightweight, waterproof fabric he was wearing only a pair of underpants and a singlet. Not nearly enough to protect him from voracious mosquitoes. The sun sank further over the horizon, casting long shadows across the verdant earth. Aside from the insects, there were sounds of other, larger creatures. Most of the noises—the chattering of monkeys and the squawking of birds—were coming from the jungle, although every now and again their distant calls were punctuated by the growl of something closer, on the grasslands, not far from where Adam and Jason were. After waking Jason, Adam suggested they find somewhere to spend the night. “The jungle?” suggested Jason. “We’ll be less of a target there than out here on the open range.” “Yeah, but most of the racket seems to be coming from the jungle.” Adam started walking. He had intended to go just a little further out from the lake to get the lay of the land, but feeling secure with Jason by his side, the men ended walking quite some distance from where they had crashed. “We need a cave or something,” said Adam. “Some place where we’re protected on as many sides as possible.” “What’s that over there?” Jason pointed to a rise, shrouded in dark shadows just a few metres from where they were standing. A loud roar, near enough to set Adam’s heart racing, hurried them on their way. “That was f*****g close,” said Jason. When they arrived, they discovered that the rise was an outcrop of rocks. One side was completely covered with dirt and grass. The other side, rocky and pitted with overhangs and shadowy cavities, looked as if it might be worth exploring. Adam climbed onto the first boulder. “Careful,” said Jason standing back and casting a nervous eye over his shoulder. “If there is a cave, something else might be using it.” Adam didn’t respond. He’d been so intent on finding shelter for the night that he hadn’t considered that any cave he found might already have an occupant. He sure didn’t want to risk rousing any slumbering animal by shouting a reply. A little further up he discovered a low hanging ledge with just enough room for two men to be able to squeeze into. It was far from ideal but the night was almost upon them and the sounds of unseen beasts were growing louder. And nearer. “We’ll have to take it in turns to keep watch,” said Adam. “There’s a good supply of rocks we can use to throw at anything that gets too close.” “You want to go first watch?” asked Jason. “I can hardly keep my eyes open.” Adam considered the request. He’d been awake longer than Jason. The strange thing was he didn’t feel tired. His body felt a little weary, though his mind was alert. He couldn’t have fallen asleep if he’d been paid to. He agreed that he should keep guard first and after Jason had crawled into the back of the overhang, Adam shuffled in beside him. “This is cosy,” said Jason. “You’re not going to fall asleep, are you? I don’t want to wake up inside some animal.” Adam laughed. “Don’t worry. Just get some sleep, mate.” The night air was cool, but Jason’s body behind him was warm. Lying together in a confined space was probably the best thing they could have done. There was more chance of them dying from hypothermia than from wild animals. The night sky was a beautiful swathe of black velvet studded with innumerable diamonds. The moon was three-quarters full and bathed the earth below in a smoky light. A large shape, probably an elephant, meandered past the outcrop and was soon followed by three or four smaller elephants. Africa, thought Adam. We must have landed in Africa. It was a long way from where the shuttle was expected to have landed, but then again, they had crashed. Something had gone wrong and they had fallen out of the sky. In the morning they would search for a town or village. His stomach rumbled, momentarily interrupting his stream of thought. In the morning they would find something to eat and then go in search of civilisation. Adam could feel his eyelids growing heavier and it was a battle to keep them open. It would probably be better if he sat up. He’d be a little less comfortable then. Yet the will to move was beyond him and the warmth of his comrade behind him was too comforting. He snuggled in closer to Jason so in effect they were spooning. It felt good to be so close to someone. Not necessarily in a s****l way. In a human way. Perhaps the feeling was mutual because just before he fell asleep he felt Jason’s arm slide over his waist. It was morning when they woke up. The bright sun was hot on Adam’s face “We survived the night,” said Jason. “Despite you falling asleep on the job.” Adam looked over his shoulder. “I notice you didn’t take your turn, either.” Jason poked him in the back. “Just get out. I’ve been cooped up in here all night. I want to stretch my legs.” “I need a wash and something to eat,” said Adam, shuffling clear of the overhang. “Good idea. I’ll race you to the lake.” Both men climbed down from the rocks and ran as quickly as their stiff bodies would allow through the long grass to the lake. At the lakeside they undressed and dived into the water. “f**k, it’s cold,” said Jason. “Nah, mate. The word is ‘refreshing’,” said Adam, grinning. He cupped his hands together and scooped up some water. It looked crystal clear and good enough to drink. He tasted a little. It was cool and fresh in his mouth. He drank some more and then cupped his hands again. He drank and drank until he felt bloated and only stopped because he was beginning to feel a little nauseous. “So what are our plans?” he asked. “Food,” said Jason. “There’s got to be some fish in here, don’t you reckon?” Adam studied the water. “Don’t know. Even if there is, how are we going to catch them? How are we going to catch anything? We’ve got no weapons and nothing to make any with.” “I’ve got an idea,” said Jason. Adam watched as Jason waded towards the shore, his thick, muscular body carving its way through the water with ease. He stepped out of the lake, his hairy body dripping with water and his gluteal muscles flexing beneath the pale white skin of his butt cheeks as he walked. Adam’s c**k grew rigid when Jason turned and gave him a wave, exposing his thick c**k, surrounded by a dense jungle of pubic hair and dangling over low hanging balls. Too soon Jason turned and disappeared from view. Under cover of the water, Adam grabbed his c**k and began to stroke it, making long, slow movements. He closed his eyes and there was Jason once again, his toned, muscular body resplendent before his eyes. He was smiling, his perfect teeth framed by a dark moustache and beard. Adam slid his hand across his chest, tweaking first one n****e and then the other as his hand continued its labours beneath the surface of the water. It had been so long since he’d felt such ecstasy. Aboard the shuttle there had been no opportunities for s*x and only rarely could he masturbate. Last night, despite his body being pressed up against Jason’s, despite the fact Jason was so groggy that perhaps something more might have happened, he’d been too tired to consider s*x. Yet now that he was naked and had the warm sun on his bare flesh, there was nothing to stop him from releasing a bit of s****l energy. His free hand disappeared beneath the water of the lake and passed over the skin of his hip around to his buttocks and into the crevice. He slipped a finger in and when it touched the puckered skin of his anus, he shuddered. His mind stayed on an image of him and Jason, lying together beneath the overhang, except in his fantasy they were naked. Instead of the finger at his arsehole, it was Jason’s c**k. He could feel the soft flesh of Jason’s thick lips upon his neck and shoulder, and feel the tickle of Jason’s facial hair each time he breathed. Jason’s big uncut prick was inside him now. He could feel it filling him up, pressing against his prostate. Jason was sucking his neck. He could feel Jason’s tongue licking him; feel Jason’s fingers twisting the small dark nubs of his n*****s as his hips moved backwards and forwards into him. Adam’s lips parted. An almost inaudible sigh escaped his throat as he lifted his face towards the sun and shot his load into the lake water. He removed his finger from his arsehole and looked at the c*m as it thickened in the cold liquid. It looked like small worms caught in a spider’s web and when he passed his hand through it, the blob disintegrated into wispy tendrils that drifted away. “Look what I’ve got,” shouted Jason from the bank. He was holding aloft a long stick. “What are you going to do with that?” asked Adam, wading towards him. “It’s a spear. I figured that since we didn’t have anything to sharpen the tip with, I could just snap it off so that the end would already be sharp.” “Okay, so you’ve got a spear. What are you going to catch with it?” Adam stepped out of the water, glancing down at his c**k as he did so to find that it had gone down considerably. “I haven’t seen any fish.” Jason patted him on the shoulder. “You just don’t know where to look.” Adam sat down on the grass at the very edge of the bank and watched Jason wade into the water. For many minutes Jason stood, thigh deep in the lake, waiting. “You’ve got more patience than me,” said Adam, pulling on his underpants and grabbing his singlet. “I’m going to scout about for some fruit or berries or something.” Jason acknowledged him with a wave. The surrounding countryside was slow to reveal its bounty, yet necessity demanded persistence. Mid-way between the shores of the lake and the jungle Adam came across a lone apple tree laden with healthy, green fruit. He plucked one from its branch and tentatively bit into the firm, moist flesh. What he expected to be the sour taste of something unripe, was deliciously sweet and succulent. In a few bites he had demolished all but the core and its pips, which he discarded before picking as many of the larger fruits as he could carry in his singlet. He’d only taken a few steps across the grassy expanse when he noticed a trio of large birds wheeling over the area where Jason was spear fishing. Initially he thought nothing of it. Perhaps Jason had been successful in his bid to catch breakfast and the birds were waiting for the scraps. Yet something told Adam that that wasn’t the reason the birds were circling. There was a vague gnawing sensation in his gut, propelling him to go a little faster. He hurried through the tall grass, dropping apples here and there along the way. He was still a good distance from the lake when he saw dark shapes in the place where he had left Jason. They were stationery. When he got a little closer, he saw that one of the shapes belonged to a bear. He furrowed his brow. He’d assumed they had crash-landed in Africa, but there were no bears in Africa. Nor, upon reflection, did apples grow wild in Africa. Sitting opposite the large black bear were two female lions, both of whom had snouts stained red with what could only be blood. All three animals were staring down at something that lay in the centre of their small circle. There was no sign of Jason. Adam let go off his singlet, releasing all the apples so that they rained down around his feet, bouncing as they hit the soft ground. He felt the blood drain from his face as he willed himself to walk those few steps further that would enable him to see what held the animals’ attention so intently. He swallowed hard. He took a final step. His eyes fell upon a red, bloody mess on the ground. Beside the mess lay the bodies of three large fish, still intact. He gasped. It wasn’t a loud gasp, but enough for the canny hunters to turn their attention towards him. Adam’s eyes widened. He held his breath. The beat of his heart was a bass drum in his ears. One by one the three beasts stood up. Adam took a step backwards. The bear raised its snout and sniffed the air. The two lionesses looked at each other as if they were waiting for the bear to decide what to do. One of them licked her lips. Adam kept moving slowly backwards. Wearing only his underpants, he had no protection whatsoever. If the animals should decide to attack, he would soon become no more than a stain upon the grass, as Jason now was. His only hope, and he hated himself for thinking of it, was that the beasts’ bellies were full and if he kept moving, they would leave him be and forget he ever existed. Suddenly the bear took a step forward and then rose up onto its hind legs. It turned its head first to one side and then the other as though it were scouring the countryside. It then dropped back onto all fours. Slowly it lumbered towards Adam, who by now had put a considerable distance between himself and the trio of wild animals. The two lionesses followed behind the grizzly at a respectful distance, both looking down at Jason’s remains as if they were loath to leave such tasty morsels behind. Adam turned and began to run towards the jungle. Hopefully he’d find protection there. He considered climbing the first tall tree he came to, but remembered that both bears and lions could climb trees as well. His mind was racing. He couldn’t climb a tree. He certainly couldn’t outrun them should any of them decide to give chase. The lions wouldn’t follow him into water but the bear would. He looked over his shoulder. The bear was directly behind him, though several metres away. The lionesses had spread out and were now flanking him on either side. They too appeared to be keeping their distance. But why? Adam’s head was full of thoughts, each jostling for an answer that might save his life. The jungle was now filling his field of vision. It stretched to the horizon on either side and towered over him as he neared its edge. He pushed through the undergrowth and kept running. The wound on his forehead, from his fall in the shuttle, had begun to throb. His mouth and throat were dry and his body was weak. He was a fit man. His slender, muscular physique was the result of many years of lifting weights and swimming. Even aboard the space ship, Jupiter, he had made do with whatever daily exercise he could fit into his schedule. Yet the period spent in stasis had clearly taken its toll. He soon lost sight of the animals, but that didn’t mean they weren’t still following. The undergrowth was so thick and the trees so plentiful that it would have been impossible to see them even if they were only a couple of metres away. He slipped behind a tree whose trunk was wide enough to hide him. He closed his eyes and let his head fall back against the smooth bark while he caught his breath. When his breathing was under control, Adam considered his next move. He was surrounded by jungle and as far as he knew, the bear and the lionesses had given up the chase. Had they not, he would surely have heard the snapping of a twig or the rustling of branches as they approached. Even the birds hidden in the jungle canopy had not been silenced. He stepped forward and c****d his head. In doing so, he caught a snatch of what he thought was laughter. He listened more carefully and heard voices. Men’s voices. They were quite a distance away and he couldn’t make out what they were saying, but it didn’t matter. Adam started walking towards them, breaking into a slow jog when he had pinpointed their exact location.
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