Prank 00

3139 Words
The streets were empty and silent as Friday night hovered over Fontana Heights. The post lights under the big tall trees at the sidewalk were the only source of light of the streets. Even though it was still eight in the evening, the neighborhood looked like it was deserted caused by the eerie ambiance of the cold whisper of the wind roaming around the place. The houses were a meter away from one to another. And only wooden fences divided the area of some houses, some didn't have any --- just a space in between where you could pass by in no time. "Are we all set?" Timothy asked his friends. He looked at the monitor that Milo was setting. Milo adjusted some cables connecting to the television screen from his laptop. "Just a bit more," he replied. Then, he sat on the couch in front of the table where his laptop was being placed. He leaned forward, reaching his hands to the keyboard of the laptop. He pressed several tiles as his eyes were focused on the monitor. After a minute of pressing the keys, he straightened his back. He glanced at the television screen as he tapped the enter key with pressure. "And we're all set," he announced. A wide smile crept on their faces as the television screen flashed a split screen of live footages from different parts of a house. Timothy looked at his friends. "Nikki, do you have the number already?" he asked. "Of course I already have it." Nikki waved the phone on her right hand, showing a telephone number. Timothy grinned. "Good." He felt arms snaked from his back to his chest, embracing him. And a chin was placed on his right shoulder. He placed his hands on top of the arm wrapping his body. He massaged it gently. "Are you done with your assignment, baby?" "Is that even a question, baby?" Shenna asked back. She loosened her arms. She grabbed the new mobile phone laying on the couch on their left side. Her red long straight hair fell along at the side of her face as she leaned forward to the couch. Timothy turned around to see Shenna. His smile widened and it slowly transformed into a grin. All was ready. Executing their plan was the only thing left for them to do. Shenna handed him the brand new mobile phone she bought this afternoon. She lend it to Timothy, giving him the authority to use it. She brushed her hair to the back of her ears and shoulders. She shot him a sweet smile as she thought of how their plan would work well this time. She expected that this will be successful as their previous pranks to the other kids in the neighborhood. Timothy smirked. He eyed his other friends who were already on their stations and waiting for his cue. His eyes were filled with excitement as a wider grin crept on his lips. "Let the show begin!" he announced in a low and cold voice. Nikki gave Timothy the number he asked her to get. He then faced the mobile phone, turning it on. He typed the number not to register it but to call it. Before tapping the dial icon, he glanced at Milo. He nodded to him, giving him a signal to start the video and the live stream. When Milo clicked a tile on the keyboard, he then started the call. He sat on the couch facing the television screen. Shenna followed on his side. The four of them focused their eyes on the television as it flashes a live footage from one of their neighboring house. And a teenage girl was sitting on the edge of her bed with her head looking towards the phone ringing at the top of the bedside table along with the not so small lampshade. The lampshade was just giving the enough amount of light to illuminate a small area in the room. The girl reached for her phone. She stared at it. Even though they couldn't see her facial expression from the camera's angle, they're sure as hell that her eyebrows were crooked. Timothy placed the mobile phone he's holding right next to his ear. It was still ringing. They couldn't wait for the girl to answer the call. They almost lost their patience when the girl only stared at her phone with an unregistered number on the screen for several minutes. Timothy was starting to get annoyed, planting another set of more horrible things in his head for the girl once she answers the call. He tapped his foot impatiently. Shenna held his shoulder, making him calm and wait a little longer. "Baby, relax. She will answer the call. Don't worry. This will be fun. Just wait," she muttered. She brushed her hand from his shoulder to his arm gently. Then, she smiled at him. The girl clicked the phone. She then placed it on her right ear. "Hello?" Her voice was unsure. It was a bit shaky. "There you go," Milo commented frenziedly. His fingers were itching to tap some keys as he felt the adrenaline with what’s about to happen. "Turn the volume louder, babe," Nikki squealed at Milo's side. Milo covered Nikki's mouth using his hands. He put the his index finger of his free hand on his lips, gesturing for her to quiet. He moved his head to Timothy's direction. Nikki calmed down, tapping his arm to make the volume louder. Shenna moved back a little away from Timothy. "I told you," she mouthed silently as she rest her back at the backrest of the couch. Timothy's grin went back on his lips. He smirked evilly. You'll pay for making us wait. He took a deep breath. "Hello, Joy! How are you tonight?" He deepened his voice, making it unrecognisable to the other line. He watched her in the screen in front of him. "Who is this? Where did you get my number?" Joy, on the other side, asked surprisingly. Timothy disregarded her question. "It doesn't matter, Joy. Now, answer my question, how are you tonight? Are you having fun? By the way, your clothes looked so good in you. It suits you." He stood up. He walked near the television screen with his eyes focused on the girl named Joy frantically turning her head back and forth to different directions. "W-What are you talking about? Who is this? Who are you?" Joy's voice started to rattle. Shenna, Nikki and Milo pocketed their laugh, holding it as much as possible. The show was just getting started. Timothy bit his lips, stopping the chuckle on his throat. "Hey, Joy, just relax. You don't need to panic. I just want to tell you that you look so beautiful in your clothes tonight. I love how the loose dress hung on you shoulders." He wanted to laugh but he must not. Or else, this will end right away. They saw Joy stood up swiftly. She strode towards her window, sliding the curtains from being folded as it hangs on the side. "How did you know what I'm wearing? Where are you?" She looked around her room, securing to herself that no holes were left where someone could peep inside. "How did I know what you're wearing? How about you guess, Joy, on how I know that you wear a knee length blue dress with floral designs imprinted on a little bit see through cloth? I'm loving you more because of how you look tonight," Timothy suggested. His grin got even bigger when he saw the increasing number of viewers at the upper left corner of the screen. "What do you think about it, Joy? And by the way, please don't just stand on your feet. I can see your black undies, babe," he hushed seductively. Rushing, Joy grabbed the covers of her bed. She wrapped it on her body, hiding her slim figure. "This is not funny. Who are you? And what are you up to?" Timothy covered the mobile phone with his hands. He averted his gaze to Milo. "Is there anybody in their house?" he whispered. Milo checked the other footages using his laptop, to know if there are other people inside the house. He made sure that he didn't interrupt the live stream. Then, he looked at Timothy who was waiting for him. He raised his right hand, shaking it, with a small smile on his lips. "Nice," Timothy couldn't stop to utter. The situation was cooperating to their plan and to his newly added plan. He took his attention back to the call. Joy was still there on the other line. He thought that it's the perfect timing to drop their major plan for Joy. What he did was just a warm-up. Before everything else, he looked at his friends one by one, taking their approval which they gladly gave with a simple nod. Shenna stood up. She stepped closer to Timothy. "I'll prepare the food. I know this will be a success," she said to Timothy in a very low voice. She pecked a kiss on his lips and glided her hand to his body down to his crotch before she went to the kitchen. She winked. With how Shenna touched him, he must make this show a perfect one. A wonderful reward awaited him which he couldn't wait much longer to claim. He focused back to the call and to the girl they're watching. "I'm at your living room, Joy. Can I come inside your room and share a steamy night under your covers?" He made it sound as enticing as he could. Once he uses this sound of his voice, no one could resist him. Not even a single girl he knew and met in school. It is one of his assets. He could easily put anyone under his control with just his voice. And let's add his prominent jaw, pointed nose, thick eyebrows, thin pinkish lips and the hot and sexy lean body he has that will trap anyone within his hands. In no time, he saw Joy dash to her door. She locked it. "What the fvck are you doing inside our house?" Her voice raised. They could clearly hear her subtle breathing and see how her hands shake. "Ohh. Don't tell me you forgot that you invited me tonight? Remember at school, you came to me, asking me to be with you tonight," Timothy added. The more words he uttered, the higher number of viewers they’re getting. A lot of people were watching their show. "What? I didn't ask anyone at school, you freak. I'll call the police if you don't leave our house," Joy threatened but her voice betrayed her. Fear was evident in her voice as it cracked at the end of her sentence. Timothy started to enjoy. Joy was starting to freak out. "Not so fast, babe. We still have a night to savour. Won't you like the idea that we will share a hot steamy night? Me on top of you as you cry my name in pure pleasure? I'm getting bored here in your living room. I think, I’ll just have to go into your room instead, babe. I can't wait to touch you," he alluringly muttered. "I'm coming, babe. Don't lock the door so I can come in easily." Even though he was saying this words to Joy, he's not imaging it with her. He imagined it with Shenna in his mind as he spoke. He saw Joy lock the door using the other set of locks at the upper edge corner of the door. He was surprised when Joy did it. He didn't saw the other locks on the door. Joy moved to the side of the small cabinet near her door. She pushed it with all her strength, blocking the door with it. "Hey, babe, why did you lock the door and you even moved the cabinet. How am I supposed to come in?" He couldn't stop to comment. He really wanted to laugh as he saw how Joy desperately blocked the door with heavy things in her room. He gazed at Milo and Nikki. They were also holding themselves from laughing so hard . Nikki was already clutching her stomach. "This is not funny, whoever you are, mister. Get out of the house already," Joy shouted. "I don't even know who you are." It's still not enough. He knew he could do something more. He could make Joy freak out even more. He scanned Joy's room from the monitor, thinking what he will say next. His eyes shot at the window. The wind blows were making the curtain dance in thin air. The windows were still open. "Babe, it's me. We are supposed to be having a good time now. Why are you acting like that?" Timothy said soothingly. "Stop it already. I don't even have a boyfriend." "You have a boyfriend, babe. And it's me. Please, open the door. I'm already getting a hard on beneath my pants. My thing down there couldn't wait to dive deeper inside you, babe." True to his words, he's really getting a hard time on his tool. All this time, he was thinking about him and Shenna. Yet, he must continue this to get more viewers and earn his reward. "I'll call the police now," shaking, Joy shouted again. She crawled into her bed. She folded her knees on her chest. "Then, call the police if you can, babe." Timothy signalled to Milo. In an instant, Milo, with his expertise in computer and technology, blocked anything that could stop or interrupt their call. They saw Joy ending the call but it didn't happen. She also tried to call the police as what she said. And again, she failed. Her shoulders dropped. Timothy dialed Joy's number again. This time Joy answered it in no time. "What do you want from me?" with a shaky voice which almost cracked, Joy asked. "Did you call the police? Oh let me rephrase that, were you able to call the police? I told you, you can't do that. Now, open the door and let me in, babe. We have a long night to enjoy." Timothy smiled mischievously. He breathed, waiting for Joy's response. He watched closely in the television, observing how will she react. Joy stood up. She put her phone away from her ear. She faced it. "You are out of your mind," she shouted. "Leave our house already and leave me alone, you, freak!" she continued, screaming at the mobile phone. Timothy laughed evilly. "No, babe. I won't let you be all alone tonight. Remember, I promised to stay with you all night long? I'm just doing what I said to you. Now open the door. Or I'll climb through your window. You want that?" He couldn't hold his loud laughter as Joy’s eyes widened. She almost dropped on her knees when she quickly ran to the window. Her foot hit the corner of her bed. "Are you really challenging me, babe? Close the windows and I will break the door of your bedroom." He sat back on the couch. He leaned his back as he enjoyed watching Joy losing her mind. "I think that's enough already, Tim," Nikki butted in as Joy's breathing got heavier from the phone call. They could hear everything from the phone. Not only them but also the people watching the live stream. Timothy glanced at Nikki. "Not so fast, Nikki. Not yet." "But she's freaking out already, Tim. Can't you see it." Nikki looked at her boyfriend, Milo. "Stop the live stream already. We’ve already seen enough." Timothy stretched his arm away from his head with the mobile phone on his hand so their conversation won't be heard. "A little bit more, Nikki. Just chill. We got this." He threw his eyes back to the television screen. "When the views hit a thousand I will stop. Just a little bit longer." "Okay. Fine." Nikki crossed her arms. She sent daggers to Milo as the guy only shrugged his shoulders. They can't do anything. Timothy was in charge of this plan. She sighed. "Fine. When it hits a thousand viewers, tell her already that she's been pranked." "Sure. No problem," eyes focused on the screen, Timothy agreed. He put the mobile phone back to his ear. "Will you open the door now, babe?" Joy’s trembling was clear. She almost couldn't move her finger. "N-No. Leave me alone already, whoever you are! I will sue you for trespassing." Her voice quavered. "Will you really do that, babe? You don't even know me as you said. If that is the case, I will make my way inside your room. At least I got a taste of you before you sue me. How about that?" Timothy replied. He made a walking sound as if he was really nearing the door. Joy could hear it on the call. She darted her eyes at the door, moving her body backwards to the corner of he room near the window. She crossed her legs, making herself small. Timothy bit his lips as he holds the loud sound of his laughter. His chest and shoulders were gradually moving up and down every second he held himself from cracking. "Did I miss something?" Shenna asked. She stopped in front of Timothy, standing. She was holding a plate of chips on both hands. Timothy pointed his fingers which she followed. She almost dropped the chips as she saw Joy. Her eyes landed on the number of viewers. "Oh my god! Five more people and we will reach a thousand viewers," she happily sang quietly. Timothy's eyes travelled to the upper left corner of the screen. It was true that they only need a few more. But, it was now down to two. He slightly pouted. He was still enjoying the show yet as what he promised, a thousand viewers is a thousand viewers, he'll stop. "One," Nikki mentioned. "And a thousand." Timothy sighed, twitching his lips to his right cheek. He glanced back at the television screen. And now, he let his laughter burst out as he saw Joy's situation; her messy hair, her head couldn't stop from moving, and she's hugging her legs. "W-Why are you laughing?" Timothy caught his breath. He calmed himself. "Relax, Joy. You don't need to freak out. Listen carefully." A big smile painted on his lips. "You have been pranked, Joy!" Then, he laughed loudly. "I'm not even in your house. No one is inside your house other than you. By the way, thank you for the wonderful show you gave, Joy!" He then ended the call. And the laughter they were holding volumed up, clutching their stomach.
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