Do or die!

1172 Words
"I don't want to get married" roared Amaan. While he was in the penthouse one day he had a visit from his mother. Since the day he has left his mansion to live in his penthouse he didn't bother to visit his family nor received their call. A strict person like his father failed to talk to his son, although he had many ways to talk to him, as a father he never wanted to make it more difficult for Amaan more. As a businessman Salar Hashmi never failed, nevertheless, as a father, he was nothing but helpless. His son was living in denial and still, he couldn't make him come back to reality, come back to his responsibilities towards his family. When it comes to business Hashmi's were called brutal since they never failed to accomplish anything they set their eyes on. Here they were straining to convince their youngest son helplessly. Salar Hashmi was not recognized to be lenient even if it comes to his family. He believed in honor and prestige the most and would never let anything hamper his family honor even if it means renouncing his own son. The entire Hashmi's family, which includes her two brothers who reside overseas to see after their business and their wives were in their living room to discuss Amaan's second marriage. Amaan also has a sister who was a professor at an American university and visits them during vacation along with her family. Daughter in-laws in the Hashmi household were never taken as trophies which are set only to be kept at home. They were liberals who believed everyone should pursue their natural endowments. Salar Hashmi always likes liberal women and that's how he fell in love with his wife who unlike others was never a housewife. Instead, she handles her own NGO along with her daughters-in-law. Because of his belief, he was always fond of Raina as she held her own individuality. Being from a middle-class setting, she never preyed on her husband's wealth instead created her own small business which includes 3 coffee shops. She was full of life as well as hardworking.  'Raina will never come back, he has to move on, I am not letting my son's stubborn ruin his life' Salar thought to himself. While Amaan was breathing heavily, trying to suppress his anger, his parents were all the more calm and composed. His mother spoke, seeing his stubbornness. "How are you planning to spend the rest of your life? Hmm? In that stinky penthouse? Or immersing yourself in wine?" She was trying hard not to cry and act as cold as possible or else her son would never oblige. "Even If I am coerced to get married there is no way I am going to marry her, even if she is the last person on earth" he could no longer control his anger and smashed the nearby vase. He simply could not understand why out of all his parents chose her. Whatsoever the reason is he would rather die than get married to her. Salar could not take it any longer and suddenly stood facing his son, "If you don't agree to our proposal I will disown you and will banish you from the family, I don't need a drunkard as my son who only wants to spoil his life and the family name just for his stubbornness." Having stated that, he stormed out of the room, leaving his wife, Amaan, and his brother behind. Amaan knew very well when his father decided something he meant. Getting disowned from his business was not bothersome to him, but he still needs his family. He looked at his elder brother for some help, however, he also turned a blind eye and told him instead, " I agree with the father's decision. I hope your ego is not larger than your family." Amaan in frustration runs his hand in his hair and tries to speak calmly to get his point clear "I don't mind getting thrown out of the house but I do mind marrying her. Fine! If you want me to marry, I will marry anyone except her." "Amaan, do you remember the promise you made to Raina? His mother told. He froze, how could he not remember everything he told her, promised her. He shook his head and said," Ma! Please don't do this to me." "Do you remember or not?" Since when his mother became so inconsiderate towards him. He just nodded. "What was promised?" "I promised her that I would do one thing you requested me." He said while looking at his mother. He recognized where this conversation was ending and it was definitely not in his favor. He regretted the day he made such a lame promise to her had he know what it would make him do in the future. That day all he wanted was to make her happy even if that means promising her something which he was unaware of. He was thinking rapidly for a way to get out of the mess without breaking his promise. Suddenly it occurred to him. He knew he had to take the risk, he knew he was taking the bait, first of all, he never wants to get married, and secondly not to that woman. This was the only means to get the situation in his favor and he played a bit. He kneeled in front of his mother, looking straight into her eyes," if this is what you want me to do I will do it-:" As he realized his mother getting happy he interrupted her,"-but on one condition." "If only she is willing to marry me then only you should consider this proposal?" He spoke calmly. This time his arrogance blinded him and why not when he already knew her answer. "Trust me, baby, she would never talk to you and forget about meeting you," Raina said, getting irritated with his constant pestering. "But why? What have I done to her?" Amaan asked, confused as he could not understand why would anyone ignore him. "Because..." Raina stopped in between feeling sad and not knowing how to answer him. "Oh, come on, what happened," while holding her in his arm and consoling her. Raina raised her head and looked into his eyes and said, "Because of me she hates you, she wished you never existed in this world" 'Why' he thought Amaan wanted to ask her, but he stopped seeing that it was making her sad and he never wanted to see her in pain. He knew why she was sad, but he could not help her. He felt helpless. Amaan was still in the flashback when his mother agreed. "Okay" Deep down, he was happy that he was capable of solving his problem as he was well aware of how much Asmara hated him, not that he was her fan though. He smiled to himself.  Unknown to him, destiny already had played its game and he was bound to lose.
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