
Mending the Broken

love after marriage
second chance
arranged marriage

What if Raghu falls in love with a divorced girl? what if he is divorced too? More than that, What if she is his ex-wife? And to add some spice, What if his parents already fixed another girl for him?.........

To know the answers, join me in the journey of Raghu's life.

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Chapter - 1
Third Person Pov... "Thank god, finally I can live in a peace" Raghu said with a big sigh. Right now he is standing near his car with his friend Surya waiting for the advocate. "Its me who is going to have a peaceful life away from an abuser like  you and your mother" a sweet voice came from his side. He turned to see Reshmi his wife, sorry his now ex-wife standing there with a smirk. "Actually you know what? I feel like  throwing a big fat party to this whole world to celebrate my freedom from you" she continued with the smirk still in her lips. "How dare you to call me and my mother an abuser you selfish woman. Let me see how you live peacefully after affending me" Raghu shouted. He can feel his rage rising inside him, even by simply looking at her.  "Calm down man,she is angering you on purpose" Surya calmed Raghu after knowing that his shouting has gathered them a few audiences. "Stop shouting at me, You have no rights over me right now, go and find a coward like you to show this anger".  Reshmi said in a mocking tone. "Now good bye you abuser hope I will not look at your monstrous face again in my whole life" She said while getting in a car which has been waiting for her.  "How dare you" Raghu moved towards her with a motive to teach her a proper lesson.  "Stop it Raghu you are making a scene" said Surya who caught his hands at the right time. "Seems like she have forgotten her place leave me da let me teach her a proper lesson this time" Raghu tried to free his hands from his friend's hold. "Shut up you i***t" Surya shouted at his friend and dragged him inside the car.  "Thank god she is free now" Surya said in a low voice. "What did you say" Raghu asked him "no..nothing I was just humming a song" Surya said while silently thanking god for not letting his friend hear what he said.  Few days later.... "Reshmi, come on wake up" Reshmi's mother pulled the sheets from her.  "Oh mom, please let me sleep for some more time" She said in a sleepy voice while covering herself again with the sheets.  "But mom, if she sleeps the whole day then to whom I will give those chocolates that I brought" a crispy male voice asked.  "Annaaaa....." Reshmi squeaked excitedly as soon as she heard his voice. she looked towards her room entrance to find her only brother Akash standing there with his hands full of gifts and face full of love for his little sister".  "Reshmi ran towards her brother and hugged him tightly before snatching the chocolates from him" She opened the the box and is ready to devour them when someone knocked on her head. "You sweet tooth did you forget that you have to brush your teeth first before dumping something in your big mouth" he said with a fake glare.  "Who cares anna, are those animals in the forest were brushing their teeth" she answered playfully shrugging her shoulders.  "Do as you wish, but listen carefully If you are not going to get refreshed right now then I will give the other gifts to someone else" he threatened her. "Ohh no no don't do that" Reshmi shouted as she ran towards the washroom to get fresh. Akash turned to look at his mother who was looking at her children with tears in her eyes. "Why are you crying now mom" Akash asked his mother while lying on her lap.  "Its been a long time since I saw your sister happy like this. It feels like a dream looking my daughter smiling after so many months. I thought that I could not look my daughter happy after that horrible.." "Stop mom, this is not the time to mourn over the past. Right now she is free from the hell and that is what we want" Akash said while wiping the tears in his mother's eyes. But deep inside he cannot control the hatred he have for Raghu.  "Now give me my gifts" Reshmi shouted childishly while coming out of the washroom. She was very happy after a long days. She felt like everything is back to normal.  A week later...  Reshmi was sitting in the balcony reading her favourite novel. She was very immersed in reading that she didn't notice Akash standing there. "Seems like still you have the same liking for reading" Akash said while sitting opposite to his sister. "Sorry anna I didn't notice you coming" Reshmi said while closing her book. "And how can a person get rid of such a wonderful habit" she said.  "Actually I am here to discuss an important matter with you" Akash said in a serious tone. "What is it" Reshmi asked as she leaned forward.  "What are your plans about future Reshmi, I can say that still you are not out of your past life . I know that the smile and a happy face that you give us were all a fake ones to not make us sad" Akash said. Reshmi sat there silently while tears slowly started to wet her cheeks. What her brother said was fully true. She still cannot get herself out of her past life.  "Cry as much as you want dear. From now I should not see tears in your eyes" Akash said as he sat near his sister and hugged her. Reshmi's sobs reduced after sometimes.  "The reason I came here now was to take you with me to Bangalore. I have already asked amma and appa and they are also ok with me" Akash said. "But anna why would you take me there?" Reshmi asked her brother while rubbing her face on his shoulder. "Right now all you need is a change in your life. Staying in the same place with same people will not help you to move on. You have your degree, you can easily get a job there, you will get to meet a lot of new persons and it will help you a lot and moreover you are not alone there. You have me and your anni(sister-in-law) with you." Akash said in a caring tone while rubbing his sister's head lovingly. There was a big silence from Reshmi's side before she accepted to her brother.  Akash and her parents were very happy for her decision. All they want is for her to be happy.  But only if they have known what awaited for her in the future.........

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