4. You Can't Make Me a Fool!!!

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"No Arya You are not doing that. It's my fault. You are not taking the consequences" Aron screamed. He was crying, cursing himself and a total mess. "Listen Aron!! He is so pissed off right now. We have to take the highest chance possible. Since I healed his brother somehow there is more chance that he will spare me from the death penalty" I kept my palm on both sides of his face and stared into his eyes. "So I want you to calm down and help me. I want all of us to get out of this. I will never let anything happen to you" "Aron I think she is right. we don't have much choice, do we? there is a high probability he will forgive Arya." After like half an hour of long thoughts my father broke his silence. "But Dad this is my fault. Arya doesn't know anything about that. What happens if he doesn't forgive us, what happens if he insists on killing her?" "Then he may have to kill all of us" that was my mom. "Yes. Aron stop making yourself a fool again and cooperate. We are trying our best to get out of this, but if we fail we may all die. There is no way that we will let one of us get killed alone. Understood?" it was more like a command from my father. ************************************************************************************************ "So you are telling me you gave this poison to southlanders, aren't you a doctor?" King Edward asked directly looking into my eyes. He was trying so hard to calm himself but I could really feel the anger, and frustration in his voice. All four of us were handcuffed and we were standing in front of the King. They have made a small king council in our own house to give judgment against us. King Edward was sitting on the high chair on a small platform they have made. There was another high chair down the platform, and there sat Prince William. Some ministers or some kind of officials were sitting after him. Then there were us, handcuffed, and guarded by soldiers. There were two three rows of soldiers behind us. And then there were the people we love, our fellow villagers. They were all crying and pleading. Soldiers had to make them silence several times. "Yes, your highness. I was afraid that they will destroy my whole village. And I had no idea, why they wanted the poison" I said trying to stay calm as much as possible. "So if you knew that they are going to use it against your Royal family, wouldn't you give them" it was King Edward again. "No, your highness I would never give them" "So what if they threaten you with the lives of your villagers" "Still I wouldn't give. your highness. We invented this for your father based on his request. We have been loyal to the Royal family for generations. I will not break that even if they kill every single one of us" "So you think it's bad to use this against the Royal family. But it is fine to use it against some other innocent human. you are so cruel to be a Doctor, aren't you?" King Edward laughed aloud. Like he has made some good joke. I actually couldn't understand this human, how he can laugh so spontaneously in a tense situation like this. It's right that is not his life on the edge, but still, he is going to take a critical decision for some other human. "Everything is about priorities, Your Highness" I managed to whisper. The king stood up and walked towards me. "Priorities!!!! Yeah, of course, it is about priorities" He stood right in front of me and peered deep into my eyes. His voice was so sarcastic and he was like searching the truth digging deep down to me. I couldn't stand his gaze anymore. I looked down, I was about to break with tears. I hate to lie. But did I have any other choice? It is all about priorities. "Lock them up. I need more time to take the decision. Make sure you lock each of them separately" King Edward was staring at me for few seconds and commanded. Then he left the hall without saying anything else. ***************************************************************** *Prince William's POV* I walked towards the small cell where we kept her as a prisoner. I was not sure I should go and talk to her or not. I knew something was not right. I felt she was just lying. Yeah. It's true that I didn't know her for a long time to have any opinions like that, it is less than 24 hours after I met her, still, there is something about her which made me feel that she is not capable of doing such thing. She seems so innocent and soft, but I feel she is so strong from inside that she will never let someone take that kind of a dangerous poison no matter how much they threaten her. I sighed. I was right in front of her cell. She was sitting on the floor staring at the wall. She didn't see me as she was staring in the opposite direction. All I can think of was her ocean blue eyes, how delightful they were when Ernest got his conscious back. What can I say? I am not much of an admirer of women's beauty. Every time I meet a woman it is just for some duty, no matter how much some of them tried to seduce me I was so immune to them. I didn't ever felt that I need a woman, until... yes until I see her I recollected the first time I see her in her small treatment house, it was the dawn she was so tired and so much surprised after seeing all of us entering her treatment house. Edward introduced her to me. "She is the one who saved Ernest," he said She smiled. It was the most gorgeous smile I have ever seen in my life. She knew she was in big trouble after finding out who we really are still her smile was so warming, so welcoming, so beautiful. I took her hand and planted a small kiss. It was for saving my little brother but an unfamiliar shiver ran through my whole body with that small touch. Now seeing her sitting on the floor helplessly I knew one thing that Love at First Sight, do exist. ***************************************************************** It was in the night that day both me and Edward was in her cell. Four soldiers were behind us. She was hanged to the wall with her arms using chains. I couldn't see her face clearly, it was covered with here messy golden hair. "Are you sure we want this Edward?"I knew I couldn't demand with the King even though he is my own brother. I was trained to support him, not to question his decisions. yet I had to at least try for her, for the only women in this world who made me feel that I am a normal human being who has desires. "Yes, we do want this" Edward said with his usual emotionless voice. "So Doctor!! I don't want you to hang on like this, trust me I don't want. So I want you to tell me the damn truth" Edward cupped her face with both of his hands and stared into her eyes. "What I have told you is the truth, your highness. I am the only one who can access the safe, so how can someone else get that without me involving" her voice was filled with pain. "So you are stubborn than I thought. I am sorry you don't leave us many choices" Edward took the whip from one of the soldiers and started whipping her. I am a strong person, I have faced many battles, have seen many people dying and I have killed so many from my own hands. But seeing her crying out of pain, seeing how her dress tore off, seeing how the whip touched her bare skin and make blood comes out, made my eyes filled with tears. I wanted to go and stop Edward, I wanted to lose her from all the chains and take her down and then hug her tightly assuring that everying is going to be alright. But I was helpless, I had no way to go against Edward not until she tells us the truth. "You want more girl. How much more you want to unveil the truth" Edward stop whipping for a minute cupped her face and yelled at her. "I...I.. tell truth.. I don't..don't lie.. believe me" she managed to utter with cries. "I know it is not you.. it is one of your family members isn't it," Edward asked staring again at her eyes. "N..no..no they.. d.. don't.. know... they.. don't even ha..ve ac..cess." "What You think Doctor, You can't-fool me remember that" Edward tossed the whip away. "Keep her hanging" and then he withdrew. Arya was staring at me like she was pleading me to end this like she was pleading me to believe her. But what can I do?
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