My mate!

1565 Words
Victoria. I woke up at the crack of dawn, the first rays of sunlight peeking through my curtains, casting a warm glow across my room. A wide smile stretched across my face as I felt a surge of anticipation coursing through my veins. Today was the day I had been eagerly awaiting—the day I would finally discover the identity of my mate. The mere thought filled my heart with excitement and wonder. With each step, my heart quickened its pace, my footsteps echoing through the silent house. I made my way to the bathroom, a mixture of nervousness and hope building within me. Closing my eyes, I stood in front of the mirror, the cool glass reflecting my eager expression. Taking a deep breath, I spoke with fervent determination, my voice soft yet filled with an unwavering belief. "Acacia, moon goddess," I began, my voice carrying a sense of reverence. "I call upon you three times, with utmost humility. Reveal to me, I beseech you, my destined mate, the one who will complete my soul." Silence enveloped the room, the air thick with anticipation. I felt a shiver run down my spine, the hairs on the back of my neck standing on end. And then, as if in response to my plea, a delicate flicker of light danced across my face, casting ethereal shadows upon the mirror. Slowly, I opened my eyes, my gaze meeting my own reflection. But it was not my own face that greeted me. It was his face—Theodore's face. My breath caught in my throat as I gasped, unable to comprehend the magnitude of what I was witnessing. The realization struck me with a force that left me trembling, my eyes widening in disbelief. "Theodore," I whispered, his name falling from my lips like a sacred incantation. The mere sound of it carried a weight of significance that echoed through my soul. He was not just any man, but the Alpha's son, destined to be the future leader of the Storm Pack. The honor and responsibility that came with his name were immense, and yet, fate had chosen him to be mine. A mix of joy, excitement, and disbelief flooded my being. I couldn't contain the overwhelming surge of emotions that surged within me. A wide smile graced my face as an inexplicable warmth radiated from my heart. It was a moment I had dreamed of, a moment that held the promise of a lifetime of love and companionship. Turning to face the mirror once more, I locked eyes with my reflection, my voice filled with awe and gratitude. "Thank you, Acacia, for this incredible gift. I am humbled and blessed beyond measure." As I gazed into the mirror, the reflection staring back at me seemed to shimmer with newfound determination. The path ahead was not without its challenges. Theodore was a man of great stature, the son of a billionaire. It was a reality that wasn't lost on me—an ordinary girl from a humble neighborhood. But deep within, a fire ignited, fueling my resolve to bridge the gap that separated us. A few months ago, I had come across an ad for a maid agency—an opportunity I had dismissed at the time. But now, it seemed like a potential gateway to a future intertwined with Theodore's. With every fiber of my being, I was determined to seize that chance, to find a way to work for the Speers, his family. I completed my morning routine, my thoughts swirling with possibilities and plans. Clad in a simple yet presentable attire—jeans, a plain white shirt, and a black jacket—I fueled my excitement with a modest breakfast of cereal, savoring each bite as I savored the knowledge that my mate was one of the most sought-after men in our pack. Setting out on my journey, I held my CV tightly, a tangible representation of my determination. With every step towards the maid agency, I felt the weight of my fateful decision pressing upon me. Today, I embarked on a path that could forever alter the course of my life, all in the name of love and the chance to be closer to Theodore—the mate destiny had bestowed upon me. The agency building stood tall and imposing, its sleek, modern exterior giving a glimpse of the professional atmosphere within. Stepping through the glass doors, I entered a well-lit reception area adorned with contemporary furnishings. The space exuded an air of efficiency and sophistication, with its polished marble floors reflecting the glow of overhead chandeliers. To my left, a sleek reception desk stood as the central hub of activity, manned by the receptionist whose cold demeanor sent shivers down my spine. Behind her, a large logo adorned the wall, proudly displaying the agency's name in bold, ‘The Blue Agency ‘ elegant lettering. The scent of fresh flowers permeated the air, their delicate fragrance lending a touch of vibrancy to the otherwise sterile environment. The walls were adorned with tasteful artwork, offering a splash of color and intrigue amidst the muted tones of the room. A seating area comprising plush leather chairs and a glass coffee table awaited visitors, providing a comfortable space to wait while the receptionist attended to their needs. Soft instrumental music played in the background, creating a calming ambiance that attempted to counterbalance the tension that hung in the air. Excitement still coursing through my veins, my anticipation was met with an unexpected hurdle. The receptionist, a woman with a perpetual scowl etched across her face, greeted me with a dismissive attitude that sent a wave of unease through my being. I presented my documents, hoping for a smooth and welcoming experience, only to be met with the rudest of behavior. Without a word, she snatched my papers from my hand, her actions accompanied by a callous disregard for my presence. With an air of superiority, she carelessly tossed my documents to the floor, her words dripping with condescension. "Come back tomorrow. I need to go for lunch," she spat, as if my time and aspirations meant nothing to her. Why are some people like this? A little kindness goes a long way but some people just choose to be vile for no apparent reason. Geez lady, if you hate your job so much, quit it already! Refusing to be deterred, I mustered the courage to speak up. "It's not yet break time," I protested, my voice quivering with a mix of frustration and determination. I couldn't let her dismiss me so easily, not after everything I had gone through to be here. But my insistence was met with further disdain. The receptionist scoffed, her tone laced with arrogance. "Go apply online. Send an email. That's how we do things here," she sneered, as if she took pleasure in belittling my efforts. Her insolence pushed me to my breaking point. The frustration and disappointment of her rude behavior culminated in a surge of defiance within me. Without thinking, I found myself grasping the fabric of her dress, my voice laced with a simmering anger. "You will serve me now, or I will ensure your terrible makeup decorates this marble floor," I threatened, my words dripping with a determination that even surprised me. The receptionist's eyes widened in shock, and she let out a shriek, summoning security to her aid. Realizing the consequences of my actions, I released my grip and stepped back, allowing them to separate us. Security promptly escorted me out of the agency, their firm grip emphasizing the weight of my frustration and the consequences of my actions. As I walked away, a sense of dismay settled within me. The hopeful anticipation that had once fueled my steps was replaced by a lingering question: why did bad things always seem to happen to me? I couldn't help but feel defeated, as if the universe conspired against my dreams. Returning home, disappointment clung to me like a heavy shroud. I felt an overwhelming sense of uncertainty about my future, my heart burdened with the need for another to support myself. I terribly want to stop bartending, it's like making nothing considering I have to pay black tax, being the black sheep of the Pack I pay more taxes on top of what others pay as taxes. I am only left with peanuts after the deductions. The room seemed suffocating as I began to iron my clothes, seeking solace in the repetitive motion. In the midst of my despondency, a glimmer of hope flickered before me. Illuminated by the warm glow of the room, I noticed an ad posted on a popular jobs website. It called for a young and qualified lady with experience in household work. The urgency of the request echoed through the words, urging me to act swiftly. I read the email address provided and realized I had nothing to lose but everything to gain. Without hesitation, I seized the opportunity before me. I hastily composed an email, attaching my CV as requested, and hit send with a mixture of anticipation and trepidation. Whether it was a job with the Speers or not, I knew deep within that I desperately needed this chance. All that remained was to hope that the universe, in its enigmatic ways, would grant me this small sliver of opportunity.
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