The Store

705 Words
I opened the door. Go and get the things I said as I reached to find the switch to turn on the light when I found it I turned it and all the lights flickered on turned. Holy sh*t my brother said. There were three zombies and they turned and saw us. I got them I said as I took my dad's silencer out of my pocket and popped it on and I flipped it and I started shooting the zombies in the head I missed I the first one but after killing the other to I turn and killed the one that was still standing. Let's go I said and went left while my brother and my mom went right to get the batters and the flashlight and candles JJ pov I and my mom went right while Carin went left after she killed three zombies I didn't know she was such a good shoot I know dad taught her but da*n it was a really good shot. Mom did you know Carin could shoot like that I asked her and she was still in shock by seeing Carin shoot and the zombies she didn't say anything so I guessing she didn't. I and MoMA turned right to get the batteries I opened my bag and put as many batters in there and momma went to get candles and a flashlight when I was done getting the batteries I went down the aisle and got 33 bags of rice and 19 bags of corn that has 12 in each bag. And grabbed some salt and pepper done I told mama. Mama had three bags of flashlight and some candles lets go get Carin I said to mama. Carin pov: I went left to got to get water and food I grab a buggy and went to the water section when I got there I got as much water as I could 8 bag’s that each had almost 30 water bottles in each. After I got the water I went to the next aisle and got 17 egg containers that contained 20 each and grabbed ships,37 tuna cans, and the whole row of Ayam, and 3 full rows of spaghetti, also all types of seed to plant when I was finished mom and JJ came around the corner with 8 bags full to the reem with supplies. Let's go I said as I pushed the boogie halfway to the door I stopped. Mom do u remember that add two days ago about meal kit supplies that let u save ur food I told her. Yes, she said do u remember what aisle they said it was on I said 4v she said ok I will well be right back I said as I took off running to aslie 4v it wasn't that far but it also was not that close aisle six v counted five v and four v finally where is it I scan the aisle until it came across my eyes yes I thought what why I whispered as I realized that it was in glass ok I know what to do I reached under the cabinet that it was in and kept trying to find it until I felt it I pulled it out it was the key to open the glass. I put the key in the keyhole and turned it, yeah I said when it opened I took the kit out and ran back to my brother and my mom. Took long my brother said let's go before people come here as I pushed the buggy outside to my car but on the way out I made sure to turn off the light when I got to the car I turned off the ultra lock and popped the trunk and asked my brother for help as my mom got in the car when I and JJ got finished putting some of the stuff in the truck I put the rest of the stuff in the back of my car. Let's go I get in my car I turned it on and saw my brother get in my mom's car I called my mom back. Let's go I said and started driving. 
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