Why Did He Do It

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Maria's P.O.V. When I was young, I never understood why my brother was always so angry. I knew he hated my mother, but I never knew why. I would always ask him why he hated her, and he ignored me, so eventually, I quit asking. As angry as he was at the world, he had never been mad at me. He worked hard for me and reminded me regularly to do something good with myself. I gave him all the credit when I was doing well in school because he always told me I could be anything I wanted. *****Narrator's P.O.V ****** Fourteen years earlier Sisquo stood on the side of his Social Workers car, arms crossed as tears streamed down his face. He didn't want to leave his home. He has been in foster care for three years and thought he would get to stay with The Garcias forever. At least, that's what everyone had told him. Just as the adoption was almost final, his mother showed up, and everything got halted in the courts. She had two years to come forward before they started the adoption, and no one could find her. In the third year, she showed up and stopped the adoption. "Sisquo, I know you don't want to leave, but your mother is doing much better." Ms. Garcia said, lifting his chin and smiling at him. She has attended every visitation, doctor's appointment, and school meeting for a year. Sisquo was nine and had been living there for three years. His life had been so much better living with the Garcia family. He was fed daily and hugged and kissed daily. He went hunting with Mr. Garcia and his foster brothers. His sister had come to live with them as well. She was four, and he made sure to take care of her. He knew she was happy here too. Sisquo threw himself in the back seat. He wanted to grab hold of her and tell them he wouldn't leave, but it didn't seem like an option. Mrs.Garcia buckled him and kissed his forehead. I want you to promise me something she said with a tear running down her face. " Anything Mrs. Garcia. You know I would do anything for you," Sisquo told her as she softly shut the door and he rolled the window down. " Take care of your sister; ensure she always has what she needs. If you have any problems, call me and always remember I love you," she leaned through the window and kissed him again on his forehead. " I will take care of my sister, and I always will love you too, Ms. Garcia, and I will call you every day," He yelled as the car began to pull off. Sisquo didn't realize he would never talk to Mrs. Garcia again. His mother would always be jealous of their connection and would tell him she never wanted to speak to him again. It was a sad day for both families. The Garcia family felt like they were losing their children, and Sisquo didn't trust his mother and knew there was only a matter of time before she messed up again. The last three years were the best of his life. He felt this would be it for him, and nothing would ever be good again. "Maybe there is nothing good out here for me," He thought as he recalled the years before he entered the foster care system and his overnight visits with mom over the last year. His mother just turned the t.v. on and usually went to her room. She would take them places, and he was thankful for that. However, she was always so angry at Maria. It was almost like she didn't realize she was a toddler. After a few visits, he cared for Maria so his mother wouldn't get frustrated. When the social worker or Ms. Garcia was present, his mother acted differently, much happier than she seemed at home. Present Marias POV I sit in a booth, wiping my tears away. Sisquo had just left, and we had a big argument. "I understand how you feel, Maria, it is a messed up situation that your brother killed your mother, but I see why Sisquo killed her. Your mother sold you to one of the most ruthless people I have ever encountered. As far she was concerned, you were auctioned off to the highest bidder so that she could have a fix. One of the most important jobs of a parent is to keep their kid safe. It seems like your mother was given the opportunity to protect you many times but always fell short", Sledge said, shrugging his shoulders. "Im just saying I know she was your mom, but he is your brother. Family is family, but whatever you decide is up to you." Sledge said with a reassuring smile. We could have tried a detox or rehabilitation center. How did we go from my mother's drug use to killing her? My mother's dealers sexually assaulted my brother when he was around 3 or 4. He never wanted anyone to know, but I had overheard some adults discussing it. When he walked in, and Alejandro was trying to attack me, he lost it. Sisquo beat him until he was in a puddle of blood. I know he provided me with the security he wished he had. "Maria, who fed you when you were at home?" Sledge asked "Usually, Sisquo, because my mom was always gone and eventually consistently high, I told him, slumping back in my chair. She bought food, but when Alejandro was at his worse, we couldn't eat it; Sisquo would sneak food in so I wouldn't go hungry. Okay. Okay. I get your point, Sledge. Sisquo took a lot of beatings for my mom when he lived in the house. It just got out of control, and he had to leave because he was afraid he would kill Alejandro." I told him, fighting back the tears again. "Maria, again, Sisquo was the only one consistently protecting you. You haven't said anything that makes me think otherwise. You can always call Sisquo to come back and talk to you after you let it blows over for a bit." Sledge tells me with a puzzled look. I probably have scared him away with this crazy drama. The drama follows my family everywhere. Who would willingly want to deal with this, I thought to myself. " You are right," I tell him, sighing. I will give it some time and think over it. I still love my brother. I feel like he took her away and took any opportunity for her to make things better. I feel like I have so many unanswered questions. I want to know who abused my brother and if that was why I was in foster care. I want to know why mother fell apart when Alejandro left. Did she not care that he tried to rape me? Did she ever notice how many beatings Sisquo took for her, and did she care? It is a lot to go through alone," I said, sighing again. "Maria, whatever you are feeling or going through, I want to go through with you. So please don't shut down." Sledge said softly, almost in a whisper. " Thank you, Sledge. I need a distraction," I told him, smiling sheepishly. " I have the perfect thing," he says, pulling me up until I stood before him. " What is it? " I laughed "We are going for a ride!" He says, walking me to the door
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