3. Mine

1388 Words
  CHAPTER THREE I paid off the taxi I had taken back to the apartment. All this while I had been too engrossed re-living the steamy hot night with an equal hunky stranger but as I began walking towards my apartment, the dread of dealing with Kane’s hangover began building inside me with each step I took. Exhaling deeply, I pushed the door open carefully closing the door behind me, afraid that a small sound would wake him up. I turned around, unstrapped my heels then tip-toed to the bedroom. The bed had already been made and I would have assumed he never came home at all if I had not seen his clothes from yesterday lying carelessly on the cushy, blue three seater couch by the wall, next to the window.   “Where the f**k were you?” His voice froze all the air in my lungs.   “To Aiden’s birthday party. I left you a note by the fridge,” I let the heels fall off my hands, landing on the carpeted floor with a small thud. He was fresh from the shower judging by the sapphire blue towel hugging his hips. Water droplets from his wet dirty blonde hair cascaded down his perfect abs, down to his visible V-shape and touching the top edge of the towel.   “A note? What the f**k do you think I’m? A kindergarten kid?” he edged closer, stopping when his lean but slightly taller frame towered over me.   “Kane you went out angry and I assumed you’d be drunk and won’t answer my phone if I called you,” I tried to make him understand.   “Assumed?” He chuckled,” You really are one sick b***h!” he spat before walking to the wardrobe.   I probably deserved that, considering I had been under another’s man body an entire night, clinging to him like he was the air I needed to breath. I shed off the clothes I had been wearing, grabbing a dry towel from the pile and tying it around myself.   “Where are your panties?” I froze, pivoting around.   “What?” I played dumb.   “I asked where your panties are. Were you with another man?” He began walking towards me as I stepped back, till my back hit the wall behind me.   “Of course not. Why on earth would you think something like that?”   “You are pretty and you know it. No man can resist you,” his fingers trekked the edge of my cheeks, stopping at my lips. He then continued speaking, his voice low but chilling enough,” So I’m going to ask again and you are going to answer me truthfully. Were you with another man Vivian?”   “How can you even say that? You know you are the only one who can touch me,” He assessed me and I stared back at him without blinking an eyelid.   “Always remember that babe,” I breathed in relief then walked inside the bathroom.   As usual the water warming its way on my skin proved as an escape. As my eyes closed voluntarily, images of yesterday night, hot and panting against Mr. Sexy flashed in my mind. The way his lips worked on my body as though it the best thing he ever tasted seemed to be a permanent memory.   “I still need my breakfast,” Kane echoed.   “Just a minute. I’m done,” I turned off the shower wondering how long I had been in there, reminiscing over a man I was never going to meet again.   I dressed up in casual blue jeans and the white t-shirt then went to the kitchen. Putting on my kitchen gloves, I tied the apron around me careful not to ruin my clothes. I quickly whipped up coffee and bacon, set them up on the table and grabbed my purse ready to go to work. Mrs. Grey, the owner of the Diner I worked in, would be pissed if I showed up late for work.   “Where are you going?” Kane questioned as he sipped the steamy hot coffee.   “Seriously?” I was really tempted to roll my eyes at him but stopped myself in the nick of time.   “I asked you a question,”   “To work of course,”   “Is the kitchen apron now part of the uniform?” For the first time in a long time, I could hear the amusement in his tone.   I glanced at myself and sure thing, I still had the apron on. A light smile touched my lips as we both chuckled. I had really missed his laugh. It had been the first thing that had drawn me to him back in college.   “I swear Mrs. Grey would have had my neck for it if she saw me wearing this,” I unstrapped it, hanging it on the hook.   I was about to walk out when he called,” Wait,” he stood up from where he was sitting and slowly made his way towards me.   Placing a kiss on the right edge of my lips, he leaned further to whisper in my ear.   “You will always be mine babe. Always remember that,”   “I’ll always be yours,” I smiled before walking out.   I relaxed visibly, walking the few paces to get a taxi. By the time I arrived at work, it was twenty minutes past seven.   “You are five minutes late Miss Brookes,” Mrs. Grey pointed out as I walked into the kitchen.   “Good morning to you too Mrs. Grey. The sun is really hot this morning,” I smiled mockingly. She huffed and strode out of the kitchen, her never smiling expression in place.   “Greta,” I echoed my best friend’s name as I gave her a hug.   “Yesterday you left the party really early,”   “Yeah,” I grab a kitchen towel, drying the newly cleaned glasses as I arranged them on a tray,” I…um…I went home,” I bit my lower lip almost immediately.   “You are lying. Come on, give me the dits,” She took another kitchen hand towel and began drying the plates.   I snuck a few lances at the stuff but everyone was too damn busy minding their own business. She would probably hug me to death if I told her the truth considering she had been vouching against my relationship with Kane for a long time.   “I needed some distraction from my messed up life,” I broached the subject with a little care.   “Distraction?” Her eyes widened,” You finally had your first one night stand,” she giggled.   “Shh,” I shushed her up, afraid one of the workers would hear it and then blabber it to Kane. Kane was quite the popular figure in this part of LA because of his mechanic business. It was not huge but people loved his expertise.     The ping of my phone distracted me. Swiping the screen, I realize it’s a reminder email from Power Energy Company. My expression instantly fell as I sighed choking back the painful feeling of a missed opportunity.   “What is wrong?”   “The fight I had with Kane yesterday was because I applied for work at some big energy company without telling him. Yesterday they had given me a call back for an interview today at eight,”   “Then why aren’t you going?”   “Kane would not let me,” I answered.   “It’s ten minutes to eight and Kane can go f**k himself. This is your life girl and this is your opportunity. If you are going to live your life doing what Kane wants then you ain’t living your life girl,”   “Greta-“It was obviously too late to stop her now.   “You are going to thank me later,” She smiled broadly.   What was the harm in trying out? Even if I lose the chance, it would still be worth a try, right?
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