Chapter 1

1574 Words
Harper’s POV Sunday nights always make me feel exhausted. Maybe it was because we were busy from the start of the shift till the end or maybe because by the end of the weekend I will have worked 32 hours. Doesn’t sound too terrible, but I was 17 and a senior in high school. Still managing to maintain a 4.0 and working 7 days a week. When I wasn’t a hostess at a restaurant called Firebirds, I was a sitter for twin 7-year-old boys. People always want to know why I work so much, as if it was a choice. But it’s not a choice. Without me working, we wouldn’t be able to afford our place. My Father was killed in a car accident two years ago. I remember the day vividly because I didn’t just lose my Father that day, but my Mother as well. When he died, she shut down and, for the first year, we lived off his insurance money and the kindness of our neighbors. But after a year, Mom sold the house and I thought she was getting back to her old self, but instead she became a person I don’t even recognize. She hasn’t held down a full-time job since my Dad died and about the time she sold the house she started dating. I have yet to meet any of the men she has been dating and for that I am grateful. However, she must be getting serious with this most recent guy because it had been 3 weeks since I had actually seen my mother. Finishing the last of my work, I walked to the back to gather my stuff. As I walked past the kitchen, I saw my manager, Kate, talking to the owner, Declan Sullivan. He was perfect in every way and he was my one and only crush. His body looked as if he worked out 7 days a week. His jet black hair made his dark blue eyes seem even more blue. He had a strong jaw and full lips. His entire presence made me a blundering fool. Not that he really talked to me. But it didn’t stop me from being head over heels infatuated. “Great job tonight Harper.” She said, waiving me over. I walked over keeping my eyes on Kate. “Thank you.” “Are you grabbing the bus?” She asked. I nodded my head yes. Mr. Sullivan made me extremely nervous and I was afraid to say or do anything that would risk my job. “You don’t drive?” He asked, forcing me to look at him. I smiled softly. “I don’t own a car, but I don’t mind the bus.” “ OK doll, but be careful…I hate you walking to the bus stop in this weather.” “I will.” Turning, I hurried out of the kitchen, throwing on my coat and hat and making my way to the back door. Early November in Ohio this year was unseasonably cold. As I slipped on my gloves, I felt like somebody was watching me. I glanced back to see Declan’s eyes on me and a small smirk on his lips. Not hesitating, I pushed the door open and stepped into the crisp air. What was that? Declan Sullivan has never even looked twice at me during the 8 months I had been working at his restaurant. I had looked at him plenty even though he was at least 10 years older than me. But that didn’t matter to me. He was perfect. He was there almost every night during the weekend but usually with a new date or woman on his arm. I mean I get it he was super hot model and so were the woman he dated. Thoughts of him filled my head the entire ride home. Declan was classically handsome. When he smiled it was enough to make any woman swoon. I knew it was stupid to have a crush on him, but how could I not? The bus stopped and I jumped off and started walking towards my house. I was only a block from the bus stop, but in the cold November air it felt like a mile. The house was completely dark when I got home, telling me my Mom was not coming home again. Pushing open the door, I made my way upstairs and crawled into bed. Thoughts of my Mom ran through my head. Over the past 3 weeks, she responded to my texts and calls less and less. I was only 17. I still needed my Mom. The next morning, I woke before my alarm. I was excited that I didn’t have school today due to some in-service teacher stuff. I jumped in the shower and made my way downstairs to grab some toast. I had to watch the twins so I only had a few hours to study. I was about 20 minutes into studying when I heard the front door open. I ran to the living room to find my mom closing the door. “Hey Mom!” “Oh Harper…Why aren’t you at school?” “School is closed today.” The look on her face didn’t look like she was happy to see me. I felt my heartbreak just a little. “Oh ok. I am just here to grab some clothes.” “Sounds like it’s getting serious with the new guy.” She gave me a wide smile. “His name is Richard and it’s getting really serious. I think he might actually ask me to move in with him.” “Shouldn’t I meet him before we move in with him?” “Oh..I mean you just work so much but, soon. Have you been taking your medicine?” “Yes, of course, but I only have a few left.” I have a rare blood disease. My father had the same disease but my Mom said I was lucky they found out early about my problem. “I have 1/2 of a bottle upstairs. If you cut them in half, it should last you a few months.” She said before turning and walking up the stairs. I couldn’t shake the awful feeling that was creeping into my stomach as I watched her climb the stairs. I didn’t have time to dwell on the feeling because I needed to get to the twins. I packed my bag and headed out the door. That evening, I had dinner with the twins and their parents, Thomas and Maria. They will never realize how grateful I am to have a home-cooked meal 4 nights a week. After giving my Mom most of my money, I didn’t have a lot for food. I lived off of Raman noodles and Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and food from the restaurant on the weekend. That evening, I came home and studied just a bit more before heading to bed. The next few days went by quickly. I didn’t see my Mom and I didn’t assume I would see her any time soon. Friday arrived quickly. At lunch, I took my peanut butter and jelly sandwich and headed to the library. I didn’t really have any friends and I kept it that way. I didn’t want to have to explain to anybody that I ran out of bread and didn’t have food for lunch multiple days in a row. Or why I only ever ate a peanut butter and jelly sandwich because it was all I could afford. I went to the farthest table in the library and pulled out my advanced biology book and began studying. “Always reading.” I looked up to see big green eyes looking right at me. He was tall, at least 6’2 and had the most amazing smile. I couldn’t help but smile back. Chase Gilmore stood in front of me in all his glory. He is one of the most popular guys in school and he was stunning. His blonde hair was almost white and he was always tan. We had never had a class together and I didn’t even know he knew my name. “Uh yeah.” I whispered. “I’m Chase.” He said, putting his hand out for me to shake. “Harper.” I responded, shaking his hand. “You new this year?” He asked, taking a seat across from me. “No, I transferred here last year.” “I don’t know how I could have missed a beauty like you.” I awkwardly smiled at him. I didn’t pay much attention to anybody at school and I tried to stay under the radar. I needed to get good grades to get enough scholarships to pay for college. “So I’m having a party at my house tonight. You should come over.” He said, giving a big smile, making his dimples apparent. “Oh, thanks, but I work.” “All night?” “Till 11 and then I have to be back at work at 11 on Saturday, but thank you.” “You work a lot, don’t you?” “Yeah 7 days a week.” “Why?” I shrugged my shoulders. What do I say? I have to pay most of the bills at the house I should share with my Mom? “You work at Firebirds all weekend?”
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