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It felt like a betrayal, what Atlas just said and what Priscilla has been telling me since I learned of my role were completely different things, how could they expect me to give myself, body, and soul to a man I have hardly known and only heard tales of? “I wasn't informed of such an agreement” “It has been a requirement for centuries my lady, every blood bride before you had conformed” Priscilla made a knowing expression, she had knowledge of it but never dared to tell for reasons best known to herself “Pardon my vulgarity but, the dark lord is a creature of the night, he does not have blood which is why he seeks for it, if he does not have any, how would he expect to fulfill in the bedroom chambers?” “Astrid, that is absolutely no way for a lady to speak, mind your tongue” All manner of respect evaporated from my body after finding out she had been lying to me, or rather, telling me half-truths my whole life “You’ll have to excuse me Priscilla but I want to know” “I am sorry my lady but it is not my place to discuss such matters with you, it is an issue best resolved when you meet the master” “And when will that be?” “He has not sent word yet, once he does, I will inform you immediately, but for the time being I believe you should rest” “Splendid idea, please lead us to our rooms” Priscilla maintained a strict tone, if she thought it would intimidate me into submission, she was wrong. Atlas did as was asked of him and took us to our bedroom chambers, Priscilla’s room was just across mine, I would have been delighted with this arrangement if the truth didn’t come out. “I wish you both sweet dreams” “Likewise” Not a moment after he left us, Priscilla began scolding me as if she was dealing with a child “I have taught you better than, what sort of behavior were you trying to show back there?” “Oh, spare me, Priscilla, you think you have the mouth to scold me after you’ve lied to me my entire life?” “I haven’t spoken a lie to you since you were young, I was only waiting for the right time, discussing mature issues with a young girl is distasteful” “You behave as if I have only just matured, you had several chances to enlighten me but you didn’t and kept me in the dark” “However, you may look at it, even if I told you what would have happened, it wouldn’t have changed anything, would it?” “How could you be so heartless? Of course, I know I can’t change anything but I would have mentally prepared myself enough for when it would happen, now I’m just expected to conform without hesitation” To find out the truth from a stranger’s mouth was one thing, but having Priscilla completely unrepentant of what she had done to me was far worse than any punishment I could think of. I did not want to look at her face, I didn’t even want to hear her voice, I had been taught to never turn my back on someone I still had business with, however, as she was the same person that taught me and her words thus far have been lies, I chose to ignore it and retired into my chambers. *** The beauty of the room was clouded by the realization of my situation, to be given off to the dark lord was something I was already coming to terms with, I convinced myself since it was only my blood, he craved I could digest being in his presence for the time he needed me. Finding out that it was not only my blood but my body as well gave me never-ending goosebumps, I had never been with a man before, to give a man like him something as sacred as that was disheartening. I had just rested on my new bed when a subtle knock on my door grabbed my attention, I was exhausted enough for the day and did not want to see anyone else, nevertheless, no matter how tired I may be it would be no excuse to forget my manners; “You may enter”  In came a pale ginger-haired young lady, she did not appear to be above the age of twenty. As her attire matched that of Brigitte and the other ladies, I guessed she would be assisting me for the night. She stood in place pondering on her words, it appeared to be her first time serving; “I assume you’re here to help me get ready for the night?” “Yes…my apologies for not speaking sooner my lady” “There’s no need for you to be hard on yourself, tell me your name” “Willow, my lady” “It is a pleasure to meet you, Willow, I believe my luggage had been put away by now, please help me find a suitable nightgown” She became less tense, I was glad she could relax, I prefer being seen as an acquaintance more than a lady, the role doesn’t suit me well Willow shuffled her tiny legs to find me a nightgown, she returned to me with the one I favored most, it was not made from expensive material but it was well done by the village seamstress, in a lilac-colored material with bell sleeves. After the gown was picked, I was taken into my personal bathroom where a floral decorated tub was placed in the center, back at home, I bathed in a tin basin, it was a lovely change of lifestyle. As I wasn’t accustomed to being helped with bathing, I let Willow give me directions. Being nude in front of someone was something new to me, though it worked well for experience as I would be engaging in such once, I meet the dark lord, the thought itself was distasteful. In the tub, Willow proceeded to add mildly scented perfumes to my water, the aroma was inviting and settled my nerves that have been on edge for a while now; “If you will permit me, my lady, you have such gorgeous skin, it looks much like chocolate” “I am flattered, Willow, it gives much confidence considering not many women have skin like mine” “You will not feel lonely for much longer, in the courtyard, there are quite a few women with your complexion” “Really?” I was filled with instant excitement “Yes, you will get to meet them tomorrow, they are so excited to meet you” “As I am to meet them” My spirits had been lifted, like a child ready for a promised trip to the fare I was excited to meet new women around my age, so excited I wanted to rush to bed immediately after finding out the information. *** In the early morning, Brigitte and Talulla assisted me in getting ready to meet the ladies of the courtyard, I wondered why they had been given that name, I was eager to find out. As I did not have any aristocratic-looking dresses, I thought my introduction would be rather dull, it was a fear that was quickly swept away once my new clothing arrived, courtesy of the castle. So many lovely tailored gowns to choose from, I was not one to be bought by material objects but I also didn’t ignore beautiful things when I saw them. Brigitte picked out a beautiful red velvet gown with bishop sleeves and a silk belt, I had never been in such a dress before, its elegance drastically changed my appearance. Though it was fun playing dress-up, I was more excited to meet the women of the courtyard, the moment we finished I urged the ladies to take me to see my new acquaintances, as requested, I was led to the castle's garden courtyard. A beautiful brick fountain set the scene, around it was pink tulips, flowers of different kinds were planted in beds by the walls, and fresh green grass was planted in the corners, only leaving the center concrete ground, and there is where a round table was put. At the table, women of all shapes and skin sat exchanging words and sipping tea, in my stomach butterflies took flight Using the small brick path laid out, we entered the courtyard and all talk ceased, I did not wish to be announced but it was unavoidable; “Ladies, she is finally here, lady Astrid Breslin” “We’re pleased to finally meet your acquaintance” “The pleasure is all mine” “Allow me to deal with introductions, my name is Lorelei…” She was a fair-skinned brunette with a large bosom “The syrup-skinned sweetheart in a blue gown is Annalise, Calista in yellow, Ivy in pink and my coffee-skinned friend sitting right next to me is Phoebe” She had quite the way in describing and introducing, she came off as flirtatious “Please, have a seat” “Thank you” I took a seat next to Annalise who gave me a bright and charismatic smile, Brigitte and Talulla were excused after my tea was served. “So, tell us, Astrid, oh, my apologies, can I drop the formalities?” Lorelei was a lot more comfortable than the other women “Yes, please” “Wonderful, so, Astrid, not to burden you with the topic already but how do you feel being here, in the dark lord’s castle?” “Probably the same way you all feel being here” “That’s a little different, you see, we aren’t the betrothed blood bride” Annalise added “That’s true, well, I do feel a little uncomfortable, my role has been something I have accepted for a long time but being here I am seeing the situation differently” “Poor thing, you don’t have much to worry about, really, I know his title sounds scary and off-putting but the dark lord isn’t who everyone paints him out to be” Calista spoke, vouching for Nikolai “And how much do you know about him? Has he ever taken your blood?” “Heavens no, that is a job for you and you alone my dear” Lorelei denounced “From the rare encounters we have had with him, we can personally vouch for him that looks can be deceiving” “I see, I hope you pardon my behavior but I did not come to discuss the dark lord, I was excited to meet women of my age because I have never had any” “Why is that?” Ivy asked “Given my role to the kingdom, I had to be put in isolation in fear I would soil my reputation” “That sounds rather gray, but you don’t have to worry about that, as the ladies of the courtyard we are more than happy to keep you company for as long as you may need” “That’s very thoughtful of you, I’ve been meaning to ask, if I can, why you are called the ladies of the courtyard?” “Although you do not want to talk about him it was the dark lord’s idea, we had all been brought here by our parents to swear their loyalty to him, although he did not ask for us he knew how shameful it would be for him to send us back…” “So, in order to preserve our dignity, he took us in and gave us this courtyard where we could talk and air out our frustrations” Phoebe and Annalise shared the explanation “And what does he get in exchange for this?” “Nothing, because you are in a compromising situation with him it might be hard to believe but he sincerely did it out of the goodness of his heart” “I thought he didn’t have a beating heart” What was meant as sarcasm made my new friends laugh altogether, it was a wholesome feeling. One thing that they all seemed to agree upon was Nikolai was a decent enough man, because I do not know him, I will have to believe the women who do, nevertheless, my guard is up until he proves me wrong, only then will I full accept him.
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