
1526 Words
Coreys Pov  One month later: My Aunt cast a protection ward on me after the Beltane festival, just in case the person I had hooked up with was dangerous. There were a few uproars concerning the Lycan Prince of the territory of Moonrise. The big public media stated that the Lycan Prince had found his mate along with the Dragon Prince of the territory of Shadomar and the Vampire King of Céfiro. The only royal who had not announced a hunt for a runaway mate was the King of the Demon territory of Taris, known as Lovire. Sitting on the couch watching the news tell me this on the TV, I touched my stomach. I had just found out I was pregnant and told my Aunt yesterday. She agreed to uplift the warding spell she put on me two days ago, and I felt the energy leave me. To my disappointment, the day I was released from the ward, the royals had not barged down my door. Yet, I had already made up my mind. I would raise the child myself, no matter the challenges that lay ahead. On that thought, I saw my Aunt's familiar ferret named Frick crawl into my lap to calm me as my Aunt's voice came behind me. "No luck?' I shook my head, petting Frick as soon its twin Frack also appeared near my feet. "Well, I am sorry. Maybe they would have found you sooner if I had released you sooner." My Aunt said, soon approaching me, holding a bowl of what smelled like tomato soup. "It is okay. You were protecting us." I said, reaching for that bowl. "Are you sure it was three men or just one? Also, Moonrise without teleportation is an hour away." My Aunt said, trying to comfort me. "I know, but I thought they would have appeared, and I am sure my Mr. Stranger was three, or maybe it was a Beltane fever dream, and I do not know for sure." I said as I got a mouthful of soup. "Well, you never know." My Aunt Delilah said. "But I do know, even if they lied, it does not matter. We now have a new Elmwood on the way." My Aunt said she had taken the news more than well, even insisting I take today off from the store. "Yeah, it is just-" Cutting of my sentence, I heard the front door bang like someone was trying to break in. My Aunt looked at me as she went to the door opening, which had been nearly knocked over by the three royal men I had seen on TV. The first to rush in was King Erasmus of the vampiric territory of Céfiro. My Aunt Delilah moved out of the way quickly as King Erasmus rushed to me. His tan skin glowed as he ran in; the deep red satin of his shirt, which clung to his strong, lean frame that stood around 6 foot 2 in height, hovered over me. His deep brown eyes locked with mine turning ember showing his delight. As he bent over his chocolate brown wavy mid-length hair that seemed to frame his face perfectly, he now almost tickled my nose. " little rose you are safe." King Erasmus said as he kissed me. I kissed him back, feeling the same electricity of the dancing autumn breeze with him. "Move." said a thundering voice as I gasped to the Prince of the Lycan territory of Moonrise, where our capital was. "Prince Idris." I said his name, finally clicking on why I remembered it a month ago. I felt odd as I finally met the Prince whose castle I only lived about an hour and a half from. "Yes, my little Luna, I am here, do not worry. It took us a bit to find you, and when your shields were dropped, we were returning from the two-day journey back from the territory of Lovire." King Idris said. As King Idris moved close, his formidable presence started me as I stared at his fair skin, wondering if the rumors were true and if he hailed from Vikings. The scar over his left eye speaks of battles past, while his remaining moss-green that was flickering gold at the moment eye caught my attention. I smiled, remembering our night together. Prince Erasmus moved away from me to make room for the towering 6 foot 3 Lycan prince wearing a loose button-down shirt and jeans. Idris bent down to me to grab my hand, which was the same hand that pulled me into the tent that faithful night. He lowered himself to kiss it as I looked closely at the intricate Slavic braids he wore. "I have come to take you home." King Idris said. "Not until we figure this out, remember." I heard Prince Andreas's cold and calculated, deep voice, who sauntered in behind the rest. From there, I could see Prince Andreas walking toward me as the epitome of regal grace. A dragon shifter prince with a stature of 6 feet and 5 inches. Towering over us all in the home. My eyes widened when I saw his tailored purple suit. His long silver hair was tied carelessly into a man bun, making it impossible not to see his large black horns, edged with the color of amethyst, that hung just below his ears. I watched as he stood beside me, looking down at me with Lavender eyes that flicked crimson for a split second as he got close to me. Finally, his stern face cracked a small smile. "Treasure, you have been a naughty girl." Prince Andreas said. I shivered at his response as Prince Idris released my hand to make room for the third royal in the small living room. Prince Andrea bent down to me and kissed the tip of my nose, causing me to blush as he stood back up. "Is that everyone?" I heard my Aunt Delilah ask, only to be answered by the sultry, lush voice of the fourth missing royal. King Asmodeus was the ruler of the demon territory of Taris, also known as Lovire. "Not yet, dear." King Asmodeus purred at everyone as he sauntered in. Entranced by the vision of dark majesty. King Asmodeus did not disappoint in person as he wore a Red tailored suit that hugged his towering frame of 6 foot 7. As he walked in, fixing the gold cuffs of his suit, I noticed his rich caramel skin, glow as he stood next to my Aunt, looking at the door. This allowed me to see around his wild cascade of raven locks and the magnificent ebony horns of King Asmodeus, edged with a fierce red tint, the tips of the horns curled proudly beneath his chin. I saw the last person enter my now growing cramped home as I looked at where he was. The strange and energetic man, wearing a suit that matched King Asmodeus, crept inside. His pale skin and short, curly brown hair caught my attention as he closed the door for my Aunt and then turned to me with his dark blue eyes. His horns were also ebony yet smaller and thinner. They only curled under his ears. As I looked, I saw the sigil of lust seemingly branded into the man's skin. I looked at everyone, feeling trapped by everyone. I felt an all too familiar feeling in my stomach as I stood up quickly. "Is everything okay little Luna?" Prince Idris asked. I nodded and pushed through the crowd to run down the hall to the one bathroom in the house, locking myself. I threw up, luckily going to the toilet, as I heard a knock on the door. "Treasure, are you okay?" I asked, listening to Prince Andreas's usually cold voice, which was now laced with concern. I sat on the bathroom floor and whipped my mouth on my hoodie sleeve, flushing the toilet. "Yeah, just morning sickness." I said. "Morning sickness? Little Luna, you would only have that if you were-" Prince Idris's voice stopped. An uproar came beyond the bathroom door as I heard all three of them bicker about who the father was. I stepped out, ashamed to only be wearing my plaid pajama pants and blue hoodie today, as I watched three of the royal heads arguing about who was indeed my mate and my unborn child's father. Standing back, watching them, I looked up at King Asmodeus, who looked mildly entertained, along with my Aunt and the stranger. "Enough!" I shouted. Everyone seemed to stop and look at me as I groaned. "First, everyone is going to sit down and calm down or go outside. This house is small; all of you could break it down easily. Second, I am not anyone's and you are not my child's father until we figure this out and I learn why all the royal heads of Taris are in my living room!" I said, exhausted. I watched as everyone slowly followed my order, and I returned to my spot on the couch, hoping we could figure this all out.
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