Chapter 2

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|FLASHBACK|                                                                                          •ADONIS• Looking down at my watch it was going on 3 o'clock in the morning. "Yo Mike I'm about to head out". I said to one of my homeboys that was still in the section. "Alright man be safe". He said dapping me up as I stood up. "Tell the boys I'll get up with them later". I said and he nodded his head. Walking down the stairs of the section I make my way through the crowd when I bump into somebody. "My bad". I said looking down at the short figure. "It's okay I wasn't paying attention". She said looking up at me. "What's your name". I ask grabbing her hand rubbing it. "Laila". She said looking down so I wouldn't see her blushing but I caught it. "Nice to meet you Laila I'm Adonis, look I got to get going do you mind if I get your number". I ask and she nods her head taking my phone out of my hand. After she put her number in she gave it back and I slipped it in my pocket. "I'll hit you up". I said before walking off and out of the club. Getting in the car I start it up and drive off. ~Home~ Getting out of the car I look for the house key and as I walk up to the door I could hear crying causing me to look up. "What the f**k". I whisper as I look down and see two baskets with babies in them and a bag. Quickly unlocking the door I pick up the baskets and sit them down while I locked the door back. Picking them up again I walk over to the couch and look through the bag. All that was inside was a diaper, two pacifiers,and a letter. ~Letter~ These are your babies and they do not have names I'm not cut out to be a mother hopefully you can raise them because I'm not ready. "That's all she had to f*****g say I can't believe this s**t". I said to myself and one of the babies started crying before they both started crying. Picking up the girl she stops crying then I pick up the boy but he was still crying. "The hell wrong with you ". I ask laying the little girl on the side of me. I check his diaper and he was fine so I don't know what was wrong. Rocking him I thought that it would work and make him stop crying but it didn't. "He must be hungry". I said to myself before picking up the bag but I sat it back down realizing there was no food in there. "The stupid b***h didn't even put food in here". I said to myself. Pulling out my phone I text mike and tell him to go buy some baby food and car seats and I'll pay him back. "Alright stop crying you about to eat". I said patting his back. After walking back and forth with him Mike finally walked through the door with the stuff I asked for. "Nigga when you have kids". He asked as I took the bag and handed him the baby. "Man they was just sitting on the porch when I got to the house". I said opening the bottle. "How much powder go in this s**t". I said to myself picking up the container. "YO HURRY THE HELL UP THIS NIGGA GOT SOME LUNGS ON HIM". I heard mike yell from the living room. "DUDE I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO f*****g DO". I yelled back. "s**t stressing me the f**k out already". I mumbled to myself as I put three scoops in. Walking into the kitchen I try to hand him the bottle as he try to hand me the baby. "Nah man take em I got to go". He said shaking his head. "That's f****d up dog". I said with a small laugh causing him to laugh as he walked to the door. "Good luck homie". He said before walking out of the door. Sitting down on the couch I look over at the little girl and she was already looking at me. "Hey pretty girl". I said rubbing her stomach. I got to get a test done in the morning but I don't know how I'm gone do this s**t alone...
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