
The Love of the Sun to his Moon (BL Omegaverse)


Aiden Carter is the Alpha CEO of Funhouse Toy Company. Libulan Smith is a struggling omega artist.

Both will fall victim to Aiden's stepbrother, Altair Carter's wicked scheme. A setup caused Aiden and Libulan to mate and accidentally knot. Aiden lost his position as CEO while Libulan got pregnant. Without knowing each other's identity, time just passed by.

But destiny once again brought them together. Is there a chance for love when they already started wrong?

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Chapter One: The Moon
“What’s your name again, dear?” asked the old lady who had shown interest in the paintings displayed at the edge of a certain street. She’s talking to a young man who’s selling them. He’s wearing a white shirt with paint marks all over and tattered jeans, showing his tan skin. He has this big brown curly hair paired with those brown eyes. The lady can tell he’s not a pure native of that place. “Libulan, Ma’am,” the young man answered, and then smiled. “Libulan?” the old lady repeated, furrowing her forehead. “Strange name.” “Yes, I hate it,” Libulan agreed and then, chuckled. “Where are you from?” she asks. Libulan already understands where that question is coming from. It was not the first time some random stranger asked about his origins. “From here,” he answered unsurely. “But my Mom is Asian. She migrated from the Philippines. So, yes, my name is from her language.” “I see, Uh, how do you say your name again?” “Libulan, but you can just call me Lance,” Libulan suggested. “That’s easier. Lance, I wanna get that one,” the old lady said as she points at the painting of some roses in a white vase. “That seems to be perfect in my kitchen. What do you think?” “Well, absolutely!” Libulan agreed and proceeded to persuade the old lady in buying his painting. “You have a really good taste, Ma’am. And because of that, I’ll give you a discount.” “That sounds great,” the old lady exclaimed. “I’ll buy it!” Libulan quickly picked up the painting and wrapped it up with some newspaper and strings. He didn’t actually give the old lady a discount. He tricked her into believing that but he actually sold the painting at its original price. But it’s how life goes on. He quickly sat down as he shoves the money, he earned in his fanny pack. He wiped the sweat on his forehead as he watches people walk by. It’s a fine day; there’s no cloud in the sky. The city streets have been busy as usual. People from all walks of life are walking, some children running, and cars traverse along the winding road. He never dreamed big. For him, dreaming is only for those who can achieve it. What can a young striving lad do? But dreaming leads you to higher places, at least this is what his late mother has told him. His mother, Lucia, braved her way to this foreign land in the west to have a better living. She met John and gave birth to Libulan. Libulan… a fairly odd name to be given to a child. Libulan comes from the ancient mythology of the islands of the Philippines. Known as the deity of the moon. Lucia has grown attached to the celestial body; thus, naming his son after it. Like the god itself, Libulan is timid and shy in nature. His father has kicked him out of the house when he finished high school. He takes odd jobs just to survive and pay for his rent. His attention was caught by a pigeon that flew from the tree behind him. It went to one of the buildings where he saw an interesting advertisement. A new toy has been launched by a company named FunHouse. “Would it just be nice to become a bird?” he asked himself; immersed with the thought of being one of those winged creatures. They are free and can soar high whenever they pleased. These kinds of thoughts made him more miserable. He badly wanted to go to his mother’s hometown but he knows only a little information. If he’s a bird, he can easily travel there. “Now, where is that place again?” Cebu. “Yes, that’s it,” he whispered to himself. His memories of how his mother describes the place is still vivid. An island among the other islands of that country. The weather is always hot and humid. Beaches, the most important thing about that place. This is the reason why Libulan has an affection for the ocean. The city where he resides is near the sea but you can never call it a paradise. He wanted to go there but that would cost him a large sum of money. And it might be a risk not worth taking. After all, he only knows the name of that place. Other than that, nothing. So, how would he find his family without even knowing a single thing about them? He sighed with a heavy heart. He shifted his gaze to the busy streets once again. He’s already used to every crook and nanny of this big concrete jungle. Life here is just a cycle. It’s just a matter of waking up, striving to live a life, and the go back to sleep. Once in a while, Libulan goes to the dock and just listen to the waves and seagulls flying nearby. “Lance!” a voice called his name. He immediately went back to reality. He saw a man, standing in front of him. He has red curly hair that matches his green-colored yes. “Oh, Frank, it’s you,” Libulan said as soon as their eyes met. “Yes, it is me,” Frank replied as he rolls his eyes. He then folded his arms as he looks at the paintings one by one. “Anything you want to buy?” Libulan teased. “Oh, I would like to buy every single one of your paintings, fine Sir,” Frank said as he smiles. “I bet that painting of some flowers would fit perfectly on the furnace. And that painting of the ocean. That could go to the master’s bedroom. And that one—” ‘Okay, enough!” Libulan interrupted Frank, laughing at his friend’s silliness. “So, why did you come here and see me?” Libulan frankly asked as he fixed one of the paintings on the ground. “You’re not here to really buy some paintings, are you?” “If I could; then I would,” Frank answered. “Well?” asked Libulan impatiently. “Don’t you feel tired of all of these?” Frank asked back; ignoring Libulan’s impatience. “And what exactly do you mean?” “Well, you come here to sell paintings… under the sun,” Frank explained as he points his finger to the sky. “Look at you. You’re like a golden-brown cookie walking… I mean, standing here.” “Just so you know, Mister Smartypants,” Libulan exclaimed; annoyed with this conversation he’s having with Frank. “This is how my skin really looks like. Thank you. And there’s nothing else I can do. You already know me being an omega can’t do so much.” “Oh, don’t be offended,” Frank argued. “You know what I’m trying to say. Back in high school, you were the top student in the class. Too bad you— we can’t go to college.” “It’s too late to feel like that,” Libulan said. “You know I can’t give up painting. And… there’s nothing so much I can do. I’m just an omega.” “Hey, cheer up. Why don’t you just find a rich alpha, give him a child?” Frank suggested. “Then, you can escape this hell?” “What are you calling hell?” Libulan softly repeated. “Are you really just here just to mock me? Because if you do, would you just get off my sight. I have a business here.” “Fine,” Frank already gave up teasing here. “Clear your schedule after two weeks.” “Uhuh,” Libulan replied hesitantly. “And why should I do that exactly?” “Well, remember the place where I’m working right now?” Frank queried. Libulan stopped a bit to recall. “Oh, that bar downtown, right?” Frank nodded in response. “The manager said we’ll be needing a few more staff,” Frank explained. “There will be a stag party soon.” “Stag party?” Libulan repeated. “What is that again?” “You know this party they do before someone gets married.” “Oh.” “Anyway, just like what I’ve said; we’ll be needing some people to attend to these people,” Frank continued. “It will be held in a private cruise ship. Just by the dock. So, are you in?” “Well, of course,” Libulan quickly agreed.

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