Chapter 4 : Island

1337 Words
Third person POV : Sun raised up  and spread it shining rays all around which found their ways to enter in room where Erica was sleeping, bright rays lit up her face, she was an early bird since her childhood yet she cannot adjust her eyes to sunlight, she scrunched her eyebrows and cover her eyes with her left hand, Suddenly she felt someone shaking her lightly, she opened her eyes only to see her friend Sonia beside her, Erica mumble “5 min am getting...”and turned her body only to feel extensive pain in between her legs, which made erica opened her eyes wide awake and she quickly checked herself, she found herself wearing nothing but an oversized white shirt with its two top buttons open, a needle is attached to her left hand which is connected to a glucose bag which is hanging beside her bed,and there is lot of blood on bed and her thighs, suddenly last night memory hit her hard like an hurricane and her body become stiffed, fresh tears started rolling down her cheeks, she felt someone was hugging her from side, Erica flinched and tried to be free but stopped when she realised it’s no one else  but her friend Sonia, Sonia was crying too, her eyes were red and puffy , upon seeing Sonia  Erica herself broke into loud cry, Sonia tried her best to calm her by rubbing her back but nothing was in use , none of them were speaking anything only crying, their weeping was the only voice echoed in room, suddenly her room door open and Mr Vikram Singh came inside, upon seeing him Erica hold soina waist more tightly and pulled up comforter till her chin, Mr Vikram had very serious expression on his face, he walked inside and stood near her bed, he smirked looking at Erica condition “Looks like son showed you your real place.....” he said with  proud “You pathetic whore.....these is what you and your pathetic brother deserve” he added he said showing all his teeth’s ,upon hearing about mike name erica withdraw herself from Sonia and turn around to Mr.Vikram Singh “ What..di...did yo..u do to Mike...” Erica asked shuttering every word, Mr. Vikram bend down and brought his face levelled to Erica and said “HE IS DEAD”  upon hearing Mr.vikram words rage filled inside Erica and she slapped hard Mr.Singh right on his face , printing her all five fingerprints on his face, Erica pulled out needle from her hand which was supplying glucose to her and jumped off bed, she took glucose bag stand and banged it on Mr.vikram on head, he started bleeding instantly, Erica was continusly hitting him on head. Sonia tried to stop her but she was out of her hold ,Mr singh was shock to see erica’s reaction “You f*****g bastard ,i am going to kill you and your bastard son” she roared throwing few more blow on Mr.vikram, he somehow managed to pushing her abruptly “HOW DARE YOU HURT MY BROTHER YOU MOTHERFUCKER....” Erica was screaming on top of her lungs when a crowd gathered inside her room, Mrs.Singh ,Samara few bodyguards and Samrat were watching Erica who was looking like an wild crazy animal, they all were too shock to react quickly but Samrat rushed towards erica and took glucose stand away from her. He kicked and slapped her all over her Face and body, her already wounded face was now bleeding, Erica fell down on her knees but he pulled her up by pulling her hairs, Erica cried in pain “You f*****g w***e,how dare you behave like that” he roared on her face “I know exactly how to make you an real b***h that you already are” saying that he picked her up and threw her on his shoulder and started walking out, Sonia chased them, she pleaded him to let go Erica who was now wriggling in his arms to free herself, but he was determined to break her in every way possible, when they reached in hall erica saw Mike who was covered in pool of his own blood, Erica became stiff looking at mike who was lying his fully unconscious on the floor, all Erica wanted to do at that time was to hold mike in her embrace, she started screaming Mike’s name when realized he was taking her outside his mansion, Erica was struggling to free herself but he was way more stronger then her, Soon mike was no longer visible to her sight, Sonia was stopped at door by his bodyguards, he took her near his chopper which was standing outside their mansion and threw her on backseat and he himself climbed in beside her, he signaled his pilot to take off, Erica quickly dogged him and tried to get out but he hold her by waist ,Erica knew if he takes her with him now she might never be able to see mike again, with that thought “MIKEEeeeeee.......................” she gave out a heart piercing scream looking outside his window when a black spot appeared in front of her eyes and consumed her in darkness. Erica woke up and found herself caged in someone arm, she got up and saw Samrat was holding her from side and looking outside his window, her body felt like a jello still she managed to pushed his arm and sit up straight, she fixed her shirt and to cover herself and found Samrat who was now staring at her with hard expression, she ignored his stares and move to other end of corne. Erica peeked outside her window and all she could see was blue ocean spread across and no land, tears welled up in her eyes again, Samrat watched her very carefully “Stop Crying” he said in hard tone but his words did not reached to erica mind, she was thinking of mike who was injured and sobbing silently, “I SAID STOP YOUR f*****g TEARS b***h” he roared Erica still didn’t bother to look at him and continued ,in split second  Samrat slide towards herside and pulled towards his face holding her neck from behind, he saw her eyes were wet and bloodshot, he got his face closed to her, their breath almost mixing together and wisper yelled  “Listen to me you little slut from now on you will listen to everything ill say if you disobey my orders you will be punished, now like i said STOP CRYING” A Tear escaped her eyes “That’s it ,now you will regret these” Samrat said through gritted teeth, anger clearly visible in his voice, he pushed her on her side window and smashed his lips on her he kissed her hard and started chocking her by squeezing her neck, he also bite her lips until blood started oozing out from them, Soon erica was short of air because of chocking and his kissing, she started pushing samrat but he was stronger than her, she had started to turn red when samrat pulled himself away from her lips and let go her neck,  Erica was coughing and breathing heavily when samrat emptied his whole wiskey bottle on her head, erica cried and screamed in pain and started touching her wounds on face as they started burning when whiskey came in contact with them “There now i gave you a reason worth crying” Samrat said in menacing tone, he slide away from erica and threw away bottle from his window, erica cleaned her face with shirt she was wearing and started sobbing silently in corner looking outside, she was biting her lips in between her teeth’s to control her cry, after 4 more hours long ride they landed on an isolated island, pilot informed Samrat about their landing, Erica had slept long back while crying, Samrat woke her up and started dragging her outside his chopper by pulling her hand, before Erica realise she was fumbling on footboard of chopper when samrat continued to pull her along with him not even sparing her second glance.
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