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I tossed and turned. I cried out. I felt cold and couldn't see anything. Everything was so dark. I couldn't breathe. I felt as if I was drowning in the dark. "Ixora! Ixora, it's okay! It's just a nightmare! Come back! Come back to the real world!" I heard Ursis yell. My eyes snapped open to see Ursis a few inches away from my face. I screamed and kicked him. "Ow!" I blinked a few times as my eyes adjusted to the darkness. "I'm sorry." "Do you always have nightmares?" I looked down at my hands on my lap. "Sadly, yes." Ursis let out a sigh and sat on the edge of the bed. "Are you calm not that you kicked me in the face?" He smirked at his attempt to cheer me up, but I didn't want any of it. "Yes, I'm fine. This is something that I'm used to." "How long?" "Since my father died in front of me when I was seven." He sharply inhaled through his teeth. "Oh that's harsh." "Yeah I wasn't found until three weeks later. I didn't leave my Dad's side, even though he told me to." "Do you have any friends you could stay with?" "I don't have any friends." "That's not possible. You have to, at least, have one friend." I shook my head. "I don't have anyone. All I had was my Mom at home and bullies at school." I saw him open his mouth, but closed it without saying anything. "I'll be fine on my own. I know how to fight." "No. I think you should stay with me. You know, because it's safe." "But how do I know that you can be trusted?" "I have been awake this whole time and I have done nothing to you. That should say something." I checked myself over and shrugged my shoulders. "I guess you can be trusted." I smiled. Ursis shook his head, but still wore a smile on his lips. "Well, I guess I better let you get back to sleep. You have school in the morning." He stood and started walking towards his bed when I jumped up and grabbed his hand. "Wait.." He turned and looked at me. "What is it?" "Could you, maybe, sleep over here with me? Mom used to stay with me after the bad ones." I said in a quiet voice, looking down at the ground. He lightly squeezed my hand. "Sure, but only because this was a bad one." I smiled slightly and climbed into bed. Urisis followed and held me close to him. I felt safe in his arms for some odd reason. Like I was meant to be there. With a small smile, I drifted off to sleep faster than he did. "Ixora." Ursis lightly shook my shoulder. "It's time to get up. You have school to attend." "But I don't have my bag or any clothes to wear." I grumbled. "Don't need to worry about that anymore." I sat up quickly and gave him a strange look. "What do you mean?" "I put myself in danger and got you some stuff from your house." I stared at him, feeling angry, but it vanished and turned into fear. "Why would you do that?" "Because you need to go to school. Remember, we have to hide what we are from everyone. If you go missing from school, they will call your house. When your Mother doesn't answer after a few calls, they will know something is up and send the police. Not all police are outsiders. Some of them are with the elder brother." I let out a sigh. "Alright, you win. I'll keep going to school. But I have no idea how to get there from here." Ursis gave me an all-knowing smile. "I do. I still go to school you know." "I've never seen you at school before. Do you go to my school?" "Yeah. I'm usually skipping class though." I gave him a look, but that was all. As we walked up to the school, I took a deep breath to try and relax myself. It didn't help much, but it was still worth a try. "You okay? Ursis asked. "Yeah, I'm fine." "You don't seem it, but I'll trust you." We walked passed some of my bullies. They stared at me and whispered to one another. Fear started to rise up inside me. "Control yourself." Ursis whispered. I took another deep breath. "I'll be fine." I thought. Ursis brought me to my first class. "Just don't let them get to you. Acting like it doesn't bother you, makes them go away." "No it doesn't. I've already tried." "Keep doing it. They will give up sooner or later." He smiled and ruffled my hair. I pushed his hand away smiling. "Have fun." I smiled again and headed to my seat. As soon as I sat down, one of my bullies came up to me. "So I see you actually got yourself a friend." She crossed her arms behind her back. I ignored her, just as Ursis told me to do. That only served to make her angry. She smashed my face into my desk, causing my nose to start gushing blood. "You won't last long with him. I'll turn him against you." Anger a fear rose up inside me. I could feel Onyx coming out. "No." I thought. Quickly, I gathered my stuff and ran from the classroom, bumping into the teacher on my way out. "What happened to you?" He asked. Not that his voice held any concern for me. "I fell and hit my face off my desk." I lamely lied. Onyx kept creeping forward. I could feeling him getting closer. "Excuse me, Sir. I have to go." I turned and took off down the hall. After cleaning up the blood and calming down, I decided that I was just going to skip class. So, I wandered the halls for a while before heading up to the roof. I sat against the safety fence and watched the sky for a while. "I hope you are okay, Mom." I thought, letting out a sigh and closing my eyes. "What are you doing up here?" I heard someone ask. I jumped and again, my ears popped out. I covered them quickly, but I wasn't quick enough. "You're one of them." Fear rose greatly inside me. "W-What are you talking about?" I tried to put the stupid card. "Don't play stupid! You're on of the younger brothers minions! Filthy magic user!" "I-I really don't know what you are talking about." My heart pounded in my chest. It felt as if it was going to explode right out of me. "Liar! Your kind hurt us for so long! But no more! I will not allow the likes of you, to be in this school!" I had no way out of this. He was blocking the only door. "Would I survive if I jumped?" I thought. I watched as he pulled a knife out of his pocket. "P-please don't hurt me! I haven't done anything wrong! You should already know I'm the whole school's favorite target!" He gripped the knife tighter and started walking toward me. "P-please!" "What the hell are you doing, Zack?" Ursis's voice rang in my ears. "This is one of those filthy magic users! The ones my parents hunt! It's my turn to get a kill!" "Man, don't be stupid. It's probably just a hair band or something. You know how girls are. Dolling themselves up for no reason." Ursis brushed him off. "NO! It's--" "It's a hair band." Ursis cut him off. He held his hand out to me. I walked over and took his hand. "Plus, we would have issues if you killed my girlfriend." Zack dropped the knife. The clang of the blade, making my ears ring. "The school target and the school delinquent." He muttered. "Let's go." Ursis turned and left the roof, quickly, I followed him. "Thank you." Ursis turned and pinned me against the wall, roughly. "Don't ever go up there again. Understand? If you want to skip class, come find me." His eyes had turned an very dark green. I nodded quickly because he kind of frightened me at this moment. He let out a sigh and took me to the basement, not once did he let go of my hand though. He opened a door at the very far end of the only hallway in the basement. "I'm back." He called out. I looked around to see people all around. "What do you have there? Is she a plaything you brought for us?" Someone I've never heard before spoke. I could normally remember the sound of voices, but I couldn't place this one at all. I stepped closer to Ursis, squeezing his arm between my breasts. "No. She's not for any of you dogs." "Oh but she smells like a virgin." I heard a girl say. Ursis flashed his bear teeth at her. I couldn't take the fear anymore, I let go. I felt my body change and when I opened my eyes again, everyone was looking at me. I could see the shock on their faces. "Everyone, this is Ixora. Ixora, this is everyone." Ursis said a cheap introduction. "You didn't tell us she was a dire wolf!" "I don't need to. Now, change and show your respect." One by one, they changed. Just as Ursis had said, they were all dogs, given a few wolves and foxes. I took a step forward and they took a step back, lowering their heads. I looked at Ursis. "By all technicalities, you are the Alpha of any dog-like species. Their Beast's nature is to cower from you." "I don't want anyone to be afraid of me." I felt bad that they were afraid of me. It felt wrong for me. I was always the one afraid of everyone else. "That's not going to happen. Go pick a seat. We are all willing to give up our seats for you." Ursis held out his hand, showing me all the seats there were to pick from. I slowly walked around, sniffing each spot. "This couch smells like Ursis." I thought. It was a loveseat that Ursis had claimed for himself. I looked at him and he nodded, then turned to get a small chair from the corner of the room. "Ursis, will you sit with me?" I blurted out. Thank god I was in Beast form. Everyone would see how badly I was blushing. I swear, my face felt so hot that it felt like it was going to melt away. He didn't say anything though, he just smiled and took a seat on the couch. "Is this all you do all day?" I asked as he sat down. "No. Our teacher will be here soon enough." "Are they going to stay like that the whole time?" I asked, feeling confused as to why everyone was still in their Beast form. "Not unless you tell them otherwise." "I don't want to make them afraid of me." "So tell them to get comfortable." Ursis laughed. I looked around again and flattened my ears. "Y-you c-can get c-comfy, y-you know." I was shaking so bad that it affected my voice. Ursis laughed more. "She's shy, get comfortable." Slowly, one by one, they began to change back to their human forms. I laid down, putting my head on Ursis's leg. I felt him tense up for a moment, but quickly relax. "I think she should be transferred to our class. She's one of us after all." Someone said. "Yes, I agree. She shouldn't have to deal with those bullies in her class when she's so fresh." Another piped up. I tilted my head. "What do you mean by that?" "You just got your Beast yesterday. That's what he means." A girl said. "How do you know that?" I narrowed my eyes at her. "We were all there, hidden in the trees. Only the parents and the elders are allowed to be in the clearing. Your Mom wasn't the only one taken. Nick and Tina were taken too." She said. I felt my heart clench with guilt. If I didn't get my Beast that day, they would all still be safe. I pushed those thoughts away for now. "If you were there, how did you not know that I am a dire wolf?" "When that chanting begins, our Beasts make us runaway. Not only does the chant give us our Beasts, it takes them away. Elders and parents are the only ones able to stay. They take part in the chant which gives their Beasts protection against it." She explained to me. I had stayed quiet, taking in all the information. "Zack almost killed her." Ursis suddenly spoke. Everyone was silent. "It was my fault." I blurted out. "How so?" A boy asked. "I was up on the roof. Zack startled me and my ears popped out." "It doesn't matter. There is one common law between us and them. Do not bring the outsiders into this. If he killed you on the roof, that would have brought the whole school into our war." Ursis said. "We can handle Zack. Someone as fresh as you are, shouldn't be at school for at least a week." Someone else said. The door slammed open and I jumped, taking a defensive stance. "Who do we have here?" The teacher said as he walked in. "Sir, this is Ixora." Ursis spoke. "Well, at least she didn't take after her Mother." He sneered. I growled, flaring my teeth at him. "Don't you ever use that tone while talking about my Mother." I watched him flinch away from me. It felt good to instill fear in him. "Take your seat. You've been transferred to my class. You'll have to change forms to use a pencil." "I think I'll just stay like this." I growled. "No. Just because you are fresh and have a rare Beast, does not mean you get to flaunt it off. Change forms, now." I growled once again and changed forms. Just like everyone else, I had no clothes anymore, except for the fact that everyone else brought a spare outfit. I sat back down on the couch beside Ursis, staring daggers at the teacher. "I have some clothes you can wear, though they will be too big on you." Ursis whispered. "I got this." The girl from earlier whispered. I watched as she dug in her bag, pulling out another outfit and handed it to me. "Thank you." I said as I took the clothing. "The shirt might be a bit big for you. I'm bigger in the chest compared to you." I smiled lightly and slipped into the outfit. She was right, the shirt was big on me. Mind you, I didn't really like it anyways. It was a pink belly top. I hated pink. I much preferred black. The bottoms weren't any better. It was a white frilly mini skirt that barely covered my butt. "I look like a prissy w***e!" I thought. I looked at Ursis, he gave me a once over and turned bright red. I blushed and sat down. I'm not going to lie, not wearing a bra or underwear, was very uncomfortable. The teacher droned on and on. It felt like it was years before the bell finally rang for lunch break. "You hungry?" Ursis asked. "Not really." I answered truthfully. "Is something wrong? You didn't eat breakfast either." "I'm fine. I don't usually eat during the day. My Mom kept trying, but gave up after a while." We walked passed a group of girls. "I told you I saw them getting out of a truck this morning. I think--" She stopped and stared at me. "Oh god." I thought. "When did you start wearing that?" She sneered. "Oh not you. I don't need another nose bleed." I thought. "You got blood on my clothes. I had to borrow these off a friend." I said out loud. "You look like a w***e. You open your legs for him yet? Like you did for all those guys before him?" She laughed. "Please leave me alone." "Leave you alone? What, you think because you have a boyfriend now, that you can stand up to me? Think he will have your back against me?" "N-no." I said, shrinking away from her. "Viki, I think that's enough." Ursis stepped in to save me once again. I felt ashamed that I had to rely on him to fight my battles for me. "No, Ursis. She deserves all this. She killed her own Father, her Mother is missing and she shows up to school without a scratch? Seems like she killed her Mother too." "I didn't --" Ursis waved his hand, stopping me. "She was a child when her Father was shot. She was tested for gun powder residue and it came back negative. Her Mother going missing isn't Ixora's fault either. Ixora was with me while her Mother was on a hike. She doesn't deserve anything like this. She deserves respect." "How do you know all this?" "It's my job to know." He said, turning away. He walked down the hall and I followed after him quickly. "Ursis, wait." I called out, but he didn't slow down until he reached the forest behind the school. "Take your clothes off and put them over there." I did as he told me, then stood there and watched as he removed his own clothing. "What are we going to do?" I asked. This wasn't the boy I somewhat knew. He was angry and that frightened me a bit. "Change forms." "Onyx." I whispered. My change was swift and dizzying. I shook my head and looked up at Ursis, who was already changed and waiting for me. "What are we doing?" "A dire wolf can fight with a bear and win. I need to scrap with someone. You're the only one that can withstand me. Please, scrap with me." "O-okay." I stuttered. "Would you look at that!? Ixora was challenged by Ursis!" Someone yelled. I jumped and looked around, but I couldn't see anyone. "Ignore them! You fight with me!" Ursis yelled at me. I nodded and took my stance again. Ursis knocked me down again. I felt my ribs snap under the force of my fall. I yelped in pain from it. "Up! Let's do it again!" "I-I can't." I whimpered. "Yes you can. Get up!" Ursis roared at me. Slowly, I dragged myself to my feet. The pain was almost unbearable. Once I took my stance again, he charged at me. I barely managed to dodge him, and sunk my teeth into his flank. He cried out and spun around. I jumped back, narrowly avoiding his claws. "Good. Keep going. I'm not going easy on you anymore." He charged at me again, but he was much faster than before. I closed my eyes and let my instincts take over me. When I opened my eyes again, he was almost to me. I charged forward, sinking my teeth into his shoulder. Ursis and I collided into each other until the sun went down. He charged at me with all his strength, I did the same. Our bodies slammed into each other. I sunk my teeth into his throat and pinned him to the ground. "I give!" He yelled, letting his body go limp under me. I let go and dropped to the ground beside him, breathing heavy. "Ixora is the victor!" Someone shouted. Yips and howls could be heard all around us. "Were they watching us?" I looked at Ursis in confusion. "Yes." He simply said. A small red wolf walked up to us. "That was a very good battle. You just need some more practice." She said. "Who are you?" I asked, bluntly. "I'm Kana. The one that gave you the clothes." "Oh. Thank you again." She nodded and walked away. "So, what was the point of that scrap?" "I-- Don't worry about it." Ursis said. "No. I want to know. Please tell me, Ursis." He changed forms and walked over to his clothes. I perked my ears up. "Ursis." I said, the urgency clear as day in my voice. "What?" "People." He stopped dead in his tracks as soon as the word left my muzzle and looked at me. "Where?" "I--" My words were cut off by laughter. "Oh no." I heard him whisper. He dressed quickly then turned to me. "Hide." I ducked behind some bushes, but I could still clearly see Ursis. "Ursis?" Zack looked confused. "What's up?" Ursis replied nonchalantly. "What are you still doing here?" "I was climbing trees." Ursis shrugged. "I highly doubt that." Viki sneered. I was beginning to hate the girl. He voice was enough to make me want to kill her. "What are you doing here, Ursis?" Zack asked again, but more sternly this time. "They aren't buying it." I thought. I stood up and looked around. I quickly found a stick that I wouldn't bite through by just picking it up. I grabbed it and quickly brought is back to Ursis, wagging my tail. You would not believe me if I said I was okay with doing that. No. No I really wasn't. It was super embarrassing and I literally wanted to die because of it. "What the heck is that?!" Viki screamed. "This is Onyx." Ursis smiled. "I didn't ask for a name! I asked what it was!" "My pet?" Ursis raised an eyebrow at Viki. Clearly she wasn't the brightest bulb in the box. I looked at her and growled. "Looks like Onyx doesn't like you." Ursis laughed. I took a step forward, snapping the stick with ease in my jaws. Viki and Zack slowly backed away. "Keep it away, Ursis!" Zack yelled. He looked pretty scared of me. "Easy there, Onyx. Don't want them wetting their pants now do you?" I looked at Ursis and gave him an evil look before turning back to Zack and Viki. I flared my teeth, growling. "Might want to run." Both of them turned and ran as fast as they could without looking back. I burst into laughter. "Did you see the fear on their faces!?" Ursis laughed, but then turned serious. "Don't ever do that again. That's one way to get yourself killed. Zack's Father is one of the higher ups with the eldest brother. He can kill you and no one will ever know." "I didn't speak and I acted like a dog. They won't find out who or what I am. But if it makes you feel better, I'll be more careful and I won't do it again." "Thank you." He gave me a pat on my muzzle.
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