Raised By Pirates

430 Words
Despite being raised by a pirate crew, Sienna growing up was easier than Shanks expected, she wasn’t a fussy baby at all, but one thing that confused the girl on so many levels was peoples judge of character. Every time the crew visited an island it was like the little one put up a shield, she didn’t want anyone near her beside Shanks’ crew. “Awh what beautiful red hair” A woman said reaching out to touch Sienna’s hair only to be bitten by the toddler making the woman shriek and look at the little one as if she was the devil’s spawn. “I’m sorry miss, my daughter doesn’t take nicely to strangers” Shanks said with a half smile which got the woman all flustered, making Sienna pull a funny face, she looked disgusted at the woman’s behaviour after she was shrieking like a crazy woman. Shanks lifted the toddler onto his hip and started to walk away from the woman as Sienna pouted. “What did I say about biting Sienna?” “No bite bite” she said in a pouting voice. For being a toddler she was already showing intelligence as she gave Shanks the puppy dog eyes knowing he couldn’t stay mad at her when she was being so cute. Even from a young age Sienna was already looking out for weaknesses and finding out her fathers was a score since she never really got into trouble by him, Even the crew struggled to tell her no when she wanted something ridiculous. “Exactly, so no more biting okay?” “Okie dada!” After exploring parts of the island they settled on a hill where flowers were blossoming, this was just the perfect time for the crew to relax before getting ready to set sail once again, having the marines always looking for you meant one thing, you had to stay on the move. You couldn’t stay somewhere for too long without it leading to consequences. “Look dada! Fower!” Sienna head up the flower to Shanks hearing him chuckle at her attempt to say flower. “Flower Sienna” “Fower!” She said with a wide grin making Shanks laugh even more before moving his hands as if getting ready to tickle her, this made Sienna get up and immediately run away to hide from him, but she didn’t get far before Shanks picked her up, that once playful smile had changed when he saw Marines arriving towards the island “Come on men… it’s time to go”
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