The room

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I turned around a used all my alpha strength to push the person away from me. I could hear a body slam against the wall. I looked at the man laying on the ground and realized that it was the guy from the bar. Suddenly I could hear Taylor in my head. ” Alpha are you alright” ” Yes, know I am. Can you please come over to the room on the other side of the one that was assign to me?” I knew Joshua was listening too. ” Of course, we will be there in a minute”   Joshua and Taylor had tied him on a chair, and where waiting in the room for him to wake up. I went back to my room to try and get some sleep before the annual fighting game that was happening in the morning. I woke up around 7 am, to Taylors voice in my head telling me that the guy was awake. I quickly took some clothes on and went over to check. He had was sitting in the chair starring with big eyes as I walked through the door. I looked harsh at him and could feel my body scream strength and power. He couldn’t reject my power and had to bow his head. ” who send you?” I asked. We waited for a couple seconds before Taylor slammed his fist against his chin. ” answer her!” I looked at him again to see if he was going to answer and nodded to Taylor. Taylor looked at him. ” You’re making it worse for yourself by not answering” he said as he smacked his fist against his chin again. It continued for a while until until he screamed stop. His face was full of blood dripping down his chin. I walked closer and waited for him to answer my questing. ” Danielle. Danielle from the Howlers Pack send me.” he stuttered. ” what did she give you to make you do it? And did Christian know” I demanded to know while I dragged his head back by his hair. ” She offered me 10 grand and told me that I wasn’t allowed to see my mate anymore. She is a member of the pack her father runs. Christian didn’t know, he would kill her if he knew” he looked at me with sadness in his eyes. I looked at Taylor. ” Let him go. Let her see that I know” I mind linked him. I looked at my phone to check the time. I had to be at the field in an hour. Just enough time to take a shower and get ready to beat somebodies’ ass. Hopefully Danielle’s.   Together with Taylor I walked over to the field where everybody was supposed to meet. Taylor wouldn’t let walk alone anymore, just in case Danielle had paid some more people to try and kill me. We made it just in time to hear the announcement from Alpha Royal. ” To everybody who haven’t been to this event before, the rules are simple. No killing only soft bites around the neck just to indicate a” kill”. You can either be challenged or challenge somebody. All fights are in wolf form. All right?” I looked at Taylor. ” Don’t challenge her! You will appear weak if you do. Only fool that are full of them self would challenge somebody at an event like this” he minds linked me. I knew that he was right. If I challenged her, people would think that I was jalousie of her, because of Christian. It could make the question my abilities to think like an Alpha. I looked into the crowd when a man pointed at another man, challenging him to a fight. I big circle appeared in the centre, and the men shifted while the crowed was looking at the with excitement. To grey wolf appeared in the middle. One of them bigger than the other. But that didn’t mean that he had the advantage He was slow in his movements, and the little one quickly grabbed his neck and won the fight. The next fights where pretty much the same. Alphas fighting alphas, brothers fighting brothers. The crowd was bussing. But then, at once it went silent Danielle was standing in the middle of the circle pointing her finger towards me. ”I challenge you, Everline” Everybody looked a me with excitement in their eyes. Everybody knew about me, being the mate of Christian, and Danielle wanting to become his Luna. Taylor knew that I had to fight her. I would look weak if i didn’t. I nodded towards her, and walked over to her, standing face to face. She quickly shifted into a beautiful grey wolf. She knew that she was a stunner and loved how the crowd’s eyes gazed at her. I took a deep breath and shifted. I could hear the crowd choke as the saw my wolf. My fur was snow white and my eyes where the same light blue as in human form. Its rare to see a white wolf, and for a white wolf to have blue eyes was even rarer. We circlet around for a while until the gun went off indicating that the fight could begin.  
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