Chapter 2 - I own the city.

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Ved’s POV “Well, the profits will be bouncing to 150% if we change the supplier from MN corporations to Simpson groups and I already have a deal which they offered us sir” Mannan, the head of supplies gave me a document about the deal and the company so I opened it.  To be frank I knew it was not worth it but I took my chances thinking maybe for this once time someone might have done the job right. The document was just a piece of paper well decorated and there were no details about the product. I threw it on the table and glared at him. Just by my expressions, everyone trembled.  They all knew better than to waste my time. “First, never show me some fancy papers without any details. Second, if we take on this supplier the cost of the product will increase and not otherwise. The transportation cost and wastage would be increased and I cannot just trust any supplier. Third, the supplier we are with is with us for a long time and we get good quality raw materials from him.” I shouted.  I don’t know why have I hired these people if they cannot even see the details and make rational decisions. “What about accounts?” I asked looking at the director of the accounts department.  He stood up clearing his throat and started giving me explanations about why his work is still not done. I was impatient now so I stood up buckling back my suit buttons and said. “If you all ever waste my time like this, you all are fired. Do your work or pack your stuff” I said firmly and walked out of the meeting room. “Rohan, get me my schedule now,” I told my secretary as I am not willing to waste any more minute. “Sir, you have a business meet in half an hour with Mr. Khan and Some paperwork to sign,” Rohan told me hurrying towards me to give me details. My cell phone rang and I saw my mother’s name on it.  I sighed and picked it up knowing what the topic would be. “Ved where are you? I asked you to meet Mr. Saxena’s daughter at the Imperia coffee shop?” She asked me. “I don’t want to meet anyone right now and I have work mother. It’s not like I can move around and not handle my responsibilities” I told her firmly knowing she would ask me to go right now leaving all the meetings. “If you don’t go and meet her right now, I am throwing you out of the company. So you better hurry up” She said cutting the call. I stood up defeated and told Rohan to shift the meeting fifteen minutes as I will be done by then. I asked Mr. Verma to join me and we went ahead towards the coffee shop. It was not very far from my office so we reached in just 10 minutes despite the Mumbai traffic. We went in to see a girl in her mid-twenties sitting and Mr. Verma took me towards her.  Just by looking at her, I felt disgusted. I don’t want to marry anyone just because every girl looks like they are either gold diggers or not worth my time.  She was beautiful but the layer of makeup she was wearing along with the Gucci dress and shoes showed me how much she cares about money. “Miss Tina Saxena, Mr. Ved Singhania” Mr. Verma introduced me but I did not take her hand and just sat down.  Too disgusted to look at her, I glanced at the menu and ordered a strong cappuccino and asked her right away, “Why do you think you can be my wife?” She was shocked by my straight question and kept silent.  She was already testing my patience. “Because I am Tina Saxena and that’s enough to prove it,” She said bragging about her status other than telling me about herself. “And I am Ved Singhania, the most eligible bachelor of this city not to mention I own the city, and you think you being someone’s daughter would be enough to impress me?” I said firmly and stood up. I left her shocked with Mr. Verma and came back to my office frustrated and went in for the scheduled meet. Everything about this day was making me insane. I don’t lose my temper much but everything’s going against me today. “Rohan I am leaving,” I told my secretary and left the office not caring about anything, not knowing what is happening in my life. I lost my interest in love when the girl I loved, Sania betrayed me. She was the only girl who had my heart.  My mother made me meet her as she was the daughter of our allies. At first, I did not like her at all. She was too professional and well maintained.  She used to talk in words, not sentences, and to connect with such a person was a big task.  I thought its better to not approach her as she is not willing but one day, we met again at a party and since then, we became friends.  She was not like I thought her to be, she had emotions within but never showed it. Soon we fell in love and it was the best time of my life. We were inseparable, or as I thought but one day I found out that she cheated on me with another guy. She was with me only because of my status and when she found another rich guy, she took her chance with him. I started hating girls and could not even handle their presence. I need to know if I really am attracted to anyone or not but all these girls I meet are not my type, not to mention I just want to know if I am physically attracted to them or not. An idea came to my mind but I was not sure if I should do it.  I don’t belong to any normal family, I am more like a prince of the estate and if someone finds out what I am about to do then it can be used against me. I called Mr. Verma and asked him to meet me at the Marine drive. I drove there often to clear my mind but I needed some security too for what I am going to do.
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