Chapter 2

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The next morning, Kendy is walking into the bedroom with a bowl of chicken soup, her thoughts on her parents’ visit from the previous evening. Putting the bowl down on the table, she turned around to open the soft yellow curtains when her eyes met the baby-blue ones on the bed, staring at her in shock. Stepping forward with a smile, Kendy held her hand out. “Hey, I’m Kendy.” The girl however just scooted back on the bed with a fearful look towards her. Frowning slightly, she slowly lowered her hand, walking back towards where she left the soup. Picking it up, she turned to the girl, showing it as she spoke. “So, I brought you something to eat. My mum made it yesterday, but you were sleeping so I didn’t have a chance to help you eat. You must be famished.” Kendy slowly walked forward, her dark brown hair swaying behind her as she walked. Putting the bowl of soup down on the bedside table she spoke again. The girl’s eyes never left her a moment as she moved. “I found you on the shore, so I thought bringing you inside might be the best idea, seeing as what you are. I’m not a normal human either, if that’s what you’re worried about.” “I... not... speak... English... good... You save me?” The words came out haltingly like the girl was used to speaking another language. Her blue eyes had a weary look but at least she wasn’t as scared anymore. Her heart-shaped face was that of a teenager and was surrounded by soft red curls. Smiling softly, Kendy took a seat next to her on the bed, admitting to herself that the young girl was actually pretty beautiful. “Ya, like I said, the name’s Kendy. I live here actually. I look after the sea animals. I’m a witch see, so my powers helps me to help them.” “O, I... hear of you. My friend... höfrungur... dol...dolfeen? It tell me of you.” Kendy had to concentrate to try and follow what the girl was saying, but internally she was really glad the girl wasn’t scared anymore. “O! Of course, my friend the dolphin. I’ve helped him and his family a few times. He was the one that called me when you were on the beach. That reminds me. I need o go check on him, he likes to get in to trouble.” Pushing the bowl closer to the girl as she got up, she gestured towards it as she spoke. “Look, why don’t you get something to eat while I’m out. When I’m back I’ll help you to take a shower okay?” When the girl smiled and nodded eagerly, Kendy turned around and walked out to the beach. Couching next to the water, she made soft splashes while singing. A moment later the well-known song of her dolphin-friend joined in. Using her powers, she levitated herself over the water towards him, where, still crouching, she examined him all the while talking softly and encouraging. As she landed back on shore, she was however quite surprised as she turned around, to see the young girl wrapped in her purple dressing gown, looking at her. With a slight frown so walked towards the girl. From the looks of her wet hair, she must have taken the suggested shower without assistance, and the way she was slurping up the soup, suggested she truly was hungry. The girl held the bowl out to her, nodding up and down before speaking. “Is good. You is hungry too?” Smiling, Kendy pulled the young girl against her in a soft hug, before speaking. “Don’t worry. There is LOTS more in the kitchen. But I’m glad to say, our dolphin friend is much better, and as soon as you are up and going, you will be on your way home too.” “I not go home. I not want go home. I stay. I be with Kendy.” Turning, she looked curiously at the upset girl, remembering her and her sister’s teenage years and how they drove their mum up the wall. Shaking her head, Kendy nodded towards the door of the small cottage. “Okay, for now. But then you had better tell me your name to, don’t you think?” “Name is Ilona. I not want go home, Kendy.” “Okay, Kiddo. But for now, we had better think of a way to let your parents know where you are okay? I bet they’re really worried about you.” The younger girl potted at that, but when she saw the serious look in Kendy’s face, she finally relented and gestured to the shore where the dolphin was still splashing and playing. “Höfrungur know way. He take message. Tell Faðir.” “Faðir? Is that; is that father?” “Ai.” With a smile, the girl spun around, and as if she hadn’t been sick at all, sprinted to the water where she discarded her clothes in the blink of an eye, jumping into the water and swam to the dolphin who greeted her eagerly. Kendy could just stare with a smile of exasperation, while shaking her head.   The next few days seemed to fly by. Kendy kept an expert eye on Ilona, who seemed to have found her voice and was eagerly learning English while talking Kendy’s ears off. For the first time however, Kendy enjoyed the company. She loved to watch the girl changing into her siren form, and swim through the waves of the ocean. As always though, the grumpy Mystique pulled her ears flat for anyone who seemed even slightly out of the ordinary. After a week though, Kendy was standing in front of her sofa, grumbling about making the bed when she heard a truck stopping outside. With a curse she walked to the door, wondering who it could be, when it swung open. A moment later she was embraced in a tight, bone breaking hug as her brother’s arms wrapped around her. “Rudi can’t breathe here, dude. Rudi!” Stepping back, the brown-haired form of her twin threw his head back as his laughter filled the air, making her join in a moment later. “Damn, sis, I’ve missed you!” “Kendy, who is this? Is your boyfriend, yes?” Swinging around in surprise, Kendy smiled at the younger girl before answering the question. “No, actually, Ilona, this is my brother, Rudi. Rudi meet Ilona. She washed up on shore a few days ago.” A suddenly weary look had come on to Rudi’s face as he looked at the girl wrapped in Kendy’s purple dressing gown. Raising an eyebrow at Kendy in question. “Ilona is a siren, Bro. She was hurt, so I helped her. She asked to stay a few days.” “Okay.” Rudi seemed to drag the word out, making Kendy shake her head again. Grabbing his hand, Kendy pulled him behind her and spoke to Ilona at the same time. “Let’s all grab a mug of hot chocolate and then we can chat and catch up. Ilona do you want to join us?” As the younger girl nodded eagerly, Kendy put the kettle on while grabbing the mugs from the kitchen cupboards, listening to Ilona chatting away at the speed of lightning. When she put the mugs down, Rudi got the first chance to speak as she started sipping on her chocolate. “So sis, are you joining us tomorrow?” Her groan made Rudi smile as he settled back on the chair while looking at her, waiting for her answer. “I told mum I’d be there you know how she is. I hate these to-do’s though. Every time I go, she tries to get me interested in another man, as if getting married is the only thing that matters at the moment. Don’t get me wrong, I love the way she and dad is with one another, but me... I’d rather just stay living here next to the sea.” “It’s still Aakesh, isn’t it?” Rudi’s voice was soft and quiet as he spoke, his usually laughing eyes, suddenly more compassionate for his sister. Even Ilona had grown quiet, noticing the more intense atmosphere. Shrugging, Kendy got up without answering, grabbing the three mugs to rinse them in the sink. “Not that I have a THING to wear you know. I only have my stuff here for next to the beach. So I don’t know how she even wants me to show up there.” “Welll, Adrea and I kind of thought about that, so, I got you something in my truck. BUUUTT you’re not allowed to look before tomorrow afternoon.” This made Kendy laugh again as she grabbed her brother, pulling him in for a hug. “You’re the best brother any girl could want!” “And your friend? Will she be going too?” Looking over to where Ilona was standing, staring out the window at the sea’s waves crashing on to the shore. “I’ll borrow her one of my old dresses. Mum might not like me wearing anything twice, but I’m sure she won’t mind Ilona borrowing one from me. And anyway, between Adrea and Trius, I’m sure the three will have fun.” “Now, THAT, sis, is an understatement.” Pulling his sister down on the couch, the two sat cuddling and chatting while Ilona said her good nights.
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