
Second Chance


Can you be too old to start over?

Everly finds herself a widow with two teenage children and being thrust into a new relationship. Starting over is always hard but when the Man you try to start over with is a supernatural being from a different realm will it be able to last or is it destiny to fail from the start?

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Chapter 1
Dustin Sometimes you don’t always get what you want. That felt like the story of my life.  Picking up my little girl was one of the few things that really brought me joy. At 6 months, she had a chubby face and bright blue eyes which she got from her mother.  “Hey princess.”  She cooed at me and drooled while grabbing at my face. “Daddy is only going to be gone for a few days. I hate leaving.” She again cooed at me and mumbled Da.  “She will be fine with her Auntie Faith.” My sister said, coming up behind me, talking in a baby voice. “I know it’s just the first time I’ve been away from her since she was born.”  “Oh, is the big old King Dustin getting soft? You can portal in every night once you are in the hotel.”  I smiled down at Adalyn. She was my princess and, yes, I was soft with her. To everybody else, I was known as heartless, calculated, and the fiercest warrior. But that is a Kappi, a warrior. Not much is known about our species and that is not an accident. We keep the peace in neutral territories and are feared by all. We are incredibly stealthy and having the ability to bend light and blur into our surrounds makes us invisible to our enemies. We are the fastest supernatural beings and also have the ability to draw on the energy around us to make weapons out of thin air. My weapon of choice is my sword, but being King of my realm, I have mastered all weapons. “Our pack needs to keep this alliance. Go meet the other King and come home. She will be waiting.”  I finished packing my bags and kissed Adalyn on the head before leaving. “Daddy will be back soon.”  My Third in Command was waiting with 2 warriors as we made our way out of our realm and to the airport. As a Kappi, we can open portals between realms and between places on the same plane. But being that we were meeting in the human realm, we always use the human method as transportation to avoid drawing attention. “I hate meeting in human towns,” I grumbled.  “I don’t mind it. They have the best pizza. I’ve already been scouting for places to eat.” Evan said with a smile. I couldn’t help but laugh. It wasn’t humans that bothered me but the fact I had to hide who I was and be myself. We learned a long time ago that humans and supernatural beings do not blend. Don’t get me wrong, there are some amazing humans, but the evil ones made supernaturals as a whole remain hidden.  “Fine, but it had better be really good.”  The flight from Colorado to Ohio wasn’t long and before I knew it, we were checked into our hotel. It was only for a few days, so for some crazy reason I agreed to a 2 bedroom suite with my Third and our warriors across the hall.  “This place is AMAZING!" He said, getting into everything like a child.  “Stop touching everything. You are worse than a child.” I said, laughing at him.  “Let’s go get some pizza. There is this place called the Red Plum and the reviews are off the chart.”  “Fine. Lead the way.” For a Kappi of 40, sometimes my Third would act like he was only 16.  The restaurant was extremely tiny, almost hidden. Once inside, we were seated quickly despite how busy they looked.  I felt anxious and, since I hated small areas, I assumed I was just not dealing with the small busy restaurant.  Once we were seated, I mind linked the warriors waiting outside and told them to be on alert. I knew we were in a human town, but I felt better with them being ready. I didn’t get the sense of an attack but something was going to happen. Then it hit me like a punch in the face. The most amazing smell of lilac. My eyes quickly scanned the room and the moment they fell on her I knew she was my flame. Or as humans might call it, my soulmate. She was beautiful with shoulder length, dirty blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She had a round face with a small nose and full lips. Sitting at a table with two teenagers that look just like her. From their looks, I was assuming they were her children, but I wasn’t sure if she was old enough to have teens.  Looking at her hand, I didn’t see a ring but a light tan line where one must have been until recently. I let out a breath that I didn’t realize I was holding.  She looked up and made eye contact with me and at that moment I felt complete with a simple look.  She gave me a small smile and held my gaze till the young boy with her said something and she gave him full attention. I wanted to rush to her and have her in my arms. But she was human and I had to be careful not to scare her away. “King Dustin?” My General Evan said, getting my attention.  “Just Dustin while we are here.” I didn’t even like him calling me King when we were home. Just Dustin.  “Yes sir, but did you hear me?’  “No what?”  “I was asking you about the pizza. What is going on with you?”  “I…I found my flame.”  “WHAT? WHERE?” He asked, looking around the room.  “What are you doing?” I didn’t need him causing a scene.  “She is the blonde in the corner with the two teenagers.”  I watched as Evan casually looked around and found her.  “She is beautiful. Are you going to talk to her?”  “What do I say? Hey, like the pizza here?”  “Yeah, it would have been easier if she was a Kappi or any supernatural really.”  Breaking our conversation, the waiter came and we ordered multiple pizzas. A few to go, so the warriors could eat too.  As soon as the waiter brought our pizza, I asked him if I could have the bill for the woman in the corner. He seemed surprised but brought me the bill and I made sure to give him a large tip.  Eating, I tried my best not to stare at her, so I looked down and tried to focus on my food. “Excuse me?” The sweetest voice I’d ever heard said. I looked up to see my flame standing by my table. She was thicker than I was used to but she looked amazing and all I wanted to do was memorize her curves.  “Uh, the waiter said you paid for my bill. Thank you.”  “My pleasure. Ms?”  “Oh I’m sorry Everly. But my friends call me Eve.”  “Well, Everly, it’s a pleasure.” I put my hand out to shake hers. I needed to touch my mate. “I’m Dustin and this is my business partner Evan.”  “Nice to meet you.” She took my hand and for the first time in my 43 years of life I felt the sparks I had heard about all my life.  I could tell from her reaction she also felt them. I wasn’t sure how intense, but she felt something and her cheeks instantly blushed.  “Well, thank you again.” She said, pulling her hand away from the shake that lasted longer than normal.  “You’re welcome.”  She gave me one more smile before she walked away.

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