Chapter 1

2589 Words
There's something that I've been living with that I've never told anyone, aside my parents. That something, is the fear I feel around everyone in this small town I live in. See, I only feel safe when I'm in my room. My parents told me not to worry too much about it. That it was just my, diagnosed, anxiety and stress disorder. Unfortunately for them, I know I'm adopted. A few years ago, I was rooting through some boxes in the attic of our small house, when I came across some paperwork that had my name on it. That paperwork, was my adoption papers. It didn't say who my birth parents were, only said 'abandoned'. I guessed that they didn't want me and that I was just a hindrance to them. That didn't bother me any. I've still had a wonderful family that accepts me for who I am, even with all the problems I have. Oops! s**t! Telling my back story and haven't mentioned my name. Goddess I'm such a scatterbrain. My name is Mira Arkansaw. No, it's not pronounced the way it's written. Here, I'll break it down. Me-r-uh Ark-en-saw. There, now that that's over with. I'm 15 years old. My birthday is tomorrow, which is February 14th. Yes, I was born on the love day.. not that I celebrate it anyways. Anywho, there's something you should know. This small town, is actually a pack of werewolves. Yes, my parents are werewolves. But I'm not. I've never been as developed as the other girls in my classes. I can't heal as fast as them and, I'm not a wolf. I'm skittish and I prefer to be alone. I swear, I'm more of a cat than anything. "Mimi!!" That's my little brother. He's about to be 2 years old. After my parents gave up on trying for a pup, they adopted me. And well, about two year ago, Mom found out she was pregnant. They were over the moon about it. Even howled to the Moon Goddess as a thank you. See, my mom is infertile. She tried so many drugs to force fertility but nothing worked. So, when they gave up, they got me. Then, on one full moon mom was given the gift of my little brother. Apparently, the Moon Goddess heard their cries to have a pup of their own. Even though I'm adopted, I've never been left out. "Mimi!" I watch as my door is slammed open. Yup... That's my little brother for you.. "What is it, James?" I picked him up into my lap. "Mommy want Mimi! Mimi in big touble!" He squirmed in my arms. I smiled at the way he refuses to say R's. "I don't think I'm in tRouble, James." He bit my arm when I put him down. I hissed, but it honestly didn't hurt anymore than usual. Alas, I followed him down the stairs and to the kitchen where mom was standing making dinner. "Mira, did you not hear me calling for you?" "No, sorry mom. I was doing my homework. What's up?" Being top of the class was pretty easy since I cared nothing about being popular. "I need you to go to the store and pick up milk and bread. Your father won't be home until after midnight and I can't get it. Since your father was already at the store for the Alpha, he's paid for the milk and bread. Go to check-out 4 and there, he will have what's been paid for." Mom's always been one for long explanations. Even though it's annoying, it did come in handy from time to time. With a nod, I headed to the door. Shoving my feet into my boots and my coat on, I opened the door. Being the tail end of winter, it wasn't that cold, but the snow was still there which meant, I would get sick once again. I trudged to the store and walked to the check-out line I was directed to. It was Mason. Damn it father! He knew Mason, the betas son, had a huge crush on me. I sighed and waited in line. "Hey, Mira." He said with a shy smile. "Hey, Mason. My dad paid for milk and bread here. I was told to pick it up." I played cool, knowing that if I reacted to his attempts of flirting, he would reject his mate for me. That alone, would be taboo in the eyes of the Goddess. When he handed me the two bags, I was careful not to touch him. I could see the hurt in his eyes, but I couldn't risk the wrath of the Moon Goddess. I gave him a nod and headed my way home. Halfway home, I heard something that I thought I'd never hear in these parts. I turned toward the sound, and there, I saw a herd of horses running up the street. It was odd. Seeing as how this has never happened before, especially because this is in fact, werewolf territory. I stood and stared at them. Bays, greys, marbles, blacks and whites. Their coats were stunning. Something in me stirred. I felt the need to run with them. My heart fluttered when the only stallion in this herd stopped and looked at me. His nose shimmered and I watched as he shifted to a human form. I felt my jaw fall open. "What's a cute little mare doing in a pack of wolves?" He asked. I stared at him, his raven black hair, his dark green eyes, his chiseled muscles. I heard his chuckle and shook my head to free my mind from shock. "Sorry, what did you say?" He smirked. "I said, what's a cute little mare doing in a pack of wolves." I felt safe with this man for some reason. "I.. I was adopted by a werewolf couple when I was a baby." He must have sensed that I wasn't lying. He smiled softly, and again, something stirred inside me. "Sweet little mare, come with me. I will take you with my herd to a safe place." He held out his hand for me to take, but before I could, I say my dad wolf form running toward the stallion that stood in front of me. Before I even realized what I was doing, I dropped the bags and jumped in from of my dad. "Daddy no!" I screamed. He skidded to a stop and growled. I felt like he was telling me to get away, but I couldn't. Something in me was telling me not to move. "Daddy please, don't hurt him." He shifted, and put on the shorts he had tied around his neck. "Mira, get out of the way." I could hear his wolf growling as he spoke. "I can't Daddy. Something inside me is telling me that I can't move. Please, don't hurt him. For me Daddy, please.." I begged. My body was trembling, my head was low. "Sir, forgive my herd and I for entering your land, but on the other side, is the safest place for us. As well as your mare daughter. Her instinct is to protect the stallion, which is me. Please, stand down so that she may move." The stallion behind me spoke slowly and carefully. I watched my dad's eyes glaze over. "Daddy please, don't call for the Alpha.." my voice was barely over a whisper, but I know everyone still heard what I said. "I'm sorry, Mira. As head warrior, I have to. Nor can I back down, please bare with me just a little longer." I could hear the whimpers from his wolf. They both knew they were hurting me. A few moments passed before the growl of the Alpha was heard. My body trembled even more. "What is the matter here!?" The Alpha yelled. I could feel the need to skitter away and hide, but I couldn't move. My heart pounded in my chest. The mares behind me whinnying in fright. "Forgive me and my herd for crossing your land, Alpha, but all other ways around your land are too dangerous for my mares. Quite a few are pregnant and this was the safest path for them." I could feel the Alpha's eyes on me. He was the first one to notice that I was not a werewolf, but still, he allowed me to stay. "You are forgiven, stallion." He paused and then, the need to protect vanished and I dropped to my knees, trembling and gasping for air. "Next time, wait for my say so. I know you horse shifters need safe passage. I was warned by the other packs you passed through." The Alpha was a good man, and lenient with other shifters who mean no harm. "Of course, this is my first time leading this herd. My father before me used to pass through these lands. Sadly, he didn't teach me the way he should have before he died." A small whinny that sounded like pain and loss came from the herd. I looked over my shoulder and watched as an older bay colored mare came forward. "My mother has asked if it would be okay for us to stay the night here. She has told me that one of the mares has started showing signs of labour." When the Alpha gave a nod, the older mare lowered her head to me and rubbed her nose on my cheek. She was soft and warm, which made me feel even safer than before. Her ears turned back as my dad came closer. She snorted and backed away as my dad knelt down in front of me. "I'm sorry, Mira." He pulled me into his arms. "I should have told you sooner about what you are.." I looked up at him, confusion swimming in my eyes. "What do you mean, dad?" He sighed and hugged me even tighter. "You're a horse shifter, Mira. Tomorrow, you will shift into your horse form, and tomorrow, you will go with this herd and live with them. Wolves aren't going to be good for you to be around once you shift." "But dad... What about you, mom and James? I can't leave you guys. You are my family." "Come child, I will induct you into the herd." An older woman spoke from behind me. I looked over and there stood an older, naked, woman. I shook my head and held my dad tighter. I didn't want to let go of my family. Not yet anyways. "Mira, listen to me." Dad paused and I looked up, his eyes were glazed over. Which means that mom was telling him what to say. "Your father and I knew for a long time, and now, you need know. You are a horse shifter. You will go with that herd and you will not come back. We have raised you well, and you will be just fine. And I swear to the Moon Goddess, if you come back here, I will beat you with my spoon!" I couldn't help the giggle that escaped my lips. "Yes mom." I pulled away from my dad after a second and stood in front of the old mare. Her smile was soft as she held out her hand. I took her hand and watched as her other hand went to my head. It felt like she drew something on my forehead, but I wasn't sure what. I felt a sense of power wash over me, followed by a wave of pain. It wasn't my pain, but the pain of the mare giving birth. "Welcome to the herd, Mira." The old mare said, but she didn't speak. I furrowed my brow at her. "Your mind, child. Just like wolves, we too, can link from our minds." I nodded and looked over at the sound of a tiny neigh. Joy rushed through me at the sight of the baby, but as fast as the joy spread, so did fear as the filly shifted to a tiny naked baby in the snow. I quickly rushed over and picked up the baby, wrapping my coat around her. I shivered from the wind. "Mira, give her to me, I will keep her warm." I looked up at my dad who had done a half shift. He was covered in fur, I looked at the old mare, and when she nodded, I let my dad take her. He gave me my coat back and wrapped his arms softly around the baby. It wasn't long after the filly was born, that her sister was born. When she shifted like her sister, I picked her up and handed her to my dad to keep her warm too. "Dad, we should take the three of them to our house. She looks very tired." I was looking at dad, when a sense of connection snapped. I whipped my head toward the mother, but she was gone. Her body shifted back to human form, a small happy smile on her lips. Tears burned my eyes. The stallion who was beside her, picked her up. "She knew the risks of carrying two babies. She knew her body was weak. Now, she runs in the everlasting meadow." Neighs and the thundering of hooves hitting the ground sounded all around me. I cried as my dad let out a long howl. A howl I knew very well. The howl of loss of life. I could hear other wolves joining in. They too could sense the death. That night, I helped my mom take care of the two tiny newborns. It was just like helping her care for James, just one more than him. These two girls shifted once more, before the ability went dormant until they were 16. According to my mom, I didn't do this in front of her, nor the orphanage that I came from. Whoever my birth parents were, they made sure that I didn't shift in front of anyone before leaving me in a dumpster to freeze or starve to death. When midnight struck, I gasped and held my chest. A large amount of pain swept through me. I needed to be outside. That's what I needed. The only thing I wanted. So, I stumbled down the stairs toward the front door. Dad was just getting back from his patrol shift. He caught me as I fell forward. "Mira?!" Dad called to me, but it sounded like he was far from me. The thundering of hooves was loud in my ears, but I knew that I was the only one to hear it. I struggled from my dad arms, when he let me go, I walked out of the house landing face first into the snow. My body felt hot and the snow did little to cool me down. I wanted to cry out, but I was gasping for air. It was like I couldn't breathe. I felt a pair of strong arms pick me up and move me away from the house. The heat that was burning me, settled down in the grip of these arms. "You will be alright now. Your herd is here." I heard him say. I cracked open my eyes and saw the whole herd looking at me, waiting for my first shift. He laid me down in the snow again. Everyone was in their horse form now. Even the leader. Each one, pounding their front hooves on the ground. I felt calm, the burning gone. Then, I felt it.
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