Chapter Four

1019 Words
Stepped in the shower and began to wash all my makeup off, letting my mind drift off to when I had my first encounter with a wolf. [MEMORY] "James stop, seriously!" I complained, glaring at my so called brother who won't stop howling like a douchebag. "What Crystal? Afraid I'm gonna call the wolves? I swear it's so fun to scare you." He joked and began to howl again. "I'm serious James. I'm not afraid of wolves coming to kill us but when you howl it annoys the crap out of-" I was cut off by a loud, long howl coming from the backyard. My eyes widened and I slapped James in the face, not in the mood for his stupid tricks. "Ow! What is your problem? That wasn't me!" He whined. "That was the wolves coming to get you." "Shut up, it's not funny." I warned, my voice trembling a little. What if it really was a wolf? "It wasn't-" he was interrupted by the back door being broken down. We shared a look of horror before we both jumped off the couch and ran upstairs I went in my room and James followed. "Crystal, promise me you won't leave this room." "W-what?" "Don't leave this room, I'm so proud of you and I just wanna tell you that I love you lil' sis." Was the last thing he said to me before giving me a quick hug and running out, leaving me alone and terrified. He's trying to face the creature alone. He's gonna risk his life just to save me. I won't allow him too do this. I ran to the door and opened it, running down the stairs I spotted a pitch black wolf with grey stripes getting ready to pounce on my brother. "NO!" I screamed which caused the wolf and my brother to look over at me. "Crystal, go back upstairs! Now!" James screamed at me, giving the wolf an advantage to pounce and so it did. I began sobbing my heart out but that's when another wolf barged in, giving me an evil stare with its piercing red eyes. I inhaled shakily and turned to run back up the stairs but I was tackled. I felt the claws of the wolf dig deep into my shoulder blades then they slid down my back, making me scream in agony. I fell to the ground and the tears kept flowing freely, soon enough the wolf took a huge bite into the side of my neck. I screamed one last time before it felt like poison was traveling through my neck, suddenly both of the wolves stopped doing what they were doing and they left without so much as a second glance. I laid on the floor, holding my bleeding neck. I turned my head to see my brother was on the ground, unmoving. "NO!" I cried, feeling dizzy. I stood up and weakly ran outside the front door, screaming out for help as I hoped one of my neighbors heard me. Suddenly I felt myself falling to the ground from how much blood I lost, I couldn't stand up from how weak I was at the moment. I saw flashing lights round the corner and suddenly a police car and an ambulance came into view. They parked in my driveway and on the side of the road, people came rushing out of the cars. They came over to me while some ran inside to investigate. I gasped for air as I felt more sobs rack my body, the paramedics lifted me up on a stretcher and put and oxygen mask on me. I glanced back at the house and saw more paramedics wheel my brother out, eventually I found myself began to fall into a pit of blackness. **** I woke up the the sound of beeping, loud beeping. I slowly opened my eyes so they would adjust to the lighting then I groaned and looked around the room. I was alone until a doctor decided to walk in, he glanced at me and noticed I was awake then he gave me a sad smile. "I'm Dr. Davidson. How are you feeling Crystal?" "Horrible." I croaked. "I can't feel my back, it's numb." Dr. Davidson sighed and looked down at his notes then looked back up at me. "Crystal, the animal that bit you... it had rabies and you need to treat it before your time runs out." "But I have no money and my parents are... dead... I only have my brother." I said as my eyes became glassy. The doctor stared at me with pity. "I know. It's your choice whether you want to get it or not, you can always get it when your older and have the money but you have until you're 25. Once you're 25 the medicine will be gone." "How much does it cost?" I asked, a tear slipping from my eye. "The medicine costs 100k. I'm sorry it has to be this way..." "1-100k?!" I stammered, bursting out in tears. "I'm so sorry Crystal..." "What about my brother? Is he okay?" I bit my lip in fear, afraid of what the answer is. "I cannot say. Goodbye Crystal." "Wait! You can't leave me!" I screamed as he opened the door and left. He left me alone. He left me and I don't even know if my brother is alive. "f**k YOU STUPID MUTTS!" {END OF MEMORY} I remember that day. The day I said my very first cuss word, I was only twelve when I said it. I knew my brother wouldn't have approved but I've never seen him since that day so it doesn't matter what my family thinks. I have no family anymore. I know my family would be upset that I'm a stripper but I only do it for the money. I need the money for the medicine, I already have $97,374. I just need $2,626 more dollars then I'll have enough for the medicine. I just hope nothing gets in my way or prevents me from getting the rest of the money.
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