Prologue: Losing Everything

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"You stupid child! How dare you spill everything on the damn floor! Who do you think will be blamed between the two of us? You're a real pain in the ass! You're a nothing but a burden!"  Linus cowered back in fear and felt another smack on top of his head from the cook's heavy hand.  How many times has he hit him?  He already lost count.  His face and small body were almost numb due to the weight of the obese cook hitting various parts of his body.  Is it his fault he's hungry?  Is it his fault if they feed them only once a day and even if they do feed you, you will not be satisfied?  All Linus knew was that he was hungry, so he sneaked off to find something to eat in the kitchen, but who would have thought his elbow would hit the casserole containing the soup?  He was surprised when he heard Falco's heavy footsteps, that's why he got startled!  "I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean t-to. I was just hungry. Please stop! I w-won't do it again. It – It hurts."  Linus begged and pleaded.  There is just so much his little body can take.  "Stop it! How could you hurt a little boy?!"  As he prayed, the successive beatings on him stopped and he felt someone pull him until he was put at the back of the person who had rescued him.  And he no longer needed to see the face of the person who had rescued him because in that orphanage, only one person was always there for him.  Only one person always understands and talks to him when he is alone.  And he is what he considers his only family,  his Big Brother Tyler.  It had been five years since he came here and met Tyler and he's now ten years old.  Because Tyler treats him differently.  Different from Ms. Dorman who always pinches his ear, and the rugged Cook Falco who is heavy -handed with kids who get caught like him.  Because unlike others who treat other children in the orphanage violently and cruelly, Tyler is different.  For all of them he is their Hero.  "How dare you raise your f ****** voice at me, boy! Have you forgotten who's the one feeding you sorry pieces of s **** ?!"  Linus heard Falco shout angrily at them and tightened his grip on Tyler's shirt.  As always, his Big Bro smells like paint.  Tyler often helped paint the other houses around them.  Tyler loves painting and just helping other people, really.  And Linus swore to be like him when he grows up.  "That does not give you the right to hurt him or the children here! They are here for help and love, but what have you given them so far? Nothing!"  Linus could feel the anger in Tyler's voice as well and he wanted to stop him because he didn't want him to get hurt.  "They are nothing but rejects! Their families don't even want them, what made you think people here will?! Especially like that boy with freaky eyes! I bet his parents believed he would only bring them misfortune! Like what he's been doing here! "  And his statement brought tears to Linus' eyes and he winced.  He's right though. Nobody wants them. Nobody wants to even adopt them. They are nothing but problems.  They are nothing but a burden.  Especially a kid like him with mismatched eyes.  He is a freak that no one will like.  Maybe Falco is right.  Maybe he's only causing them misfortune with his presence.  Maybe that's why parents rarely adopt kids here because of him. "Now, hand me that boy back and don't you dare interfere, Tyler!"  "No! I've had enough! You won't hurt Linus anymore!" Linus felt a tug on his arm and he let Tyler pull him.   Linus isn't aware of anything yet, but he trusts Tyler.  He trusts that he will never hurt him.  "You better not run back here! If I ever catch you both around here next time, I swear I'll kill you two!"  A shiver of fear ran through his body at the Cook's threat and Linus had no doubt that the big man is very much capable of putting that threat into reality.  Tyler pulled him out to the front door and Linus stopped when they reached the outside to look back.  He seldom went out then because they were forbidden to.  They are only permitted to leave the orphanage when they are ordered to do so or when they are told to beg for money outside.  When he looked up at the windows, he saw some of the children who grew up with him. The kids  he played and fought with. Children who stole a few toys donated to them from him. Linus whimpered in pain and cried when he saw tears in their eyes, eyes that are pleading to be freed, too. "Tyler, can't we bring the others along? H-How about them? Miss and Falco..." he couldn't complete his sentence because Tyler leaned down in front of him and held his shoulder.  "I'm sorry, buddy. We can't take them with us. I... I don't even know how we'll survive the outside world, but I won't let them hurt you anymore, okay? We will not go back there."  Tyler told him with a pained expression on his face before standing up once again.  "Let's go before they can catch up."  With tears in his eyes, Linus let Tyler pull him away from the orphanage he grew up in.  The house he has grown to call his 'home'. In the early days they did nothing, but stroll and walk with no certain direction.  Tyler will leave him in a chair and tell him not to leave and will be gone for a long time. When he comes back, his eyes will light up because he always carries food with him. The nights that passed became hard and cold for them because they only slept on the road.  Sleeping in with some who were like them without a home or shelter, but they always drive them away and hurt them.  "Tyler, why do they want to hurt us? We only want a place to sleep, don't we? Are we doing anything wrong?"  Linus's innocent mind asks Tyler one night when they are huddled up under a bridge with barely a blanket to cover their bodies.  "Is... Is it because of my eyes? Because they're afraid I'll only bring them misfortune?"  he questioned, his mismatched eyes staring at his friend in wonder and insecurity.  "Of course not, bud. We are not doing anything wrong. They... They are just being cautious. We are strangers they can't trust and like us, they barely have anything so they want to protect it. It's not that they want to hurt us, they just don't know how to treat us."  Tyler explained in a soft voice while they were burrowing heat from each others' bodies.  "And no silly, your eyes are special, Linus. They are unique and don't ever let anyone say otherwise."  Linus nodded and hummed sleepily.  He will trust his word.  "I'm sorry if we don't have anywhere to sleep yet, Linus. I promise I will work harder, okay? I won't let anything happen to you."  Linus didn't even realize he fell asleep.  He just woke up to the violent feeling of someone lifting him. "Ssh. Sleep more, little guy. You are safe with us. We'll give you food and shelter."  a man with a raspy voice said.  "Are you bloody sure about this?"  a man with a different accent like his friend Toby said and Linus caught through his subconscious state.  "Either this or we both lose our f ****** heads off if we fail what Napoleon wants. The boy we took ran away and we have no other choice, do we? These boys are homeless. I'm sure no one will find them anytime soon. "  "A'ight. I'm telling you, I ain't got nothing to do with this, lad."  He fell asleep once more shortly after smelling a strong and pungent odor. When he woke up again, the first thing Linus immediately noticed were the large drops of rain falling all over his face and body.  He attempted to stare even though his eyes were heavy and tried to cover his eyes to stare up the weeping sky. Linus tried to get up and hissed when he felt pain in his head.  His head spun a little and he gagged, but nothing came out. He gasped in shock when he saw a man whose face, he could not see very well.  "I ain't got any other choice, lads. Sorry 'bout this, but I'm sparing your life, at least. Forget about this and live. No hard feelings, lad."  the man said to Linus and stood up.  "God, your eyes are really freaky." he added and shuddered in added effect.  Linus tried to follow him with his eyes despite the dark surroundings and heavy rain, but he couldn’t.  What is the man saying?  Where are they?  What's the matter?  "Tyler..." Linus immediately called his big bro's name and looked up at the man.  "Where's Tyler? What did you do to him?!"  Linus couldn't see the man's face clearly, but he saw how his gaze shifted from him to his left side and Linus followed his gaze.  And his world stopped at what he saw.  There his savior, his big brother, Tyler lays, unmoving.  "Tyler?"  Linus called out in a shaky voice before crawling over to the older guy.  "Tyler?"  "Lad told me to kill ya too, but I ain't gonna do it. I have a bloody kid your age, for bloody heck's sake."  Linus ignored the man and through the small light coming from the big moon and post, Linus saw a large blood spot soaking Tyler's already wet checkered polo on his chest. "Tyler!"  Linus starts to shake him desperately while repeatedly crying out his name.  "Tyler, please. P-Please wake up-up."  he pleaded while shaking his still form, but to no avail.  "It's a bad day that you've met the Levisay today, Lad. It's you both or us, but we cannot lose our lives. Look at it as God has mercy on you by sparing you the chance to face the cruel world."  At the same time as the man left, Linus' screams were heard all over the place even though it was raining heavily.  "Tyler!" Linus didn't stop crying and relentlessly woke Tyler up until he got tired and passed out.  He did not want to accept that the only person who had saved and understood he was gone.  He did not want to accept that he did not keep the promise to him and left him. The next morning, he realized that they were at a large dump site and while leaning on Tyler's cold and motionless chest, he heard a voice.  "Oh my God! What happened here?"  Hope blossomed in his chest when he saw a man and a woman nearing their way. "Help! Please, help my brother! He's terribly hurt and cold. I-I tried to cover him, but my t-shirt is too small." The woman drew him away from Tyler and hugged him while the man inspected his big brother.  Linus watched how the man leaned his head on top of Tyler's chest and set his fingers on his neck before turning towards them and shaking his head.  "Oh, God."  Linus heard the woman holding him mutter out before leaving him and puking somewhere.  Linus titled his head in wonder.  Maybe she was just disgusted by the smell of garbage?  Linus wondered before turning to the man and staring at Tyler's closed eyes.  "I'm sorry, little guy."  The man told him with sorrow in his eyes before patting his shoulder and that is when the ten-year old finally grasped the idea.  It's like when their puppy Cookie died, or when their stray cat Daisy was found unmoving the next day.  It's like how a kid named 'Dalton' left them and was placed in a coffin for them to see.  The once naughty and hyper kid was still and laying inside with his eyes closed.  Linus cried his little heart out as the couple attempted to console him. "Tyler lied."  Linus found himself crying while crying his heart out.  "He... He left me." "Ssh, little man. What is your name? I am Henry and my wife's name is Juliet."  the man's soothing voice asked him and Linus sniffed.  His mismatched eyes staring at the man with uncertainty.  Can he trust the man?  But Linus found nothing mischievous in the man's eyes.  All he saw was the same emotion he saw in Tyler before.  "L-Linus, sir."  he answered and lowered his head. Linus is afraid that the longer the man stares in his eyes, the higher chance of him catching his curse.  Everybody hates him because of his eyes.  Strangers won't accept them because of his eyes.  Tyler... Tyler died because of it.  Even the man who killed Tyler was freaked out by his eyes.  "We'll help you, okay? We'll help each other, yeah?"  Linus found himself nodding, but in turmoil.  What if this man will leave him, too?  As Linus grows older in Henry's care, he realized just how really f ***** up life is.  He realized just how right the man who let him live is.  He found out how real his words were, but Linus lived.  He lived his life for both Tyler and his.  He grew up to live, but he's now thirsting for revenge.  Revenge to the people behind what happened to them.  People who were responsible for Tyler's death and the moment he watched how his coffin was lowered instead of them living a new life.  The couple who found him officially adopted him and it gained him the right to use their surname and be... Linus Savage.  A new name.  A brand new life.  Gone was the little coward that he is that accepts beatings from his former orphanage.  Gone was the little boy crying over little things.  Linus replaced that boy with a man who will make that Napoleon Levisay pay until his last breath.  Because thanks to Henry, who was a former gangster, he has learned how to fight.  How to use knives and guns.  And he's coming for them.  He will make them regret sparing his life, and he will make them pay for killing his brother.
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