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Dear Juliet,   I hope you don’t curse me because I’m replying so late. Will you calm down if I tell you you’re pretty? You’re pretty. :-) I miss you dearly, but moving here turned out to be way better than I thought. I would even say I’m glad. The classes are taxing, and bullies ran rampant, yet there’s nothing the student councilor Maggie can’t help to resolve. Speaking with her was much easier than talking to any other councilor I’ve dealt with. She actually held back and listened to what I have to say. She didn’t wear any plastic I-feel-so-sorry-to-hear-that face, she didn’t even smile if she didn’t want to. Maggie told me things like she was speaking from the heart, with no filter or judgement. She confronted the bullies and they actually obeyed her. I could never let her know how grateful I was for every bit of concern she showed for me, how her words encouraged me. She even let me call her Maggie! As great as my guidance councilor is, she wasn’t the one that made coming here worth it. No, that was Elijah. Who knew me being a klutz, would end with me gaining a friendship with the best person that could have ever entered my life (except you of course!). An accident with me spilling chemical on his shirt and apologizing pathetically after that, turned into Elijah, helping me in every science class. He was quite the stunner, and every move he made, along with the attention he gave me, made me feel special. Even now thinking about his sweet characteristics make me feel warm inside. Then hot. Then like jello. If I stay like that for too long I won’t be able to think of anything else.   Anyways!!! Elijah really does have a great personality. If people took the moment to actually get to know him instead of standing on the sides of groundless rumors they would see that he was much more than what he appeared. We were inseparable, where one goes, the other went. I’m sure you already figured it out but we were pretty close friends. And after spending the night at his room. We became closer. Sooo, besides that, Geena and Cora are wonderful girls. As long as they don’t ship you with every person in school that is. Especially teachers. If only Felix could hurry up and find them a mate a boyfriend they’d stop flogging me. As much as I love them, their bodies will be in the lake if they keep mentioning Mr. Zachery’s “hot bod”. They’re a crazy bunch, but a good bunch. Yet, none of them can compare to you. With love and in one piece, Kylee I gripped the letter in my hand, tightening my hold for the hundredth time since I’ve received it. The pictures of his dead body on social media stayed in my mind, and having received news of his death months before, this was the first time in a long time I felt like a living person. And it was all due to the hate burning inside my heart, targeted at only four persons who not only made me cry, but also reaped a beautiful soul. Lighting strikes me before I dare cry a second time. An opportunity has arrived afterall, a chance to turn things around. While staring up at the school building a strong of calm passed through me, knowing that my desire for relief will be sated. So, why should I cry? When my best friend and I were soon to lay our heartache to rest. Kylee, one of those people weren’t your friend.
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