
Dawn of the Dragon Riders book1


Twenty years after the last dragon war.Dragons have been on the verge of extinction for decades or, so we were led to believe.

a young woman of Thandreal. when found by an unexpected friend that will lead her to a treasure that will change the course of history as we know it. discovering she is a rider of legends, and Sasha is thrown into a world thought to be gone. with the help of her gaurdian, she learns to harness her skills as she embarks on her journey to hatch the remaining dragon eggs, waking the dawn of the riders.all while fighting against her feelings for the man meant to keep her safe to overcome A power hungry rider corrupted by pure darkness

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The Beginning
I could hear the devilish grin in his voice. He pressed me up against the wall. His hands began to roam freely over my body as his lips decended to my neck. I could feel him standing ready against my leg. His fingers slid down to my sweet spot. He enjoyed causing me to arch my back, which caused my arse to drive right into his pelvis, each time bringing him closer to entering me. Finally giving into my pleas, he entered with a force that had me breathless. Within moments, he had me screaming my pleasures, driving himself into me harder. He had one hand firm on my hip while the other had my breast in a death grip, as he brought us both to a raging peak. ******* Waking to the sound of the morning birds outside the window, I groaned in protest to wake. Letting out a satisfying stretch that had been long overdue. Walking to the bathroom, I brushed my teeth, then took a moment to comb my fingers through my dark red hair, slightly curled, It fell to the center of my back and was not easy to tame, resulting in me normally just leaving it down. Washing my face, I was moderately pretty with my green eyes that were oddly vivid, but I never regarded myself as such fully aware that there were better-looking women in the world. Getting dressed in a plan black t-shirt and jeans that fit me perfectly and my favorite pair of sneakers, I was ready for my day. Walking out the door, I took a deep breath of the morning air. Thandreal was a beautiful and magical city mostly made up of elves, sprites, and other woodland entities. Thandreal is a place of magic and wonder in an age of peace. Twenty years, our world has been at peace after the extinction of dragons that used to attack cities all over the world, Any time their rage gained control. Other stories from those who were around during those times spoke of those marked by dragons. People who have been chosen to be bound and even ride them as an equal partner. Supposedly, those marked had become corrupt and twisted with power given by their mark, plunging our world into darkness and war. Walking down the road, I was given a morning greeting from some familiar faces. As I walked to the community center where I volunteered to help teach kids basic life skills and home education, a tingling sensation appeared in the back of my head. Making me feel as if I was being watched. Entering the community center, I took one last look around the area and saw nothing out of place. After my morning classes, I was approached by my co-teacher Kyle, who always found the time to annoy me with his attempts of hitting on me. Normally, I would be polite about turning someone down, but he was arrogant and rude in his attempts. So sweet cheeks, you want to come sit on my lap later. I can take you for a fun ride. Looking at him with disgust, my reply was short and sweet, and to the point. Maybe after I bathed in battery acid and carved out my eyes, you could have a chance in hell, you creep. Walking away as quickly as possible before he had the ability to respond, I was glad to be away from him. His presents always made my skin crawl! Walking down the road, my intended destination was a coffee shop two blocks away, but the feeling of being watched returned.Turning away from my normal path, I made various turns, but the feeling was persistent. Ducking down a dark alley, I hopped to catch whoever was tailing me. Waiting to see someone who looked fishy. I could see no one. After ten minutes, I was ready to give up. Hearing a sneazing sound behind me, I turned to see a trash can move slightly. Walking over to the can in trepidation. I was terrified of what was stalking me. Looking over the can, I noticed bright blue scales, a long tail, and wings. Falling on my rear-end, I gasped in alarm as a small dragon jumped out from behind the trash can. About the size of a small horse covered in light blue scales that reminded me of the sky above, Its emerald green eyes held a spark of excitement as it wagged its tail. Similar to the behavior of a dog, excited about welcoming its owner home. Words came through my mind as if they were clear as day. "Oh yay, oh yay, I found you. I have been looking for you for a long time." "Are you talking to me?" Pointing a shaky finger at myself in confusion, I was at a loss for words "Yes, you silly," letting out a snort. I could hear its giggles in my mind. "Okay, I am losing it. You're not real. Dragons have been gone for over twenty years. " "You can't be here. I am going to close my eyes, and you will be gone." Closing my eyes, I let out a startled cry as I felt claws close around my arms, getting yanked up into the air! Within moments, I was hovering high above the city. The people walking the streets looked as small as ants from this height. After a few moments, we were far from my home and landed within the depths of the forbidden forest. During the dragon wars, the forest was closed off to the people of Thandreal. Everyone was warned to avoid this forest, as most who entered never returned were believed to be victims of dragons, trolls, or other not-so friendly creatures. Setting me down, I fell on my arse. Rising to my feet, I instinctively rubbed my ass, hoping to take away the sting. The creature began hopping from side to side, pushing me to follow it further into the forest. "No, where am I? Where have you taken me, and why me?" My questions were many, and irritation at my capture was prominent. "Follow me. All your questions will be answered, I promise."

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