Chapter 1: Someday

2680 Words
ZOEY'S POV: “So tell us something about your educational background.” I froze. This is the 3rd company that I tried applying to and they all ask the same question. I hate that I couldn’t give a perfect answer which will satisfy their standard. Why do all companies need to know about educational background, anyway? Why can’t they judge me with family background instead? If they only knew what happened to make my life come to this point, probably they’d give me a chance. My name is Zoey Suzzane Anabello. Yes, I’m just a 17-year old junior year finisher. Currently, I’m living with my grandmother in a small apartment who’s quite suffering from Alzheimer’s. I’ve been searching for a second job for around year now and I still have no luck. But it’s okay, I know I will find the right one for me soon. I’m aware that I have no place for your company so can I just go home? I want so bad to tell them more about me. I’ve been practicing myself to speak confidently in front of the mirror. But upon hearing their question, I decided to keep my thoughts to myself.  “I finished my junior year in high school but I’m highly knowledgeable in computer literacy.” I responded with the widest smile I could possibly give to flaunt my fake confidence. “That’s great, really. But we are looking for someone who’s at least a high school graduate, sweetheart.” The officer responded with the fakest sad smile I’ve ever seen. She’s trying so hard to show empathy but it’s coming out cringey. “Oh…right.” I said disappointedly.                                                                                                                            “But, I’ll see to it that your papers will be on the priority list once the company is in demand of employees again, okay? The officer concluded by offering me a hand shake. “Of course. Thank you, ma’am.” I stood up and reached to shake her hand just as what a professional would do. I may not be able to send myself to college, but I know how good manners look like. I exited the office and walked self-assuredly. I also thought positively while taking steps through the alley on my way to the main door of the building. I thought to myself that one day, I will be able to pay my parent’s debt and finally start to earn properly for myself.  I’m still young and I still have time. There’s no need to pressure myself. It’s a bright and sunny day today and I wouldn’t let anything ruin my mood. I went to the public restroom to fix my dress and do a little bit of retouch to my face. The moment I reached the lavatory, I combed my hair and parted my bangs neatly before proceeding to apply some cologne. “It’s okay, Zoey. There’s more opportunities for you out there.”  I gave myself a pat in the back and applied some nude lipstick before smiling through my compact mirror.  I guess the first layer I put earlier was erased when I ate a ham sandwich as lunch. After wearing a new layer of lipstick, I decided to change to my white slip-on shoes that I brought with me. The 4-inch high heels are killing my ankles since earlier. I placed my sling bag on top of the sink and proceeded to get some band-aids for my blisters which are stinging like crazy right now. “O-ouch…” Other ladies stare down at me as I sit and patch on the band-aids on my feet. Currently, it’s 4 o’clock in the afternoon and I’m on my way home to my grandmother. After another day of failing to look for a second job, I’d go on with my life to get ready for my night shift at Gab’s Café. Maybe I’ll try searching for company hirings again tomorrow. I decided to save some coins and take a walk instead of riding a bus home. After all, our place is just about a 30-minute walk from where I am now.  I put on my earphones and listen to some music while pacing to the beat of the Ed Sheeran’s Castle on the Hill.  Not long after about 15 songs, I passed by the opening of the City market and my eyes shifted to the fresh cauliflowers which is my grandmother’s favourite. I removed my earphones and took out my wallet at the sidewalk. I checked in to see that I have about a few cents enough to buy a bundle of it. My grandmother would make an amazing soup out of this vegetable with her unique specialty so I decided to buy it without hesitation.  “I’ll take a bundle, ma’am. Thank you.” I smiled at the vendor and she returned my warm greeting. “Here ‘ya go. It’s been a tough day isn’t it?” She reciprocated my friendly vibe as she gave me my order. “It is…It’s actually a tough life, h-hahaha.” I shared an awkward smile with the vendor and I immediately felt embarrassed. I should’ve just taken that vegetable and head home. There’s no need for me to share that I have a tough life. “I agree, child. But hey, tomorrow is another day. Don’t forget that. You’re young and beautiful. There’s so much you can do in this life.” She reached to squeeze my cheek and this made me laugh. Thanks to this lady, I briefly forgot how difficult working is. “Thanks ma’am. I wish your business the best of luck.” I said before touching her shoulders. “You too, I wish you the best life with your boyfriend.” She said and this made me shook my head. “Oh, I’m yet to find that person.” For the second time, I laughed awkwardly. I continued walking after buying the cauliflower. Before I knew it, it’s already 5 in the afternoon and my shift will start at 6. I ran my way towards our place to the front door of our apartment and I arrived at around 5:10. This is why I don’t have a boyfriend. I’m too busy maximizing my free time to be able to earn money in ways I could. Maybe I’ll grow old alone and it’s perfectly fine. I was about to shut the door the moment I went in when suddenly, I heard my grandmother spoke. “Sandra? Are you home?” I smiled as I heard Nana call for me. I’m used to her calling me by my mother’s name. This happens very often, obviously. No matter how much I remind her about my first name, she always ends up forgetting it. “It’s Zoey,Nana! And yes, I’m home.” I replied as fast as I can while taking off my sling bag out of my body. My grandmother took care of me and stood by my side ever since I was a baby.  I grew up very close to her and now that she’s already 76 years old, we have only each other to call as family.  “Sandra, I’m in the kitchen.” Nana said and I proceeded to give her a hug and a kiss in her right cheek. “I bought you your favourite.” I smiled before giving her the paper bag which contains the cauliflower from the market. “Oh, this is so fresh and beautiful. Thank you, Sandra.” She replied, still mistakenly identifying me as mom. “Nana…It’s Zoey. Z-O-E-Y…you’re welcome. Let’s eat after I change, alright? Wait for me.” I grinned before walking to my room. My grandmother forgets more and more as time goes by. In fact, almost half of my salary goes for her medication. The doctor said that sticking notes all around the house might help her a little. He also advised me not to change and move things around our place too often so it wouldn’t cause further confuse to my grandmother’s system. I laid for a few minutes in bed and think about my grandmother. I love her so much that I don’t really mind spending all my money for her medications. She’s the only one I got in this cold and empty world and even though she calls me Sandra and forgets a lot of things… “Sandra, soup’s ready…” She still perfects the recipe of my favourite cauliflower soup and that’s more than enough of a comfort that I’ll ever need in this lifetime. “Coming, Nana!” I replied while humming like a child. And just like that, we had our dinner together and my night at Gab’s Café started again. This routine goes by everyday. -- “Good evening, sir.” I greeted our guard the moment he held the door open for me. “Evening, Zoe!” He returned my greeting and I proceeded to take a walk at the back room for the employees. As soon as I was about to reach the room, I looked around the café and saw that tonight will be a busy one. The place is jam packed with students facing their laptops, probably reviewing for exams, couples having dates, and fathers coming home from work, stepping by to pick some treats for their children. I went to my locker and quickly grabbed my folded maroon apron. Once I got my uniform all neatly worn, I proceeded to put on some light make-up and tie my hair into a graceful ponytail. “Zoe, hurry! Need help here.” I heard Rex called for me. He’s one of the most trusted employees here in Gab’s and he’s also one of my closest friends. “Coming!” I replied before finishing the final touches in my face. I took one final glance at the mirror before taking off to serve the customers for the night. Gab’s café run tirelessly for 24 hours everyday. I personally chose to work at graveyard shift because of the night differential pay. Initially, the manager didn’t allow me to take the working hours I offered but after learning about my family background and situation, he allowed me under one condition. “I need to have your guardian’s signature.” I recalled sitting back at one of the table in the café near the exit and listening to the manager who’s in the process of hiring me last, last year. “I can do that.” I replied joyfully as I rushed back home to my grandmother to get her signature in the waiver that she just sent me. “Nana! Nana! I found work! I need you to sign here.” I was only 15 when I applied to Gab’s. It was 3 weeks after my parents died and I wasn’t even aware yet about the debt that they left on my name. All I want during that time is to help my grandmother pay her bills. I didn’t think that I’ll be enjoying working here for a year now. “Excuse me? 1 caramel macchiato, please.” I snapped back to reality when a customer in front of me ordered a coffee in the middle of the night. I looked at the clock on top of the shelf and saw that it’s currently 1 in the morning now and someone’s ordering a coffee. “Dine in or take out sir?” I asked. “I’ll drink it here…” He replied in a monotone voice. “What size?” I countered. “I’ll take the largest one, thank you.” He said in a monotone voice. This customer is a man who is looking sharp. He’s probably in his early 20’s and in a business industry since he’s wearing a formal suit and tie. He has a well-defined jawline, a light complexion, a high nose bridge and two round eyes. He’s wearing a pair of eyeglasses too which compliments his get up. Wow. This man is stunning. How can someone be this fresh-looking at the middle of the night after a long and tiring day at work? “How about cake, sir?” I asked one more time and he stared at me for quite a long period. “Uhmm, sir?” I added and waved at his face to get his attention. “I’m sorry…I just calculated the amount of calories that I’ll be putting inside my body considering if I ordered a slice of cake and a caramel macchiato at night. Hmmm, the flavour that will have the lowest calorie count would be the vanilla cake but I don’t think I’ll beneeding such energy at the moment. I think I’ll pass on cake. Thank you.” He replied before taking out the phone in his pocket and scrolling through his screen. Okay? Weird. “Sure. Name, sir?” I once again asked for his attention. “Just write Zer.” He talked back at me while still looking at his screen. The moment he spoke, I was already putting on the coffee machine to make his ordered drink so I had a hard time hearing him because of the sound it made. I’m too ashamed to ask him again since he appeared to be kind of busy on his phone. He then proceeded to brush his hair before taking a seat at the farthest table from the counter possible. And since I didn’t get to hear his name properly, I just wrote “sir” on his cup. Rex got to serve the drink to him as I observe his reaction from afar. I squinted my eyes so that I can have a clear view of his expression. The moment I saw him lift up the cup and turn it the other side to see his name, my eyes widened in nervousness. He stared at it for a few seconds before actually drinking the coffee. He was dead expressionless and it made me let out a good sigh. At least he didn’t get mad at me for not being able to spell his name right unlike most of the customers during the day. After catering some other customers with their orders, I cleaned up several emptied tables and swept some unclean floor area of the café. That sir from earlier stayed at the place for only about 5 minutes and left after finishing his coffee by 3 gulps. I mean, why dine in then if you would only be here for 3 minutes? I shook my head and walked towards his table where I picked up his coffee cup to put in the trash can. I was about to toss it in the bin when I turned to look at the portion where I wrote his name. I was startled by what I saw. He crossed out the word sir and replaced it with Zer. Suddenly, I got a little embarrassed. But thankfully, he’s generous enough to correct me this way. I will never forget you, Zer. Customers like you are considered to be one in a million here…I thought to myself. It took me about an estimated 30 rounds of cleaning tables and chairs as well as taking orders before finally realizing that it’s already 7 in the morning and my shift is about to end. I plan to take one last round of order before removing my apron and going home to sleep. Ugh, my back hurts a little. “I’ll go now..Bye! See you later.” Rex bid his farewell to me as the employee for his spot came already to take over for the day. “Sure..See you, Rex!” I smiled and waved at him in return. I let out a big yawn before turning to clean the upper shelves at the counter since no new customers are approaching yet. I was wiping the coffee machine when I heard the sound of the wind chime at the entrance door and it signalled me that a customer has entered. “Good m—“ I froze at the view when I saw that the customer who had entered is no other than my uncle. How did he find me here? My heart pounded like crazy and I felt all my tiredness get replaced with adrenaline. “Uncle? How did you find me here?” I let out an awkward laugh before taking in his order. It’s been a while since we last saw each other and I can say that we parted ways in a manner which is not really considered pretty decent since I kept on blaming him to be a part of my parents’ death. “Zoey, we need to talk.” He uttered and his sentence left me feeling dazed. 
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