Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 Dustin Jones walked through the doors of Master Geoffrey’s Steak & Seafood Restaurant. He looked at his nautical watch, a gift from his boyfriend, Malcolm Rowland. Half past eleven already. Damn, late. He’d had quite a bit of cleaning up to do once the restaurant had closed. He loved his job as a sous-chef but it came with long hours. Following out the door behind him was another sous-chef, Lance, a young red-haired Englishman. “You coming for coffee, Dustin?” “No, I’m already late to meet Malcolm. He’s wanting me to meet some of his theater friends. He’s been after me for it for weeks.” “All right, if you change your mind we’ll be at the diner on Fourth and Grand.” Lance waved and headed toward the parking lot. Dusty headed just the few steps into the lot where his motorcycle was parked. He was supposed to have been at the bar a couple of blocks from their apartment half an hour ago. Life was good for the most part. He and Malcolm had been happily domiciled for close to five years now. A year into being together as more than best friends, Malcolm had announced he wanted to be an actor. Not one in commercials or television or movies. A theater actor. He started out doing community theater and now actually appeared in many plays and even musicals in major venues in Los Angeles. Dusty had been impressed. He shouldn’t have been that surprised. Malcolm had loved acting as far back as junior high when they’d first met. Dusty arrived at the bar just a few minutes later. It wasn’t too far from the restaurant, which was why he hadn’t bothered calling Malcolm to say he was on his way. Stepping inside the crowded college hangout, he scanned the people in the bar, looking for his boyfriend. He spotted him near the back corner surrounded by both men and women. Malcolm glanced his way just as he approached the large round table. He smiled and stood. “There you are. I was beginning to worry.” “Sorry, took a bit long to clean up.” Dusty embraced the much shorter Malcolm. He smelled amazing, clean and spicy. He couldn’t help noticing Malcolm’s shoulder length hair was loose and still damp from a recent shower. “You’re here now, that’s what’s important.” Malcolm returned to his seat and pulled Dusty into a seat next to him. “Everyone, this is Dustin.” Someone on the other side of the table yelled a question about the play they were all in, and Malcolm turned to get involved in that discussion. Dusty frowned. None of them had even acknowledged him, let alone introduced themselves. Dusty reminded himself this night was about Malcolm. These were his friends and his time to shine. The guy to his left finally looked at him. He was a thin redhead. “Dustin, huh? I’m Lyle.” “Nice to meet you.” “Are you an actor?” Lyle took a sip of some fruity looking drink. “No, I’m a chef.” Lyle grimaced. “Oh.” He turned back to the woman next to him, clearly dismissing Dusty’s existence. Dusty gritted his teeth. Everyone at the table except him was involved in a lively conversation, including Malcolm. He liked seeing his boyfriend having fun. His face lit up and those dark eyes sparkled. He certainly didn’t want to ruin things for him. A waitress flew by, totally ignoring him when he tried to flag her down, so after a few more minutes he got up and walked to the bar. No one back at the table seemed to notice, including Malcolm, who was gesturing wildly to several of the group. He took a seat at the bar and ordered a light beer. He kept his gaze on Malcolm’s table while he drank it, but didn’t return to sitting with them. After finishing his beer, he ordered coffee and, when Malcolm still didn’t seem to miss his presence, he finished that and decided to go home. Knowing he was not in the mood to be invisible, Dusty decided he’d let Malcolm continue to have his fun. After paying his tab, he texted Malcolm’s phone with the message, See you at home. He figured Malcolm would check his phone for a message when he finally got around to noticing Dustin was gone. In the few minutes it took him to reach their three bedroom apartment just off Wilshire Boulevard, Dusty rethought having left, but it was too late now. He’d made his choice. Times had changed for them since their first one bedroom dumpy apartment. They’d chosen the three bedroom place for the location. It was close enough to Wilshire where much of the action they were involved with happened, but far enough away for them not to pay the outrageous rents for apartments on Wilshire. Besides their bedroom, one room served as Malcolm’s office where he still created his homoerotic romances and the other was the exercise room. Dusty headed there to do some cardio before Malcolm came home. The front door opened about an hour later. Dusty had just wiped off the treadmill and briefly wondered if Malcolm would be mad. “Dust? You there?” Malcolm called from the living room. “In here.” Malcolm appeared seconds later, smiling. “Hey, honey. I got your text. What happened to you? One minute you were there and then gone. Too tired?” “Sorry about that. I just felt a little left out, I guess.” “No problem. I’m sure all that acting talk can get boring for you. I just wanted them to meet my man.” Malcolm wrinkled his nose. “My smelly man.” Dusty laughed. “Sorry, I was just going to go take a shower.” “Well, I’ve already had one, but I don’t see why I’m not up for another.” Malcolm reached for his hand and led him down the hall toward their bedroom. He went straight into the bathroom, opened the glass shower doors, and turned on the knobs. “I was only going to stay until midnight but we got to talking. I’m sorry. You aren’t too tired?” “Not too tired for some shower s*x,” Dustin assured him. “Ah, I see.” Malcolm grinned and peeled Dustin’s sweaty workout shirt from his body, then threw it toward the clothes hamper. He added his own navy T-shirt. “Drop the sweatpants and get into the shower.” Dustin kicked off his shoes, yanked off his sweats, and got under the shower spray. Malcolm entered the shower after him. He threw his arms around Dusty’s neck and kissed him. “Mmm. I missed you all day.” “I missed you, too.” He pulled his lover against him, his hand slipping between their bodies to close around Malcolm’s erection. “What’s your schedule tomorrow?” Malcolm closed his eyes and leaned into Dusty. “Um, I’m having breakfast with some of the others from the play, but not until ten. And then, I’m coming home to write for the rest of the day. The play’s dark tomorrow night. How about you?” “Day off tomorrow. Have the whole day and night to veg.” “Oh, that’s f*****g fabulous.” He turned around to present his ass to Dusty, who squeezed the perfect globes. Though they no longer had the need for condoms, they had a few of those soap dispensers in the shower and one they had filled with lube. Dusty squirted some into his palm and liberally spread it over his hard c**k. Lifting Malcolm’s silky sable hair, he sucked on the back of his lover’s pale neck. Malcolm leaned his head back, exposing more of his throat to Dusty’s lips. There were some really cool things about being together for several years. Knowing just what turned on your partner was definitely one of them. Dusty reached back and squirted more lube into his hand, this time inserting his index finger between Malcolm’s rounded butt cheeks. He swirled around the hole for a moment, teasing him. “Mmm,” Malcolm moaned as the finger slipped inside. He pushed back against it until it was in up to the knuckle. After a few heartbeats, Dusty added two more fingers, working them into prepare his lover. Another thing he knew Malcolm liked was his n*****s played with. It was actually something they shared. He slid his other hand along to the front of Malcolm’s torso, and up to his slightly defined chest. Malcolm shuddered and gasped as his thumb stroked across first one and then the other bud. “Dusty, please.” He quickly replaced his fingers with his hard c**k, pushing in slowly to savor the way Malcolm’s ass clenched around him. Dusty growled low in his throat, prolonging it still, just adding an inch every few moments. “Damn, you’re a tease,” Malcolm protested with a laugh. “Hmm, I’ve just begun to tease.” His hand fluttered down from Malcolm’s n*****s to his lower abdomen. He caressed there with a few light strokes, even as he finally pushed all the way inside Malcolm’s ass. “Are you…are you going to move?” Malcolm demanded, pushing back again, trying to get him to thrust. His mouth grazed his lover’s ear. “In a moment.” His answer was a whimper. Dusty chuckled. If he weren’t ready to collapse from exhaustion, he might have prolonged the shower f**k longer still. He liked the feel of just holding Malcolm while their bodies were joined. But his feet hurt from standing all damn night and he just wanted to crawl under the covers and forget everything. With just a touch of reluctance, Dusty began to pump his love’s ass with deep thorough thrusts. His hand slid down from Malcolm’s stomach to his long, thick, hard c**k. “Oh, God, Dusty.” Malcolm groaned, his hands braced against the shower walls. His legs spread farther apart to give Dustin more leverage to push deep inside him. Dusty closed his eyes as he pounded in balls-deep, his hand stroking Malcolm’s c**k. The shower spray splattered on their bodies in almost identical rhythm. Even as he felt the first tingles of his own orgasm on the edge, he held back, determined to bring Malcolm off first. He used one hand to jerk Malcolm’s d**k and the other to tweak his n*****s hard, pulling gasps of pleasure from his lover. He knew Malcolm was close. He angled the next thrust of his c**k to hit the other man’s prostate. “Ah, Godddddd,” Malcolm moaned, tensing and jerking. White globs of c*m hit the shower tile. It was all he needed to send him finally over the edge to his own release. He pumped fast and furious and came with a hoarse cry. Withdrawing from his lover, Dusty leaned heavily against the wall, his breaths coming in short pants. Malcolm touched him. “Are you okay? Did you take your asthma medication today?” He nodded. “I’m okay. Just a little winded.” Malcolm hugged him. “Maybe you should use your inhaler when we get out.” “Yeah.” “Let me wash your hair,” Malcolm said, squirting out shampoo from its dispenser. He brought Dusty’s head down within reaching distance and lathered up his hair. Then he did the same for his own. After they’d rinsed, Malcolm grabbed his hand, led him to the bath mat, and toweled him off with a big fluffy towel. “You don’t have to dry me off,” he protested, yawning. Malcolm smiled. “I like taking care of you. It’s one my pleasures in life.” He drew Dusty into the bedroom and had him sit on the edge of the bed while he fetched his pajamas. He also brought over his inhaler. Dusty took a few puffs. “I have to admit I kinda like you taking care of me.” “Good, because I plan to do it forever. Now get into bed like a good boy.” Malcolm grinned and gently pushed Dusty to lay down. He covered him with the sheets and blankets. “I love you, Dust.” Dusty yawned again, feeling unbelievably content. “I love you, too.” Life was really good sometimes.
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