4.The beginning

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"Even a ball of wool has a beginning". ~ Yiddish Proverbs David pov   Omg I couldn't believe what just happened. I ran over to my sister to check on her. “Isla wake up please, please wake up.” She started opening her eyes.  “Hey, wake up, are you OK.” Holy s**t I couldn't believe what just happened, what the hell, I swear that was a f*****g wolf, and I was pretty sure there hasn't been a sighting of wolf in this area for years.  I checked on Isla again.  She sat up against a tree, and just looked at me.  I could see she was frightened and in shock. “Can you believe what just happened?  Omg I was scared out of my f*****g mind.”  was that a wolf. Isla finally came out of her daze.  "NO, I thought it was a big f*****g dog, I thought it was going to attack me, it walked right over to me, I almost peed my pants" I saw Isla notice my bite. “Omg Dave are you OK, we should take you to the emergency room.” “No, I'm fine I swear, plus my tetanus shots are up to date, and it doesn't look that deep.”  “OK then let's just get home so we can look at that bite and I can clean it, I just want to get out of here before that dog thing returns.” When we get home, Isla cleans my arm and bandages it.  I take a shower and go to bed. The whole night playing over and over in my head. I have the weirdest dreams about wolves and people and battles and wars.  I am in a dream like state, and I can't wake up.  Some of the dreams are disturbing, but I am only a observer in these dreams. The next day I basically experience the same thing, I wake up in intervals, I just can't keep my eyes open for longer than a couple of minutes.  I hear Isla come in, she is talking to me about my fever being high. I brush her off tell her to leave me alone I'll be fine I just need some sleep.  I wake up Sunday morning and I feel great, this is the best I felt ever.  I am famished and decide to go to the kitchen and  grab some cereal as well as waffles and bacon on my way down I can hear my sister in the kitchen, I wasn't up for any of her nagging. Isla prov.   Sunday morning, I can hear David's coming down to the kitchen he grabs some cereal takes a seat at the kitchen counter and starts eating.  “Morning Dave how you feeling this morning.  How's the bite.” While he is busy I check on his bite and his fever.  His fever is normal compared to yesterday and his bite mark looks uninfected and strangely it looks like it's healed.  I don't know a lot about wounds but maybe it just looked worse Friday night, I was in shock and scared s**t-less.  Dave keeps, slapping my hands away from him.  He gets of he chair and grabs some bacon my mom finished making earlier. I and standing next to him, he seems taller, and he looks taller.  “Wtf.  Dude did you just grow 2 inches overnight.”  I then notice the rest of him, wtf Davey, you look huge" “What Isla are you high what the hell you talking about.” “Dave Friday night we were basically the same height.  Right now, I'm looking up at you, and I can see some muscle under your shirt.” "I'm worried Davey, your not Spiderman so, why are you healing so fast and suddenly growing.  Maybe you should go to the hospital" "Just stop Isla, I feel great" I could see he was very annoyed with me, so I decided to let it go for now, but I was very worried, he just seemed different.  I walks to the fridge and grabs some waffles and starts eating that.  "What the hell, you planning on stopping today"  I have never seen him eat so much. "It' s okay we'll speak later, I have to meet mom at Mrs Tuckers, I'll see you later"  He just nods his goodbye. David’s Prov  I think I also saw some leftover pizza in the fridge,  I grab the box and walk to my room.  Before I enter my room most of the Pizza is also devoured. As I walk in my room I feel my chest area and it does feel more muscular.   I have a full-length mirror attached to my closet door.  I get undressed with only my boxers remaining.  I stare intently at myself.  I could now make out the changes.  I am at least 2 inches taller and I look more muscular.  I also feel different like really strong.  I decide to take measurements because if this is a growth spurt, I want to ride that wave, this spurt came at exactly the right time.  I might just give Alex a run for his money on Saturday.  I have a smile on my face and then I remember I also saw ice scream in the fridge.
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