Chapter 3. Electric blue eyes

2660 Words
With all the pain Abigail cleaned all the toilets that night and later arranged Lily’s room. She ended up around 2 am and woke up the next day around 4 or 5 am. She was still tired and very weak. Unlike every other wolf, Abigail didn't heal fast because of her ‘wolflessness’. Not that she had no wolf, but her wolf was simply dominant or retarted. So she was suffering from pain that morning. It was finally the 25th of December and it was her birthday but who cared? She had planned to spend the day differently but unfortunately for her, she had no Mark to add meaning to her life. She was sitting at the corner of the house crying when her stepmother found her “Abigail! I have been calling you. Take this and go to the market. I forgot them yesterday when I was at the mall” she handed Abigail a small list. “Be fast about it, there is a lot to do here… as if it wasn't enough already, your father decided to invite his friends over” she scolded her as if it was her fault. Abigail took the list and ran to the Market. She quickly bought the things and ran came back home. When she came back she found Lily and her mother watching a Christmas show yet no work had been home. The house was still in disorder. Especially the parlour in which they were sitting… Abigail was so captivated by the TV show that for a few seconds, she even thought of sitting down with them. “Hey, what are you standing there and doing? Start cleaning the house! After that, get all the spices in the kitchen ready… I will come and mix them myself. After you are done in the kitchen, don't forget to do laundry immediately” she said before turning back to watch the Tv. “Hahaha… Mum, did you see that?” Lily called for her mother’s attention as if she didn't see Abiand they both laughed while Abigail was going to do everything by herself. At the end of the day, Abigail didn't even take part in the family dinner. Her stepmother found an excuse to exempt her even after all her hard work. Sadly, Abigail ate alone in the kitchen like a maid and after that, she went for a run since she was bored staying alone in the kitchen while others were eating the best meals and laughing next door. Her heart hurts… She strolled out of the house thoughtfully. She wanted to shift into her wolf and run very far away but she was exhausted. She was already crying while taking a seat under a tree not far from the house. As she was crying a woman saw her and came to her asking “Hey, young girl why are you crying on Christmas?” she asked but Abigail won't say anything. “Come in with me, I have much to eat and drink” she offered. “No thank you, ma’am, but I don't know you” “You can't know me, I'm new here. What about you, — are you homeless?” the woman asked. “No, — That's my house there, I just came out to take the air” she responded while pointing at a house about a hundred meters away. The woman didn't really believe her but she insisted on having her home. She finally succeeded in convincing Abigail as they finally moved into the woman’s house. The woman offered her some drinks and they started chatting “… I moved in with my son, and now he has gone out for a run without even helping me to unpackage our things. Hmm, boy!” she exclaimed. “I can help if you wish?” Abigail offered. “No, it's fine, you look tired. Why don't you eat and drink a bit?” “Thank you, ma’am!” at first she was reluctant but later on she started eating. The woman smiled as she watched her eat. “What's your name?” the woman asked. “Abigail” she answered with food full in her mouth and the woman chuckled before saying “Oh, nice name Abigail but I will call you Abi. You can call me, Elisa short for Elizabeth... and my son’s name is Andrew, you will meet him soon” she smiled. “Oh, that will be another day then because I have to leave. It's getting too late already and I don't want my parents to start looking for me” she worried as if someone was really caring about her well-being. She hurriedly stood up to leave. The woman followed her “Ok, fine. I hope to see you often then, — Andrew is always so distant and I have no friends here except you” she said as they moved to the door. “Okay, ma’am. Bye,” Abigail rushed out. Just then Andrew was moving toward home so they bypassed each other without paying attention to each other. Abigail was running home while Andrew had his headset on. Yet, Andrew’s wolf was still able to sense some strange energy bypassing the moment she passed him but it was too quick for him to consider it. However, surprised, he turned back to catch a glimpse of who it was but she was far gone and all he could see was online her back running away from God knows what… ~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ A few days later ~ ~ Abigail woke up as early as four am with sleep bags on her eyes. From the look on her face, you could tell that she was very tired but that was her regular. She slowly stretched out her body and the pains had considerably reduced. Stepping out of bed, she put on her slippers and went to the mirror to check her body. And they were only a few marks of canes left. She made a little prayer to the moon Goddess before rushing downstairs to do all the morning chores. A few minutes later, she was done cleaning the kitchen and living room. Then she fell to the couch very exhausted. “I don't think I can go to school this morning” she cried out. She sat down for a few minutes before she stood up to finish the chores. The few days of holidays they were given at school for the Christmas celebration were over and sadly, she was resuming. Sadly because in-between the daily classes at school and the home chores she never had any time for herself. Everything was more stressful and tiring for her. Once she was done working, Abigail made herself some heavy breakfast since her stepmother had forgotten to close the pantry before leaving that morning. She made some heavy sandwiches with salad and ate them like a queen with some fruit juice. Then she cleaned everything before getting ready for school. When she was done, she looked at the clock which was going to determine whether or not she was going to go to school and she shouted “I'm still on time” so she grabbed her bag and ran out. ….. She rushedly entered the school and saw not even a single student outside signifying that she was late so she increased her steps. When she reached the door of her classroom, she took a deep breath as she held onto the hook of her bag before entering the class. She wanted to run to her seat but then this huge voice halted her, “Miss Williams, can you tell the class why you look so ragged and why you are coming late for this class after a holiday?” Her teacher slurred as his voice brutally halted her at the front of the class. She was frustrated. “I'm so sorry sir. It won't happen again” that was all Abigail found to say but then a student threw a joke which destabilised her and the whole class started laughing at her. Her mind immediately went blank and she ended up saying nothing. Being the only omega in her class, Abigail was constantly a laughingstock, — even for some teachers. “Move to your, seat, miss Williams” the teacher, Mrs Erick ordered and she immediately ran to her seat with tears crammed in her eyes. …. ★ Breaktime… After lunchtime ★ Abigail was seated alone at one corner of the school compound reading her novel. She had no friends and nobody in her class wanted to associate with an omega like her. It was really hard for her at the beginning but she was getting used to it. So used to herself that she began loving her alone time to the extent that whenever anyone came to her it annoyed her instead… Making friends even became a big NO! For her. While she was lost in thoughts as she was reading her novel she felt something slimy pouring on her body which was followed by laughter. She frowned while looking up only to find out what was going on. Then she found out that it was Lily and her friends who had poured all her milkshakes on her. Lily was always with her minions Nina and Sandra. “Why did you have to spill your milkshake on me?" Abigail asked with a faint voice but she was angry. “Awwwn, — baby girl, wants to cry?!” Lily taunted while staring at her crew and laughed. Then Nina seized the novel she was holding and started tossing it about, passing it to Sandra who later threw it into the sky passing it to Lily. Abigail’s eyes restlessly followed the book as it was been played with. She was scared that the book was going to be damaged. “Please, Lily tell your friend to give me back the book, — it's not mine. I took it from the school library and you know that if it gets bad they will ask me to pay and I have no money” Abigail stood up and started whimpering while trying to catch up the book in the air, all in vain. "You want this?" Lily asked smirking evilly “Here, it goes” Lily laughed while dropping the book to the ground. Abigail was in a panic so she immediately followed the book to the ground with her eyes crammed with tears as she fell to her knees. Her eyes were crammed with tears… Just then, for the first time in her lifetime, she heard a male voice taking her defence. “Stop that! It's so pathetic to attack the weaker ones. You should ashamed of yourselves” he warned Lily and her crew. Abigail immediately lifted her head to catch a glance of who it was, and then her eyes fell on a young sexy fellow, with the most electric dark blue, as she had never met before. A frozen chill moved down her spine. He was very handsome with well-groomed black hair and he had a headset on… He looked as rich as the twins who knocked her down a few days ago… Abigail immediately stood up with shame and with the book in her hand. Nonetheless, the guy left immediately as he spoke but everything came in slow motion to Abigail. As soon as the dude left, Lily turned to face Abigail who was still lost in her thoughts. “This is all your fault! You are the cause of all this and I won't err to tell mum, about this… Just see how that hot dude spoke to me because of you” Lily warned her seriously and she meant her words. Abigail was snatched out of her thoughts in amazement with her eyes widened in shock ‘How is this my fault?’ she whimpered deep down. As Lily ended her speech, some random girl came out rushing to Lily happily screaming “You wouldn't believe this! Oh my goodness… Guess what? They are here, — they have arrived" the girl shouted. Abigail was lost and she didn't even care… “Who? Talk, don't keep me hanging!" Lily yelled desperately. “The royal twins, — the alpha’s sons are here” The girl shouted out and many screams followed hers. “Oh my goodness. I thought they were coming tomorrow?… Okay, how do I look… How do I look?" Lily asked eagerly while tucking her hair at the back of her ears and raising her skirt a little bit up. “Where are they? I want to see them so badly” Lily said agitatedly and suddenly it seemed as if all the girls in school were informed, — they were all jumping except for Abigail who didn't give a damn. Her life was too hard all ready for her to rush after some handsome spoiled brat who was surely full of themselves. “Calm down, they just passed the school gate," The girl said and Lily dashed off to see them. Just then, the bell rang and lunch (or break) time was over. Unfortunately, Lily sadly left for her class. While Aigail was rushing to class as well. On her way, she saw the same dude who defended her. He still had his headset on as earlier and he was waiting in front of the Dean of studies’ office. She didn't know who it was, she was ashamed yet she took her courage and approached him saying “Thank you for helping me early” He didn't hear anything since his ears were covered and music was playing. Nonetheless, he noticed that someone was standing in front of him. He was shocked as he didn't recognise her so he sluggishly took off his headset and looked at her wearily asking “What do you want?” He asked coldly, — he looked bored. “Nothing! I said thank you for earlier, — for taking my defence....” before she could even end her the sentence he exclaimed “Ok!” and he added, “Are you done?”. She eyes widened in shock at his indifference. “Yes!” she shamefully nodded her head while he immediately placed back his headset as if no one was standing beside him… ‘Really? I knew that I should have bypassed him without stopping’ she thought to herself before leaving. ….. While everyone was in class, the the Dean of studies walked in with three handsome hot looking guys and all the girl students were excited.. “These are your new classmates; Brain, Benjamin and Andrew… You all should welcome them warmly and as final year students, I expected an almost cooperation to render this school a place to be for all…” The Dean said. “Lily, as the head of the class you will show them around the school immediately after classes are over" With that said, the Dean left. While three sexy dudes took different sits and the teacher continued with his lessons. Lily was eager. She couldn't wait for classes to be over so that she could finally take the three handsome faces around the school and converse with them and most especially the royal twins… Unfortunately, she was already hating the third guy because he dared questioned her earlier when she was doing her things but what he didn't know was that no one dares the queen bee and goes scot-free… Still, ‘Very soon they will fall on their knees… Even you stubborn Andrew’ she thought deep down as she grinned maliciously while staring at them. Mark noticed her malevolent looks and immediately began to regret Abigail. Surprisingly his stares and that of Lily met, so the look on her face instantly changed and she smiled at him passionately as if she was in love but she was faking it.
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