Skeel International II

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Frank and Belinda sat looking at each other when Elle left, they seemed understand each others silent words, they both held each others hand as though they were frightened to let go. Frank had never felt rage like he did when Elle opened up about what she went went through and she hadn't even given him details. He will keep his word to her as best he can but, he knew a conversation was coming and he had no idea how he would be able to skirt around it. He didn't want to let her down, he was so proud of Elle and what she achieved given the circumstances. She is going to be a welcome addition to the company and to their family, of that Frank is without a doubt. "So we've adopted her then?" Belinda questioned him beaming, Belinda had adopted her with the first five minutes of meeting her, she just wanted verbal confirmation from Frank. "She had me at her handshake," Frank laughed knowing that she truly did. They both hugged and they knew they loved her with all their heart. They heard the bang, "He's here," Belinda said releasing from the hug and looking at Frank. "It's not me!" they heard Stephanie shout. They both chuckled and ran to the door, as they were opening it they could hear him shout "where?" in a manacing tone that most would cower at. "Son, I think you should come in and sit down." Frank suggested. Peter sighed and skulked into the office with his Father and Mother, they all sat at the conference table. "Did you know when I called?" Peter asked, they could hear the hurt in his tone. "No Son, and to be honest we thought we would be calling you back to the office to see your face light up. We had to double check before we did," Frank explained, Peter looked at him frowning as though he didn't seem to understand, so Frank continued on, "Son, things are more difficult and it isn't straight forward. Your Mother and I think we know how she covers her scent, she does it as a survival instinct if something scares her. If she masked her scent with you, you scared her. We need a new approach." Peter ran his hand through his hair, "We barely talked!" He shouted. "Peter, I need you to calm down," Frank warned. "Your Mother noticed when she first met her, her light was flicking on and off for certain scenarios and we honestly believe she has no idea." Frank said flatly. Then Frank released a chuckle saying, "not even three hours in and she has our hearts already. You are so screwed Son," Peter goaned, what was he going to do, how would he control himself? He thought. "Son, you need to know something, don't interrupt and don't ask me to explain. I want your promise that you will listen and if you ever repeat this then I will disown you. You don't go looking into it and you certainly don't question anyone," Frank stated. Peter nodded, his stomach was churning now, Frank never held him back before so why now? He thought. "I promise Dad," Peter confirmed. "She has two children, her marriage ended years ago. You are going to have trouble getting her to trust you," Frank explained. Peter put his head in his hands, Frank and Belinda could feel the anger rolling off of him. The room was heavy with tension, Belinda got up and walked over to Peter wrapping her arms around him and he started shaking. "Can I kill him?" Peter asked them. "We don't know anything to act on it, nor are we going to find out until she opens up on her own terms. Peter, I cannot warn you enough, things have to be at her pace, you cannot rush her," Frank answered. Peter started to raise his head and Belinda released him from the hug, she gave him a kiss on the cheek then walked back to sit beside Frank. With wide eyes Peter looked to them both, "when is she coming back?" He asked, Belinda and Frank laughed when they realised they hadn't even told him who she was, before they could answer they were interrupted by the phone ringing. Belinda answered it "Hi Stephanie," she greeted, they knew nobody but Stephanie would be able to get through to the desk phone. "I'm coming out now, could you get lunch for us all?" Belinda asked. She looked to both her men smiling, "hold that thought and let me just get this sorted, no more talking until I get back in," she warned. They both smiled, they had no intention of denying her request. Belinda stepped out of Franks office into her own, "Elle, thank you for asking if we wanted anything picked up for lunch but, we have just decided we are all going to have lunch in Franks office. Peter has just got in so it would be a great time for you to meet," Belinda said happily then she darted to the door holding it open. In that act alone she had made it clear there was no way to back out of it, even if Elle did think that she has taken up too much of their time already. Elle could smell coffee coming from Franks office so she started moving toward the door. Belinda looked into the room and announced, "Peter, this is your Executive Assistant Elle." Peter looked at his Mother, all he could feel was contempt, he needed answers now, why was she bothering to introduce his EA? That could wait, he thought. When Elle walked through the door, his mouth fell open and his heart started racing. Elle looked at him and their eyes met, "Oh my God, it's the wall," she squeaked. Elle clamped her hand over her mouth and turned as burgundy as the carpet outside. They all looked at her quizzically, she apologised "Sorry, it's just this morning we bumped into each other and it felt like a brick wall." Frank and Belinda laughed, Peter blushed but stood up, "It's nice to finally meet you but I had a lot to do this morning," he said as he extended his hand. Elle walked towards him and shook his hand. "Elle Collis, it's a pleasure to meet you Mr Skeel, apologies again, I sometimes have difficulty engaging my brain with my mouth," she greeted. He chuckled and said, "well it is good that you can see that, I need someone who can work with me and pull me if I am too overbearing. I am passionate about my work and can come across as obnoxious." Elle smiled but it quickly turned to a frown and she blurted out, "Mr Skeel, I have a habit of being brutally honest at times and that can be taken as insulting to many people, I have to warn you that if I ever come across that way please know that I would not ever mean it as an insult. I have a strong sense of right and wrong, I will give you my point of view but, I would never knowingly be rude or disrespectful." "You, my dear, are going to be a fine Executive Assistant," Frank interjected, "the only reason this company is where it is today is because of Belinda, she is the exact same way," Frank smiled. They all felt lighter and sat down to talk. I cannot believe I said that, how embarrasing can you get? Where is the coffee? She thought.  "Belinda, do you have coffee in here?" Elle asked, "No honey, we haven't had any since earlier," she said looking strange. "Can you smell it now?" asked Belinda, Elle nodded her head, "Yes it smells like a latte," Elle giggled out. Frank, Belinda and Peter all looked at each other, Elle could imagine herself doing the palm face.  I am such a weirdo, I am going to lose this job if I am not careful! She groaned inwardly.  Peter smiled, "so you like coffee," he teased Elle. Elle was red faced but she had to push ahead, "yes I do, in fact, I have probably imagined it because it is that time of the day when I normally have one," she chuckled trying to make it a joke.  "Oh my goodness, if I cannot get myself under control I will have to quit," why the hell do I feel like a schoolgirl? Cop on! Get a grip on yourself, he is a man, nothing more. You have no right to feel this way, you should be ashamed of yourself! He is probably 10 years younger than you and you want to be acting like a child. Grow up, if you cannot be professional then walk! She thought. At that point she sat up straight and put up her walls.  They all felt the change in atmosphere, it became formal while still being comfortable. Frank kissed Belinda on the cheek and she nodded, Elle smiled thinking they were in their own little world. Stephanie walked in and place the lunch on the table, there was rice, salad, grilled chicken and a variety of dressings. They all tucked in. Once they had finished, Elle and Belinda cleared the table. Elle thanked them all for a wonderful lunch and turned to Peter, "I still have some things to go through with you, will you be heading to your office shortly?" She asked. Peter nodded "I should be there in about 10 minutes," he said. Elle thanked them all again and made her way to her very large cubby hole. Belinda reached for Peters hand and squeezed it, "You are going to have to do something you have never done before Peter, you are going to have to suck it up and take baby steps, because If you don't and you scare her off, I will personally rip your head off" She promised him. Peter looked at his Mother like she had two heads, never in her life has she talked to him like that. He started getting aggitated and was ready to speak when Frank jumped in, "Son, I promise you I will back your Mother up and offer to rip you limb from limb if you scare her, we love you unconditionally but, that poor girl has been to hell and back, she has a family that is relying on her, if she breaks...." Peter was angry but he understood what they were saying, her scent was drifting in and out over lunch, he wanted to kill anyone who had ever had a hand in bringing her to that. "I know, but that should have been my family!" he shouted. "I just want her in my arms, I don't want her out of my sight, I want to wrap her up in cotton wool, she has been gone just a few minutes and I miss her," he groaned out. Belinda jumped up and grabbed him in her arms as a few tears silently fell from his eyes. Once he wiped his face, she released him from her hug. She went to sit opposite them both, she couldn't put it off any longer, not now that she was sure.  Belinda cleared her throat and they looked at her, "You both need to know, there's something else," she said as she shifted uneasily in her chair. "I couldn't say it until I was sure but, she is The Graceful," she announced. Peter banged his head on the conference table shattering it into a million pieces. "Peter, I need you to breathe and go to her. Give her all the information she needs to do her job, then you need to let her go home early. Billy is guarding her on the way home and Fergil is at her home to take over, Billy will guard her again on the way in tomorrow morning." Frank said, "She must be exhausted, her light has been flickering all day, if she doesn't rest she won't be able to cope with what is coming," Belinda explained. Peter ran his hand through his hair, I will go bald at this rate, he thought. He picked himself up and pulled himself together. "Sorry about the table Dad, I thought it was toughened glass," he apologised to Frank. "That's okay Son, I still have 10 tops left downstairs in storage, Stephanie has already asked maintenence to get one out and bring it up to replace this one," Frank chuckled. With that he tenderly said he will see them at home, and headed to his office but he decided to make a quick stop off on the way. Elle was sat at her desk writing down what information she would need for different scenarios. Feeling pleased with her list, she smiled and sat back. As long as I can keep myself in check and stop acting like I have a schoolgirl crush, I think it will be fine. My emotions are in overdrive so I definitely am making this something it isn't. Yes, he is handsome in a rugged way but can't they all be? Professionalism, you've got this! Keep your guard up and act professional, that's all you need to do, keep going. Yes, I will keep going and act professional, the attraction, if you can call it that, will fade out. Let's face it, it's been a while and he will probably prove himself repulsing along the way. Elle thought hopefully.  "Mmmm," Elle groaned, her mouth was watering at the smell of coffee. She missed her afternoon cup and it was definitely showing. Elle was just about to go and get a cup when Peter turned the corner holding two take away coffee cups in his hands. I knew I smelled coffee! She triumphantly shouted in her head.  Peter smiled at her and handed her one of the cups, "I took a stab at it and guessed caramel latte," he said to her shyly. Elle had her mouth hanging open at this point, she couldn't even get the words out. After a few seconds, she visibly shook herself and smiled at him. "Thank you," she said as she took the cup from his hand. "This is my weakness, here let me give you the money for it" She said as she went to grab her bag. Peter frowned, stumped for something to say. When she looked back at him she spotted his look and her heart started thumping, "I erm, I er, always pay my own erm, way," she fumbled trying to explain. "That's okay, you can always get the next one," he shrugged. Feeling a little better but still uncomfortable she asked, "What is your favourite coffee?" He smiled at her and said "Same," she chuckled at that. "I had you pegged as an espresso man," she said smiling. "Most do," he responded, "Shall we start?" he suggested, clearing his throat. Elle nodded in agreement. This is going to be long, I need help! Elle thought. "Okay, so that is just your passport and driving license I need you to bring in tomorrow. I will scan and save them in our drop folder or would you rather I just hold them as paper copies?" she asked. Peter said, "the drop folder is fine but, can you email me over the password for it?" "Mr Skeel, I will never email you a password. I will create a file for you with all the information you need and leave it in your locked drawer, keep the key with you at all times, if you lose them let me know straight away and I will hold the spare." She declared. He was impressed, she obviously knew what she was doing. "Okay, well I think that wraps it up for today," he started, "head home and I will see you at 9am in the morning," he finished. "Erm, Mr Skeel, I em, I am conracted until 5pm," she objected. "Oh, that's okay. I am heading home early myself. No sense in you being here when I am not. Take it while it's on offer," he said chuckling. It makes sense, she thought, the team are dealing with everything this week until we find our feet, it's just the phones mainly, I have to be here to answer them. "I asked Mum if she will keep the phones for today. She thought it was a good idea, she said something about introducing you to the different departments tomorrow," he chuckled. "You are definitely going to need rest if that's the case," he laughed out. Elle, laughed with him, she could only imagine but she was looking forward to it, she already adored Belinda. She hoped Belinda thought as much of her too. Smiling they said farewell until tomorrow, Elle let him know she would grab the coffee on the way in and grabbed her laptop to work on the information Peter will need and to make notes of all the information she wrote down. She stepped out of the building to make her way home, unsure if she had made a good enough impression for them to want her there. Elle yawned.  What a first day, she thought. She walked home, doubts were creeping in already, sleep would come late for her tonight. Elle walked through her door before 3pm. She called Nancy on her way home from the office and asked if she was still okay to pick the kids up from their after school clubs as although she was leaving early she had some work to finish off so she didn't have to rush doing it in the morning. Nancy told her it was fine, she will come back and make them all dinner. Elle was so thankful Nancy was in her life, they met 8 years ago when Elle moved in next door. Nancy's children had all grown up and flown the nest so to speak, her husband passed away just a few months before Elle moved in. They needed each other and became firm friends, Nancy was like a Grandmother to the children and Elle had no doubt Nancy would lay down her life for them. Nancy had waist length grey hair, her eyes were grey too and she had laughter lines around her eyes. She hadn't aged in the time she has known her, she was very spritely for her 68 years, it never ceased to amaze Elle how energetic Nancy was. Nancy was 5ft 3" and had a slim build, she had been a rock to Elle and was the reason Elle started volunteering. Elle had a lot to thank Nancy for and she secretly promised to do something special for her when she had financial stability. Elle looked around at her front room, she was proud of what she had acomplished, she took a seat on her grey leather sofa pulling out her laptop to get started. The sofa provided the pefect contrast to the dark laminate flooring she had down, the walls were white so Elle had decided to keep the furniture grey, it worked well and looked modern, she had splashes here and there of duck egg blue accessories and a fluffy rug in the same shade. It was Elles safe space and she loved it. Elle finished off what she needed to do within the hour, as she closed down her laptop her eyes locked on to the photo hanging on the wall, Nancy took it a few years ago and had it framed as a Christmas present for them. It was of Elle, Emily and Michael, they were sat on the floor telling stories. At 7 years old at the time of the photo, Emily had an amazing imagination and her vocabulary was superb. Emilys golden curly hair was shining thanks to the light from the fire and her emerald green eyes were shining brightly, they were laughing and her button nose was so cute, her smile was infectious, you could see her dimples clearly in that photo, she was definitely her Mothers Daughter. Elle smiled, she would do everything in her power to make sure she never lost herself. Michael was the image of his sister, you couldn't mistake it, although his eyes were deep brown in colour, he took after his Father with those but Michaels eyes had golden flecks and were full of life. His hair was the same chocolate colour as Elles although, Michael didn't have the red streaks. They were all laughing in that photo, the one thing that always drew Elle in was how Nancy had captured the love, nobody could deny this house was full of fun, laughter and love. If Elle ever needed to break down she would head to her bedroom, she never allowed her children to see her down or anxious, they would pick up in different ways but she always made sure they didn't see how bad it got. Elle looked at the clock, she had around 50 minutes until the kids bounded through the door, Elle decided she would jump in for a bath before they got back. Elle really needed a sleep but she didn't want the kids coming back thinking she didn't have time for them. She wanted to spend all the time she could with them before she tucked them into bed that night.
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