4 - Wedding Day

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Bianca Pov : I can't believe that it's been a week since I lived here. Today’s been a really busy day, Denice kept pushing me to try on wedding dresses or go to where the reception will be held or just looking for wedding presents, everything. I can't imagine the day that I left my house and prepared myself for the worst, what I got is the day that I will finally be happy. Denice, Dominic and Alicia are really nice and kind, they accepted me and treat me like their own daughter, especially Denice. Since she know that my mother is already dead, she treat me as her daughter and never try to replace the real one. I also know about Alicia parents,especially her mom, she was older than Dimitri and die in an plane crush with her husband. So, denice and dominic they take care of alicia and give her the love that her parents can't. They are truly a great family and I adore them very much. But, not Dimitri... I never met him again after he left angrily from the house. If he's here, he just speaks quickly and leaves immediately without having a second thought to see or talk to me. I don't know how we are going to survive married life if he keeps acting like that. When they asked about my other family or should we invited them, I quickly refused. I told them that my father had another wife, Stephanie and I don't want them to feel awkward about my marriage. Firstly, Denice disagreed with my decision and said that no matter what, he is still my father and I need to invite them, but after I kept refusing her, finally she nodded even though she look confused but accept my decision. She knew something happened between us but decided to not ask any more. I don't think she needs to know the dark side of my life. Finally I read more news about Dimitri from the newspaper, he seems to get around with a lot of women. I can't blame him for being angry with his parents who forcing him into this.. There was Cathy, Mary, Nicole, Kirstine and many more women that he dated and they came from different countries around the world. No wonder he won't see me. I can't compare myself to them, they are all very beautiful and a model. I guess, I won't be seeing him around after our wedding, I’m not complaining though, but I just hoped that a man who I would marry would, at least, love me. Sighing; I put down my drawing book and shocked when I realize that I drew Dimitri’s face. I guess I got caught up in my own thoughts and didn’t realize I was sketching my soon to be husband. Dimitri still looks the same as I remember him, blonde hair, big muscles and blue eyes. He seemed bigger than the last time I saw him, well.. it’s been a long time since I last saw him. But, his blue eyes are still the same as I remembered or even more beautiful. "Is that Uncle Dimitri?" I gasped when Alicia suddenly took a seat beside me. "Oh God, you scared me" She chuckled. Feeling embarrassed that she caught me drawing her uncle, I flipped the page over and showed her my other drawings that I done. "Not only him, look" I said and show her a picture I made on my first day I came here, she's the only one who always talked to me and kept me company when I was alone in this big mansion. She seemed lonely like I am and we enjoyed each other’s company. "Oh my God" She screamed happily and took the book from me "Is this really me? Am I this beautiful?" She gasped and cupped her own face. I laughed and nodded my head "It is darling and you are beautiful, more beautiful" I said and take her hand and start playing with it. Her curly hair is so soft and I like it. "Can I keep it?" She asked hopefully and showed me her puppy eyes. I laugh when I see her plead like that, honestly I never have a sister and having her here, is a wish come true for me. "Of course honey" I said and she squealed happily. "Thank you, Aunt Bianca" She said before running back into the mansion. I laughed when I saw her, her hair is like a flame blowing in the wind. Riiiiinnggg.... I gasped and take my phone from my pocket when I hear it ringing. I know it must be Trish, she's the only one who knew my number. 'Trish?' 'God, Bianca. Finally you answer your phone' She shout happily 'I tried to call you hundred times and you never bothered to answer or return my call? Anyway, How are you? 'I'm sorry girlfriend, so many things happened this week" 'I’ve noticed' She sounded strange 'I just thought that you didn’t want to talk to me again after what happened to you' 'What are you talking about?' 'I've seen the newspapers, your face is everywhere’ I gasped 'What? What newspaper?' 'Today’s newspaper, girl. You're everywhere' I can hear her scoffed"Why didn't you tell me that you're getting married to this Dimitri guy?' I sighed 'It's a long story, Trish' 'Try me' She demanded. Take a deep breathe, I finally decide to tell her everything and opened my mouth to start to speak, I told her from the letter that Stephanie received, the debt and then the arrangement. She didn't say anything to interrupt me and I know she is shocked by the news I told. 'Holy s**t, did that really happen?' She gasped when I finished my story. I know that it sounded impossible. 'Yeah, and now I need to get married to a man, not only ten years my senior , but doesn't even want to see or even meet me' I told her sadly. She paused for a second 'How about running away?' She suggested. 'I don't know' I told her truthfully 'My other running away plans always made me have the worst day of my life and I'm afraid of having to experience that again. They're all nice and kind to me, they never lay a finger on me and I like them. I feeling hurt from being kicked, punched and any other punishment Steph and Jenson could think of, Trish' I feel my tears in my eyes and I hold my breath to try to stop them from falling. 'I understand' She said tenderly. I knew she’ll understand after all she’s the only one who knew how cruel steph and jenson punishment 'Promise me, you'll tell me if something bad happens?' She asked in concern, how I love her so much, she's such a good friend. I choked on my breath and answered her, glad to know that she really cares. 'I will, Trish. Thank you' 'Bye, dear' I hung up the phone and start crying. I couldn’t hold my tears anymore. ****************************** "Oh my God, you look beautiful aunty" Alicia giggled when she peeked at me from the door before coming inside. Yes, today is my wedding day. Everything has been arranged by Denice from the dress, place, food, invitations and everything else. She's been very busy with this marriage ceremony. She just ask me what the color I like for the motif and other things I like in my wedding and leave the rest to her. Here I am, standing in front of the mirror, looking at myself wearing this beautiful white lace wedding dress. The hairstylists put my brown hair in a bun and added a tiara. The dress is not like a princess dress which expands at the bottom but it’s a silk dress that shapes my curves and has an open back that goes down to my waist. I gasped when I saw my own reflection, I look very different. The treatment that Denice gave me 4 days before really changed me. I look more beautiful than before. My skin look sparkling and my green eyes look pretty. I never knew I can be this pretty. Despite the arranged and unwanted wedding, I still can't believe that they made me turn into a beautiful woman. I just hope that people will agree with me or that Dimitri will at least appreciate me and decide that I suitable for being his wife. Please give me a chance to find happiness. --------------------------------------------------------- Dimitri Pov : "Hahaha.. Look at you" I turn my head and scowl at Jayden and Matthew, my two best friends who are laughing very hard when they see me wearing a tuxedo. Tomorrow is my birthday and today is the worst day of my life, my wedding day. I cursed everyone who laughed or mocked me behind my back. "Shut up" I snap at them. Matthew walked closer and put his hand on my shoulder "C'mon, man. You should be happy on your wedding day" He assured me which made me scoffed. "He's right, man. She can't be that bad" Jayden agreed with him and nodded his head. I shook my head in disagreement "You don't know her, man. I met her once and she had a freckly face, you don't know anything. I'm really glad that tomorrow we can still have our party in France" I can tell that they are shocked and they looked at each other after I said that. "Are you serious? You still want to attend that party on your wedding night?" Jayden asked me, he looked surprised. I shrugged my shoulder "I don't care. I need to stay away from her immediately" "I can't believe you" Matthew shouted in disbelief and shook his head "I saw her and she's not that bad, trust me. If you don't want her, I’ll gladly have her" I gave him my 'Are-you-kidding-me' look. I take a glance at Jayden who just shrugged his shoulder and shook his head. I sighed and stroked my hair. Even my best friend is getting mad with me. Knock.. Knock... "Dimitri, we are ready " My mother voice snapped me out of our conversation and I can feel my stomach hurting me. This is it. My last day as a bachelor. I didn't even celebrate the bachelor party like they suggest. I don't want to think that this is the last time I can have fun, even with wife, I know I can still have fun and act as if im single. I don't care what she'll think about me. Fuck her. ****************** "You may kiss the bride" I gave her a quick peck without looking at her and quickly turn my head. Shit, I can't believe that I'm a married man now.. Groaning, I touched my face and feel her eyes on me. I did not even spare a single glance at her, I completely ignore her. My mother and father came to congratulate us, after I said my thanks, I walk to the bar where Jayden and Mathew. I think getting drunk is the best solution for now. At least I won't remember anything tomorrow and I can skip the wedding night with her. ------------------------------------------- Bianca Pov : He’s ignoring me, I know it. He didn’t look at me the whole duration of the ceremony. He just stood there beside me like a robot and doing his duty. Oh God, how can I agree to marry this man? "Honey" I turned my head to face Denice who looked happy, she hugged me when she's got closer, Dominic is behind her, smiling friendly "Welcome to our family’ they said in unison and I nodded in gratitude. "Aunty Bianca, Congratulations" It was Alicia, who’s jumping around and wrapped her arms around my waist, I laughed and wrapped my arms around her and thanking her. Well.. At least his family are kind and nice to me. "where’s uncle Dimitri?" She asked, and looked around when she didn’t find him beside me. I smile and put my hand on her head "He went to celebrate with his friends over there" I lied and I hear Denice release a harsh breath, I guess she knew the truth. The party was held without Dimitri beside me. I'm just alone with Denice and Dominic to welcome the guests. They keep asking where the groom was, but I kept saying that he's having a party with his friends over th bar. I guess they also knew the real reason too. After a while I can't stand it anymore, so I made up an excuse to Denice and Dominic, saying that I'm tired and it’s time to head to my room. They smile and nod his head in understanding manner. Ping.. In my room, I heard my phone ping, that told me that I have a message. I remove my wedding dress before opening it. I know it must be Trish, who wants to know everything about today. After 10 minutes trying to get it off me, I’m finally free from the dress. I walk around in my bra and panties to where my phone is. I seat on my big bed and read the message. 'Hey, girlfriend. I know it's your wedding day, sorry I can't come and see you wearing your wedding dress, I know you will look beautiful in it. I pray to lord that you'll find happiness with the man you married today. Love you' I read it over and over and I feel tears on my cheek. I pray to lord that you'll find happiness with the man you married today.. I can't believe she wish that? How can I find happiness with a man who doesn’t even look at me and get to know me? I hold my phone to my chest and rested my head on the bed and forget everything that has happen today, I fell asleep immediately without wearing my nightdress. **************************** BLAM.. I gasped and quickly opened my eyes when I heard someone coming into my room. It's not really my room in Swavrovsky mansion, but it's a room that we booked for the groom and the bride, from the Plaza, where we held the wedding reception. I blushed when I realized that I'm not wearing any appropriate clothes, I’m only in my underwear. So I pull the blanket high up to my neck, trying to cover my body. "Honey, I'm hoommeee" Its Dimitri's voice, and he sounded really drunk. Oh God. I just hid myself in the bed, afraid that he'll choose this time to attack me. Jenson was always scary enough when he was sober and he was more and more dreadful when he was drunk. So I can't let Dimitri touch me and punish me when he's drunk. I know he hates me for pushing him to marry me, so I can imagine what he'll do when he sees me here. A minute passed before I felt his body drop to the bed and he started snoring. I released a harsh breathe when I heard him stop moving and he started sleeping. After 10 minutes of torture, and realize he's already sleeping i slowly let down my defenses and close my eyes. ************************* I moaned when I felt someone massage my stomach from behind. It touched me gentle and soft. "Hhmm... You feel nice" I snapped my eyes open immediately when I hear it's a voice of a man from behind me. I’m shocked; I don't know what is going on and try to release myself from his grip. Jenson? Oh God, Jenson’s in my room?!! "Sweetie, I won’t let you go" Huh? That Voice... I gasped when I remember whose voice that was. It's Dimitri.. What is he doing to me? He turn my body around, so I can face him. He's smiling at me before he lean down and kiss my lips. I never felt this kind of things before, so I just laid there when he's started moving his hand around my body. Oh God, wherever he touched me, it feel so nice. I didn’t know that someone could touch me like that and he’s not hurting me. Whenever Jenson was drunk, he always hurting me, he punched me or hit me in my stomach, but Dimitri? He gave me pleasure. I gasped when he unhook my bra and I can feel his chest, so I guess he remove his shirt and slept without it. He started kissing my neck and massaging my breast and I can feel something building inside me. "Oh God, Dimitri" I moaned his name when he took down my pants and started touching me there. Lust take control of my body and I can't remember anything he's doing and I just accept him fully. I screamed his name when I feel something hurt me and he stroked my back softly to calm me and I started moaning and feeling the pleasure again. He kept moving and I follow his movement. I kept moaning and he grunted and groaned before I felt something release inside me and I fell asleep with his arm holding me. ********************** When I get up the next morning and remember what I done with my husband, Dimitri, I can't hide my blush and feel my face reddening immediately. But, my blush went as fast as it came after I realized that he was nowhere to be found. I am alone in this room. He took my virginity and left immediately after that. Heartbroken, I was crying when realized that he was gone. He left me alone in this room after he done his job as a husband. I didn’t know that last night with him was the best night I could ever imagine. -------------------------------------------------------
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