Calib's Story

1586 Words
Calib’s POV: I watched the destruction before me, my friend was bleeding, and I did that to him. I looked down at my hands. They were dripping with my friend’s blood. My eyes shot to his face and shame washed over my body. What have I done? My eyes dropped to the ground, and I knew there was only one course of action open to me. I had to get out of there, away from their condemning eyes, away from the shame I felt. I transformed into my Wolf and the need to run, to get away from all of this. Shame and self-hatred burned through me and threatened to consume me. I just had to get away, so that’s what I did. I started to run. I didn’t want to look back at the devastation that I left behind. How would any of them ever forgive me? How could they? Their voices summoning me back home screamed in my mind. So, I ran faster, I could literally feel the bond break that tied me to them and to my pack. I had become a rogue. And still I ran. The further I got away from my territory and pack, the clearer my mind became and the more I felt like the biggest asshole in the world. That only affirmed my decision to get away from whatever was wrong with me, how could I do that to my closest friend and my brother, to my pack. My wolf howled and I could hear the longing in his song, the longing to go back to my family. But after what I did, I doubted I would ever be able to, or for that matter, welcome to. My heart sank as I thought of everything I was leaving behind. I couldn’t face them again, not after what I did. So I sped up and ran further away from them. I crossed another border, and felt a little more of my soul breaking, but my thoughts seemed clearer, like a fog lifting from my brain. Jesus? What did Gina do to me? If this is what love does, I didn’t need it in my life. I ran in an almost straight line, toward the north. Every now and again I would weir off and run in another direction. I aimlessly ran, needing to punish myself. I spend days just running through the hills and forests. Scavenging for food, which was getting scarcer by the day. I didn’t really care where I ended up, or if anything happened to me, frankly, I thought everyone would be better off without me. Still I ran. Never looking back. Days without rest or food. The weather started to get significantly worse, and I was famished. I knew I was somewhere in Canada but I had long since stopped giving a s**t about where I was. I was going to have to search for shelter and find something more sustaining to eat. Blood and smoke filled my nostrils and I turned away from it. I didn’t need any complications. There was definitely a pack nearby, but I refused to get involved in their s**t. I came to an abrupt stand still when I heard it. Screaming and the smell of rogues, I could sense and smell the desperation in the air, my nostrils filled with the smell of blood, and I could hear the screams and fighting. I contemplated not helping them, but I knew I hadn’t fallen that far, not yet at least. At the same time, I heard a terrified scream. The scream pierced my brain and jarred me into action. I started to run towards the screaming and came upon a bloody scene. Rogues attacked a small pack and were now fighting over the spoils. The girl couldn’t have been more than 15, maybe 16. I could only make out 5 shapes, but I knew the others had to be close. I felt a strong pull from the girl but ignored it as I was currently distracted by the 5 Rogue’s standing before me. They were so consumed by their prize they didn’t even notice or sense me. The biggest grabbed the girl’s arm and started pulling her towards him. “I told you she’s mine”. The smaller one’s face contorted into a sneer and he punched the bigger one in the face and grabbed the girl’s hand. “No, mine.” The girl was crying hysterically, and I could feel my heart contracting. All I wanted to do was protect her. I shook my head trying to clear it and I stepped into the opening which they were occupying and transformed back into human. This was the first time I had been human in more than a week. It felt strange to be in my human form again. I flexed my muscles and stretched a little and then stepped forward. “Leave her and go.” Six pairs of shocked eyes turned toward me, only one reflected relief. The rest were angry. The attack started soon after they registered my presence. I was stormed by five rogues at the same time. Unfortunately for them, I had been a trained warrior and I was an Alpha, maybe not born, but I had Alpha power, non the less. As the rogue's started to attack, I extended my nails. This attack wasn’t going to take much effort. The rogues were unskilled and lacked any strategy. The first two I disposed of quickly by impaling them with my nails right through their chests, killing them instantly. The next one, I sliced my nails through his throat. When the fourth one attacked, he was already scared and hesitant. I could smell the fear on him. I picked him up by his neck and broke it. The fifth one decided to turn and run. I watched after him as he headed into the treeline. He wouldn’t be back, he wasn’t going to stop for anything. I heard a small whimper next to me and turned toward the noise. I watched the girl as I walked closer. She was very scared of me and wasn’t quite sure what to do. She looked like she wanted to run, but something kept her rooted to the spot. She was a brave one. Realising I was still naked, I walked to one of the rogues and took his pants off. I didn’t want to scare the girl even more and approaching her while naked would probably kill her. I put on the rogue’s pants and then looked at her. She was really small, almost waif like, she had a pretty face with pale blond hair, it looked almost translucent. That’s how white it was. Her eyes were a very light blue colour, with darker blue rings. Her skin was also very light. If there was one word, I could use to describe her, it would be snow queen or, in her case, princess. She didn’t take her eyes off me, and it started to unnerve me a little. It felt like her eyes were trying to look into my soul, and I didn’t want anyone to see into that dark pit. I looked at her, and got a little annoyed. “You can go, Princess, I’m not here for you.” She looked behind her as if she was about to run, then turned back to me with a radiant smile. The smile took my breath away, and I immediately looked down. “You saved me, thank you”. I shook my head, not wanting to feel like the hero here, especially after what I did to Connor. When she spoke again, she was a little shy. “You should come back with me to our pack, my father would want to thank you”. “No, I don’t need thanks. I could never let anyone hurt a child”. An expression bordering on anger appeared on her face. “I am not a child”. “Look, princess, you can’t be more than, what 15 maybe 16 so in my eyes you’re a child.” She folded her arms across her chest and looked back at me. “I am almost 20” I stared back at her, shock must have shown on my face. “You can’t be. I would have sensed your wolf” A sad expression appeared on her face and I instinctively wished that I could make her feel better. “Yeah, I don’t have one.” She quickly shrugged off the sadness and almost immediately brightened “Please come back with me to meet my father, please. He is Alpha at our pack, the Crimson Blood pack. Alpha Grey”. She looked proud when she spoke of her father. I looked at her and for some reason all I wanted to do was protect her. “Yeah, I don’t know and, be with her” She gave me an innocent look; I doubt it was intentional. “Please” For some reason I felt compelled to follow her, it was like she was willing me to do her bidding. “Fine, but I’m not staying long, I need to leave soon.” Her smile spread across her face, and she took my hand. I ripped my hand out of hers. I didn’t want to dirty something that seemed so pure and innocent. She gave me a side glance, and somehow, I knew I had hurt her feelings.
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