Meeting The Team

191 Words
Lexi had just gotten to school and was walking to her locker when she ran into Addie. "Hey Addie" I said as I ran into her in the hallway "Hey Lexi" Addie said back as we continued to walk to our lockers which were right next to each other as well as Kevin and Matt. Once we got to our lockers we grabbed our books, put up our helmets, and left to go to our first class, English. We met up with Kevin and Matt half way to English and started talking about what we were going to do after school. "Hey wanna go to the warehouse after school" Matt said when we were almost to class. We all replied with a laugh because going to the warehouse is an everyday thing for us even before we could drive. Once we got to class we all took our normal seats at the table in the very back like we always do and started to talk about how much we hate English. We talked until the teacher came in which was about 10 minutes and then we listened and did our work for the rest of the class.  
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