Tailor Made

1243 Words
~~~~~Evangeline~~~~~ After having lunch with Landon and his family, Evangeline was walking side by side with him on their way to the sitting room where they could meet with the tailor. Along the way, her heart refused to slow, making her breathing a little staggered. The feel of his hand where it was placed against hers in the crook of his elbow was white hot to her. The sway of his blue and gold robes alluded to the attractive and toned physique she had a feeling they hid. And goodness was he tall. She had always appreciated men that carried themselves with confidence...at least she thought she did. Her memories only existed from the time she woke up here, so she had no way of knowing if she actually liked men like Landon or not. The only thing Evangeline did know was that she enjoyed his presence immensely. Their shared conversations, just between the two of them, made that fact clear. "The tailor has some already prepared clothing that she believes will fit, but I have requested a full wardrobe for you." Landon said, looking down to her as they walked. "All of your attire will be custom made, of course. As mine are." And truth be told, that made sense. His robes and pants were clearly made of high quality fabric and silks. The blues and golds were only offset by the purple sash around his waist. Something told Evangeline that purple was her favorite color. She had to wonder, then, why she was wearing a red dress. With a wry smile, she met his gaze. He sure was a gentleman to offer an entire wardrobe to her. "Landon, I do not require a full wardrobe, just enough to wear for now." Evangeline said, blushing at his proximity. "I do, however, appreciate the thought." "Please," Landon replied with a soft smile, his eyes displaying his care. "Let me do this for you. After all, I wish to see you dressed in the clothes of our Kingdom." Once they stood outside the room the tailor was waiting in, Evangeline took a deep breath. For some reason, she was nervous about it. More than anything, this was common for royals, but it still made her feel odd. She felt this streak of independence, like she did not enjoy being waited on hand and foot. She felt so strongly about this, that she was sure the person she was before was the same way. As they walked through the door, the sight that met her eyes left her in disbelief. The most lavish of robes and dresses met her eyes in a stunning display of the tailor's best works. Releasing Landon's arm, she was drawn to a fabric the color of the sea. The light played across the fabric, giving it a warmth that would not have existed otherwise. While she was distracted by the colors playing across the fabric, she did not notice Landon speaking with the tailor. ~~~~~Landon~~~~~ "No matter what she says, I desire her to be dressed in the most and best of attire you have." He whispered as she browsed the fabric at her fingertips. "Treat her as you would one of the Royal family." "Of course, Milord. Only the best for the Royal Family." The tailor said with a bow. "Is there anything in particular you would like designed for Milady?" Looking around the room, filled with the most beautiful fabrics, his eyes landed on his favorite color mixed with blues. Grasping the fabric, he smiled at the soft feel of it between his fingertips. The colors reminded him of the woman the gift was being prepared for. Gentle and kind, beautiful but smart. These words ran through his mind along with thoughts of being married to such a Goddess. With a smile, he lifted the fabric to the tailor. "I wish to see her dressed in something made out of this." Landon replied, his fingers slipping through the fabric gently. "The gentleness and warmth matches what I've learned of her thus far." "I shall see it done, Milord." The tailor said with a bright smile as she took the fabric and laid it in a separate pile. "I shall see it done by three days end." Nodding with satisfaction, he made his way to Evangeline with a smile adorning his features. Landon had already ordered a lady in waiting for her who was on stand-by just outside the room. Everything else had been prepared in advanced, so all that was left was her to try on the clothing and her measurements for future attire. As he reached her, he could not help but be amazed at her radiance and part of him wondered if she were just a dream. "The tailor is ready for you. If you see any fabric that you like, feel free to let her know." He whispered, watching as a blush colored her cheeks. "I've already made my selections for what I would like to see you swathed in, so I would enjoy seeing your choices as well." ~~~~~Evangeline~~~~~ Fighting down her blush was the hardest thing she had ever attempted since she had woke up. Landon was always the kindest to her, his nature automatically picking up on her feelings. It was weird; she always felt exposed when faced with his smile. Since she had awaken to this reality - while feeling like something was missing - Landon had kept her company, doing his best to assuage her fears and concerns. She knew he was hiding things from her, but part of her knew that was a good idea. When he left to finish his duties for the day, she turned to the tailor with a smile. "I really do not need a full wardrobe, Miss." Evangeline said hoping to rid the tailor of the burden. "Milord is kind to offer, but I have hopes to regain my memory soon, so I do not wish to burden those in his leadership with concerns of me." "I understand, Milady." The tailor said moving to take her measurements. "I can assure you that you will be satisfied when we are done." Evangeline's eyes fell on a pre-prepared set that had been prepared beforehand. The purple, slightly marred with green petals floating across the waist, gave off an air of freedom. The hem was a deep purple with golden threads running through it. With a smile, she pointed to it as she tried not to betray her feelings. Words could not express the feeling she acquired from the simple, yet elegant, design. "This would be suitable for the evening." She said with a smile. "Could I try this on?" "Of course, Milady." The tailor replied with a matching grin. "I suppose you and Milord Crowned Prince Landon share the same taste." Left to wonder about the tailor's choice of words, Trinity allowed herself to be measured and selected a few of her favorites from the pile. However, try as she might, she could not tear herself from thoughts on her history. It had been a full day since she had woke from her dreamless sleep. Landon was the first one there, his smile overpowering her unease in the situation. Dealing with her memory loss had taken its toll. As pointed out earlier at lunch, her body recognized what was socially acceptable during a meal. This fact only made her question who she was more than anything.
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