Learning to be normal

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Rain's pov I have had no one care for me before. This is all so new, I honestly don’t know what to think or do. I feel as if I am abusing his kindness. “Oh, come on, Amber says”. "He would let no one take advantage of him. And I think by now you surely have that much figured out." “Well, I still feel like I should be up helping. I don’t want to be a burden”. Amber laughs out loud this time and says Rain, “You’re his mate. You can never be a burden, and you also can’t take advantage of what is half yours now”. I looked at her with a confused look on my face. “Half mine"? "Uggg you really don’t understand this whole mate thing, do you?" “I say no, not really. I know it involves well, never mind; I say blushing”. Loud laughing now, roaring out of Amber, who is making me laugh too. “What”? I say. Amber is now on the floor rolling around like she is on fire. "Ok, what tell me Amber?" Well, if you really want to know. When you and Adrian complete the mating ritual, you will be just as powerful as he. You will share everything and that also includes his bed." she smiles raising her eyebrows up and down. “Yeah, we have done that I say rolling my eyes at her”. She looks at me wide eyed. "Spill all the dirty details Rain." “Um ok, it was really nothing. It happened when I was in the hospital. Wren Came in though and was not thrilled”. "Wait what? Wren caught you and Alpha Adrian having sex." “What EWWW NO! We were sleeping. He shared my bed already”. Amber had tears rolling down her face at this point from laughing so hard. Then it hit me. “OHHHHHH Mating ritual."I face palm myself. Oh god, she says, laughing still. "You will be fine. He would never hurt you.You will be the best Luna this generation had ever seen." “Luna?" Amber then face palms and says. "I have so much to teach you." A knock came at the door, Amber says "come in!" Adrian sticks his head in and asks.  "is safe to enter. I heard crying." We both bust out laughing now. “Not crying”! I try to say but I cannot stop laughing, if he only knew what we were talking about. He shakes his head and kissed me on the cheek saying I will be in my office if you need anything. Trying to be serious, I shake my head, biting the insides of my cheeks so I would stop laughing. He smiles, shaking his head and leaves. Amber spends the rest of the day teaching me all about mating and what it means to be Luna. By the time she is done, I am more nervous than ever. “What if I am not good at it”? "Good at what she says?" “All of it”, I cry. "Rain, look at me. The moon goddess would not have chosen you for him if you were going to fail. She is never wrong." I relax a bit but still feel uneasy. Nick came running in after training. "Rain, guess what!" “What buddy?" "I won my race today! “Really”? He said very excitedly. “Wow Great job!" "Yeah but I don’t think I want to go back tomorrow." “Why Nick what happened, you have been so excited to go." "Well this girl said I was too little and was going to get hurt. Even after I won the race she said you better be able to run fast little puppy cause you will never win a fight." “Oh I see”. I hear Adrian clear his throat we didn’t even hear him enter the room. "Nickolas I am sorry you didn’t have a good day at training but if you want to grow and become a good fighter you have to continue with training every day." Nick pouts but doesn’t dare talk back to Adrian, He is still afraid I will get hurt. "Ok are you hungry Adrian says?" I shake my head and he turn to Amber, want to join us for Dinner. She smiles, “Sure”. "You all be ready in an hour, were going out since this is you last day on bed rest." “I…I don’t have anything to wear into town Um but you guys go ahead”. He reaches to open the closet and it is now full of his cloths and clothes for me as well. “When did you”? "You don’t need to worry about it, just pick whatever you want. If there is anything in there that you don’t like give it away and I will buy you something different." “No! I hug him I love it all. Thank you so much”. I say starting to tear up. He grabs Nick and whispers." you have new cloths to in the room next to this one." Nick jumps out of his arms to go see his new stuff. I let a tear slip down my face and he reaches to wipe it off before it falls. "Stop." “But." "No buts, now please get ready we have reservation in an hour and a half." Amber then kicks him out mumbling something about a girl can’t rush getting beautiful. "Okay, we have work to do." I raise my brow at her in question. "Hair and makeup. I want you to look your best tonight." “Oh ok”. She pushes me toward the shower demanding I shampoo and condition my hair. Scrub my face hands and nails. “I know how to bath Amber”, I say in a snarly voice. Amber shrugs and says sorry. "I just want you to look your very best. I want the two of you to be happy." “Changing the subject Amber, but can I ask you a question”? "Sure anything." “Who is Alissa to Adrian”? Amber freezes. "UH she is um, have you ask Adrian?" “I didn’t have the chance too, she is gave me this new scar on my face right in front of him." "He kicked her out but." ?What new scar?" "Rain; I don’t see a scar are you sure." I reach up to touch where she had cute my face but felt nothing so I walk to the mirror and nothing. I healed completely. Amber is now staring at my face while I prepare to get in the shower. "Rain, how does that happen? I mean yes we heal fast but not that damn fast." “Oh Drau healed me but he said the scar would last a few days”. "Who the hell is Drau, better yet, what is Drau that he can heal people?" I press my lips together realizing that Adrian had not introduced Drau to everyone yet. “Oh, he is great I say I am sure you will meet him soon, he is new here”. Amber looks at me wanting to ask more but I hurry to the shower and jump in.  If she didn’t know about Drau then it was not my place to tell her. After my sower Amber makes sure my hair id dried and curled and then she starts with my face. I know there is no reason to fight her at this point because she is hell bent on making me look beautiful. But I know she is wasting her time. I have never been considered anything close to beautiful. With my blue ice blue eyes and dark blond hair people at my second home always said I looked like a freak because my eyes were different. Oh well, I think to myself, Adrian apparently thinks I’m ok.  "Are you ready to see?" “Uh sure, I guess/" She turns me to look in the mirror and I am in shock! I actually look pretty. I don’t know about beautiful by any means but pretty. I smile and thank her. She hugs me and smiles back. "Ok now I need to get myself ready. Go get your cloths on while I do my hair and we will be set. Oh yeah I laid you something out she said giggling just under her breath." I pick up the dress and look at it confused. It is barley there. “Um Amber I yell to the bathroom”. "Yeah?" “Where are the cloths?" Sticking her head out winking at me, "honey you’re holding them." “AH, um ok, I guess if there is a jacket or something”. "Sure we can match one up for you." I slip on the dress and it actually doesn’t leave that much un covered. It is just above my knees and the neck drops just enough to see cleavage. “I still think I want a jacket though”. Amber shakes her head and says fine handing me a jacket from the closet." ready?" “I feel like I have butterflies flying around in my stomach but I guess I am”. "Honey that’s called excitement!" “Oh, Well I say, holding my hands up, I have never had this feeling before." "You’re going to be fine Rain. I will be there, Adrian will be there, Nickolas is staying with Lucy and Charlie since all they want to do is stay in these days. It’s going to be fun." “I haven’t had fun since I was a kid”. We start down the stair and I hear Adrian take in a deep breath when he sees me. Looking dead at me his eyes darken and he shifts his position quickly. A large brown headed man then walks up. "Rain this is Landon he is going to join us tonight." “Hello Landon it is nice to meet you”. He smiles and says something I can’t quiet hear. Adrian nods to him and he takes Ambers hand kisses it and leads her out the door. "You look beautiful rain handing me his arm." I take it blushing. “I think you may need to have your eyes checked but thank you. So are Landon and Amber Mates?" "Yes, Landon is my top warrior and Amber is his wife." “Oh, I didn’t know she was married." "Yeah they have been married going on 3 years now." I shake my head taking in the information. He leads me outside to the garage that’s just beside the house. As we enter I see at least twenty cars inside. “Wow, I say with wide eyes”. He smiles and says "pick one" waving his hand. I close my eyes and point to the white car in front. He laughs and says the Audi it is. HE walks over opening the door for me to get in and then waits for Landon and Amber to get into the back. I watch him as he get in and start’s the engine. I can’t take my eyes off of him. He looks so handsome and he smells so go I could do this till I die. We back out and he speeds down the rd. We drive for a while just through the mountains and then I start to see lights in the distance. UH, I didn’t think to ask earlier but where are we going. Adrian looks over and says “have you ever heard of Detroit?" I shake my head letting him know that I have heard of it but I had no idea what it was. “It is just a city, kind of like New Orleans”. "Oh ok."  I quietly say. He is looking at me now and reaches over to pick my hand up. He place it over on his leg while he palaces his on top of mine to hold it in place. Just from his touch I feel my body start to heat. I squirm a bit and he smile rubbing my hand now lightly with his. I can’t continue watch him because I am blushing to the point I feel my face burning so I look back to the lights. There closer so we must be getting close to the city. I start to feel excitement. I haven’t been to the city since I was a kid still living with my parents. They would take us every now and then when they went to get supplies. I let myself day dream about that time for a while I remember how much my dad love us and my mom. They were great parents. We lived in the Bayou and grew up able to be just what we were wolves. We were only around humans in the city when we went and they were all nice to us. The witched though, they hated us well except for Dreena. I never knew why she was nice to us but she was. I feel Adrian pat my hand letting me know we have arrived. "Where did you go?" “Oh Sorry, I was just thinking about my childhood I try to smile”. "You miss them don't you?" “Yes, I say plainly”. He gets out coming around to open my door helping me out I look around feeling well a little self-conscience. He pulls me to him wrapping his arm around my waist. We start toward the door when a large man bows his head and saying welcome back Adrian. He then led us into the back where we had a table waiting for us. I take the chair Adrian pulls out and he sits as do Amber and Landon. The waiter comes over bringing a bottle of something that I don’t know what is, He pours Adrian a glass and reaches it to him. Adrian sips and shakes his head in approval. The waiter then pours some of the red liquid into all of our glasses. I sip it then I take another and another. I hear amber start to laugh saying "whoa, take it slow. You will have to be carried out of here if you drink that too fast." I look at her eyes wide in question. "Its wine, it will get you drunk." “Oh it just tastes so good”. "I know but you need to have it slowly." Adrian is just watching and talking to Landon while Amber coaches me in my stupidity. Adrian then turns his attention to me and ask what I would like to eat. “What do they have”? "Anything you want." “I think I would like to have a salad”. "Ok what else?" “What do you mean what else?" "Salad is a meal”. "No, it’s not, it’s an appetizer. Is it ok if I order for you, he then asks?" “Uh Sure I guess”. "Relax Rain. This is what your life is like now. You don’t have to earn anything just let me take care of you." “I am trying but I am just not used to this”. "I know but please trust me." “I do trust you Adrian I just get scared." "You never need to be scared again Rain". He says plainly. After we finish our meal which was by the way the best steak I have ever had wait maybe the only steak I have ever had that wasn’t left over. Landon and Amber get up to go to the dance floor. Adrian looks at me in question silently asking if I want to dance so I nod my head in the direction of the people dancing. He stands and offers his hand which I take. We reach the dance floor just a fast beat is ending. A slow song starts and Adrian pulls me to him wrapping his arms possessively around my waist. He starts to move and I follow. I can feel every muscle my small body is touching as he moves holding me tighter and tighter his hand start to move up and down my back and then up to the nap of my neck. He runs his hand slightly up into my hair and pulls just lightly on it so my head falls back a little as it does I see his eye are pitch black. He lowers his lips to mine slowly and seductively. I open for him letting this moment be all it can be here in front of people. He moves kissing my neck and when he brushes his canines across the lowest spot on my neck just above my collar bone I feel my body melt. I reach up pulling his mouth closer to my neck begging for him to bite me but he pulls back and says if we do that here We won’t be welcome back love, The whole city of Detroit would have to witness me make love to you right here. My eyes widen, I have to look away because my face must be beet red at the moment. Don’t do that he says. You are beautiful when you blush for me. I shake my head so confused at my body and the effect he has on it. My wolf then makes it her business. He is so hot rain the moon goddess has blessed us. I think we can trust him. “I agree I say back to her”. She smiles and then goes back into the back of my mind letting me enjoys this gift we have been given. Landon and Amber are having a great time laughing and dancing with each other as Adrian and I do the same. I am so happy I start to forget all the things that happened to me at my second home. I feel so different now. I am in bliss but am suddenly brought back to reality when I hear Adrian start to growl. I instantly look up to see what happening and there is a man staring right me. Adrian moves to stand in front of me growling so loud now others can hear him. The man turns to run but Adrian is faster. He grabs him and slams him against the wall. "Who are you pup?" The man does not seem to be scared and says. “my name is of no concern to you asshole.” Adrian then grabs his throat squeezing it until the man’s face turns red. "Do not look at her again do you understand me?" The man shakes his head in understanding and Adrian slings him to the ground. Turning and walking back to me. "Let’s go." Is all he said. Landon and Amber right behind us as we make our leave. The ride home was quiet. Adrian was still pissed I could tell. He was also talking to Charlie through their link. I could also tell that.  Amber was sleeping and I was just scared and confused. I finally spoke and ask. Are you mad at me? He didn’t answer so great the best night of my life I just ruined somehow. I feel a tear start to spill out of my eye and BAAMM! Our car slams into something hard sending us in the air upside down. The car somehow lands on all four tires and Adrian growls "Are you OK?"  Landon and Amber are already checking on each other. “Yes I am fine." "What was that?" "I don’t know stay in the car." Adrian gets out with Landon following. When I see him, I can’t move, Can’t breathe, and can’t scream. Amber sees my fear and yells to London to watch out. Just as she did, Thomas my bastard Alpha who abused me for years lunges for Adrian. Adrian turns just as he does but is too late and Thomas hits him hard with something that he has in his hand. Landon and Amber quickly turn when they see Adrian unconscious and go for Thomas. Five more wolves come out of the woods then Amber and Landon are fighting them all trying to wake Adrian. I am frozen I can’t do anything to help. Thomas starts toward the car and rips the door clean off the car reaches in and takes me by my hair. "Who told you, you could leave you little b***h. Huh. You are going to pay for disrespecting me and my mate by running off to be a little slut. I will enjoy watching as you die and that little brat of a brother too." The next thing I know is nothing, Nothing but darkness as he hits me in the back of my head knocking me out.
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