Chapter 1

1778 Words
Seventh Inning Stretch By J.M. Snyder Matt diLorenzo woke to the soft touch of lips against his. With a slight moan he stirred, hands clutching the satin sheets up under his chin, legs shifting beneath the covers. His feet smoothed along his lover Vic Braunson’s calves, the dry rasp of skin on skin loud in the silent morning. The kiss deepened—Vic pressed Matt back against his pillow in his need, mouth parting Matt’s as his tongue licked out to taste his lover. Matt submitted willingly, turning his face toward Vic’s, hungry for more. One hand uncurled from the sheets to touch Vic’s chest… Only to close over thin air. Matt’s eyes flew open as adrenaline surged through him. Now he was awake. “Vic?” he murmured, but even in the darkness of their room, lit only by the unblinking red numbers of his alarm clock, he could see Vic wasn’t there. “Vic?” Matt asked again, a little louder this time as he struggled to sit up. Strong arms tightened around his waist, holding him in place; when he tried to move, he felt his lover’s head burrow into the space between his shoulder blades. Matt lay back, relief coursing through him. Vic was right beside him, where he belonged. He must’ve dreamed the kiss. But the moment his eyes slipped shut, Vic’s mouth covered his again. The insistent press of his lover’s lips was definitely no dream. This time Matt spoke silently, directing his thoughts into his lover’s still-sleeping mind. ::Vic. You up?:: In answer, Vic’s kiss grew demanding. Matt let himself be kissed, giving into the sensations even if they weren’t real. But he could taste Vic on his mouth, his tongue; every inch of his psyche felt his lover’s body positioned above him though through physical touch, he knew Vic held him close from behind. ::Vic?:: he prodded again. ::Is this you?:: A shuddery sigh told him his lover still slept. Carefully, so as not to wake him, Matt dipped his consciousness into Vic’s dreams. With his mind’s eye, he saw himself beneath Vic, the two of them on a bed similar to the one they shared. Vic lay over Matt like a blanket, pinning him to the mattress as he covered Matt with ardent kisses. His hands rove across Matt’s nude body, tweaking, stroking, enticing him erect. As he watched his dream-self being pleasured, Matt felt those ghostlike hands on his own body, rubbing his chest and stomach, lower, twining through his pubes, lower, to cup his balls and fondle his c**k. He shifted in the bed, pressing his thighs together, as an unconscious moan escaped his lips. His hands fisted in the bed sheets. “Vic.” He could take it no longer. Rolling in Vic’s embrace, Matt snuggled up against his lover. He needed the real man’s attention, not some shadow lover, but Vic himself. Matt’s lips found Vic’s in a desirous, smothering kiss and, between them, a sweet ache settled into his balls as his d**k grew interested. “Vic,” he murmured, parting his lover’s mouth to whisper into him. “I need you.” Vic groaned in sleep, but he let Matt roll him onto his back. A frenzy whirled inside Matt, lust and love crashing together, thickening his c**k to throb in his balls. What had started as a simple kiss now stirred him into action. Sitting up, he straddled Vic’s waist, leaning over his lover’s broad chest to kiss him again. His hands found Vic’s n*****s and plucked the tender buds until they stood in his palms like hard nuggets. Slipping his forefingers through the tiny rings that pierced those n*****s, Matt tugged gently and elicited a series of small sounds from Vic that rose in octave as his desire cranked up. Matt kissed away the furrows that darkened his brow. “I want you,” he whispered. “Vic, baby, please. Look what you’ve done to me.” Vic’s eyelids fluttered in response, and he sighed Matt’s name in his sleep. Matt took that as all the encouragement he needed. He scooted down until his buttocks sat firmly on the hard thickness at Vic’s crotch. For a moment, he savored the feel of his lover’s bare chest beneath his hands, and he tongued one n****e, then the next, the cold metal rings warming in his mouth. Vic moaned and moved beneath him, his d**k beginning to butt against Matt’s ass. “Yes,” Vic sighed, hands roaming through Matt’s thick curls. “Matty, yes.” Sliding down farther, Matt kissed his way over Vic’s shaved pubic mound. He pulled the sheets down as he went, inch by inch, exposing more skin with each kiss. With a tight grip on the sheet, he pressed it over Vic’s crotch, holding his lover’s hard c**k down so he could lick the base of Vic’s shaft. Another inch lower, and he turned his head to close his lips around the firm base. Another inch, lower, and he tongued beneath the d**k to taste the soft sac hidden below. Vic’s fingers tightened on his scalp, and his hips rose up to push against Matt. “God,” he gasped. All pretense of sleep was gone. “Matty, please. Just…” Whatever else he planned to say dissolved in a breathless rush when Matt tugged off the sheet and took Vic’s cockhead into his mouth. As his tongue rimmed the flared tip of Vic’s d**k, Matt joked, ::Who said dreams can’t come true?:: “Matt,” Vic sighed. Knees bent, he held himself up off the bed on his elbows, body arched and head thrown back in delight. “Yes, yes, God yes.” With his lips curled over his teeth, Matt massaged down Vic’s length, then licked his way to the tip again. As it slid free from his mouth, a thin trail of saliva and pre-c*m connected them, from Matt’s mouth to Vic’s c**k. Matt kissed it away, then nosed Vic’s d**k aside to lap the underside. His lover writhed beneath him. “Yes, yes.” His tongue found the sensitive spot at the base of Vic’s shaft. Matt delved in, kissing between the twin strands of muscle that stretched taut above Vic’s balls, then wetting the dry, fervid skin with his tongue. He chased that with a bite on the loose skin, just a little nip, but it made Vic buck under him, and the first drops of c*m dampened his hair. He peppered Vic’s balls with tantalizing little bites, following each with a lick to smooth out the reddened flesh. By the time he moved the balls aside to lick between the clenched cheeks of his lover’s ass, Vic had fallen back to the pillow again, c**k in one hand stroking it erect while the other kept a firm grip on the back of Matt’s neck. “Yes,” he sighed, legs spreading wider as Matt climbed down between them. “God, f**k yes.” Matt’s own c**k ached for attention. Each time it brushed over the bed, he had to fight against the desire to hump the mattress. He lay on his side, one hand angling for his groin, when he felt his lover’s sure grip on his d**k. A mental hand kneaded his length as Vic channeled the same ability he’d used in sleep to arouse Matt’s ardor. Without touching him, Vic stroked his c**k, massaged his balls, bringing him to the edge of pleasure. Matt thrust into that phantom touch as he nuzzled Vic’s genitals, his own moans lost in the shadows that clung to Vic’s crotch. Another kiss, two, and Matt wanted more. Whether that thought passed between them unconsciously through the telepathic bond they shared, or whether they’d been together long enough now that Vic knew what he wanted before he did himself, Matt didn’t know. But when he repositioned himself to kneel between Vic’s legs, squeezing his own c**k harder as he rubbed over Vic’s slick shaft, his lover held a thin bottle of lubricant in one hand. “Looking for this?” Vic asked, his usually gruff morning voice husky with lust. With a grin, Matt took the bottle from him. “How’d you guess?” He drizzled the lube over Vic’s d**k, and it trickled down around his balls to stain the sheets beneath his ass. As Matt massaged it into pliant skin, the oil warmed at his touch. Vic’s legs spread wider as Matt stroked the velvety skin between his ass cheeks, and he rimmed his lover’s tight hole with one thumb in slow, languid movements that made Vic grasp at the bed sheets. “f**k me,” he growled. “God, Matty, please.” In response, Matt eased one thick finger into his ass, then another. Vic’s hips rose off the mattress, shoving his lover farther inside him. The bed’s headboard knocked into the wall, hard, as Vic thrust against Matt. “Yes,” he sighed, when a third finger breached his hole. His voice rose in volume to claw from his throat. “More, yes. Matty—” Leaning over him, Matt silenced Vic with a kiss. “It’s five in the morning,” he admonished softly. “Do you want to wake the whole block?” Vic’s sphincter clenched around Matt’s fingers. “I want you. In me, now.” “You ask so nicely, too.” Matt kissed him again, pressing him to the pillow as he guided his d**k to his lover’s heated center. His fingers slid out one by one and encircled his c**k to coat it with oil. After a few strokes, however, Vic grumbled, “Stop playing with yourself already and f**k me, will you?” With a wicked gleam in his eye, Matt thrust into his lover, hard. Vic’s arms came up around him, hands digging into Matt’s buttocks, as he arched against him. “Yes,” he cried out in a lusty roar. “God, yes, harder, Matty, yes!” Snickering into Vic’s neck, Matt murmured, “Quieter.” But it was like trying to stop the tide from rolling in. Vic roiled under him as their bodies met in a clash of love and desire, and together they found a rhythm as timeless as the sea. Matt dove into his lover, hard, just as Vic had asked, and let Vic’s tight muscles and firm hands bring him to release. The bed rocked beneath them, and the noisy knocking of the headboard against the wall only spurred them on. “Yes,” Vic moaned. “Yes.” Matt heard his lover’s voice in every fiber of his being, physically, mentally, aurally, and he wondered how many people nearby heard it in their sleep, as well. How many couples would wake wanting each other this morning? How many women would find their hands fisted between their legs, a precious pain throbbing in their loins? How many men would have morning erections they’d jerk away over the toilet, or wet dreams that left their sheets damp with c*m? How many would be touched by Vic’s amorous libido and far-flung thoughts? He didn’t know. And didn’t care, to be honest, not as long as he held Vic in his arms, and could kiss away the sweat beaded above his upper lip, and feel his lover’s hot muscles clench around his c**k. Vic’s hands kneaded Matt’s buttocks, pulling him close. Matt drove in as deep as he could go and ground his hips against Vic, working in farther. His forehead was set against his lover’s, and when he stared into Vic’s eyes, he saw himself looking back. Vic touched his lips to Matt’s. “Love you,” he sighed. Matt came in a heady rush, the heat of his orgasm triggering Vic’s own. One word cried out between them, triumphant, to shatter the morning stillness. Yes.
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