Chapter 1

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Hi there. I'm Arabella. I don't have a last name. I was left by my parents at an orphanage. I was wrapped up in a blanket with my name stitched into it. No middle name or last name. Today, February first, is my birthday. I'm 18 now. The orphanage helped me get a place to live. This small town was mainly built on the oil factory. It wasn't big, nor high-end like other places, but it was where I grew up. The forest surrounds this small town. Wolves lived in that forest and I loved hearing their howls and yipping. It brought a very odd sense of peace and tranquility to me. My life was simple now. I get up, go to work at the small diner that everyone loved, come home at night. Weekends were filled with chores and cleaning, but that was okay. Every Sunday night, I would go out and sing in the forest. According to Mother Edith, I could charm even the wildest of beasts with my singing. Right now, this Sunday night, I wanted-- no needed, to be in the forest. So here I am, singing that same song that no one had ever heard of. One that I have no idea where I heard it from. But I've been singing it since I learned to speak. I walked along the forest, singing, listening, calming my tired body. To my left, I twig snapped. I looked, and there stood a very beautiful stag. His antlers were big and strong. Slowly, I lifted my hand, the song becoming soft as it left my lips. The stag got closer, as if in a trance. My fingers touched his soft pelt on his nose. As I was petting him, a low growl was heard. This growl made me stop singing. There was something about it, something very different. The stag took off, and I turned and came face to face with the biggest wolf I had ever seen. Literally, the wolf was standing on all paws, looking me right in the eye. This wolf, stood at eye level with me. I won't lie and tell you that fear wasn't nestling in my body, because it was. I trembled under this wolf's stare. I fought the fear and hummed the song. Its eyes softened and I slowly reached out to touch the wolf, but as suddenly as it appeared, it took off into the forest. I stood there, blinking. "What are you?" I whispered into the silence of the forest. I headed home, and had myself a hot bath and headed to bed. Today, I met a wolf three times bigger than a normal wolf. It was a beautiful, gray almost silver wolf, its eyes as deep blue as the ocean. I fell asleep with the image of the wolf on my mind. I woke the next morning. I looked at my alarm clock. It was 4:18 AM. My shift didn't start for another 3 hours and some odd minutes. I stepped on the cold floor of my room and a shiver went through my body. I did my bathroom routine and headed to the kitchen. I looked at the clock on the stove. I knew I didn't take long. It was now 4:28. I turned on my coffee maker and walked to the fridge to gather myself breakfast, but stopped dead at the pain in my chest. This had happened before. Mother Edith told me that when I was 4, I was rushed to the small clinic because of the pain in my chest. I gasped for breath. I felt like I needed air so badly. I stumbled to the front door. Mother Edith gave me a pager for emergencies. I grabbed it from the side table and pressed the button. In pyjamas, I stumbled out into the snow. The pager in my hand beeped, telling me Mother Edith got the message. I fell over and landed in the snow. The cold did nothing to soothe the pain. I screamed out as a wave of pain swept through me. My scream echoed through the town. I could hear the wolves stop their howling. I looked toward the forest, and there, I saw their glowing eyes looking at me. They were afraid to leave the forest because of the people in the town. A car screeched to a halt on the road and I felt hands wrap around me. Mother Edith held me in her arms. Her hands felt like they were burning me. I cried out and squirmed in her arms. "Just like last time." She whispered and let me lay in the snow. I swear her eyes glazed over, but that could have just been my mind playing tricks on me. Another wave went through me. I arched my back and screamed. Darkness threatened to take over. It promised peace and no pain. I whimpered and allowed the darkness to take over. I don't know how long I was asleep for, but when I opened my eyes, I was in a strange room. Black walls and a dark, almost blood red ceiling. The curtains were closed so I couldn't see outside. A small lamp was the only light in the room. I blinked a few times, and sat up slowly. The pain in my chest was dull, at a bearable level. I furrowed my brow and slowly got off the bed. I took a couple wobbly steps, but my legs gave out and I hit the floor. I groaned as my elbow took the entirety of the fall. A door opened and there, a man stood in the doorway. I gasped and sat up quickly. "W-who are you? Whe-where am I?" I trembled. He walked over and knelt in front of me. I had this strange feeling that I had met this man before, but there was no way. I had never seen him nor met anyone like him before. "You're safe." He whispered softly, as he took my hand to help me up. I wobbled a little, but he held me upright. "Whe-where am I?" I asked again. "You're in my house. You're safe." He was a man of few words apparently. I nodded once and took a deep calming breath. "Could you... Take me home... The wolves... I can't hear them and... It makes me hurt.." I spoke so quietly, that I didn't even know if he heard me. "What do you mean, it hurts you?" He questioned me, his eyes holding so many questions that I couldn't possibly answer them. I placed my hand on my chest, the once dull ache getting stronger. "It hurts here.. please Sir, I need to go home." I begged him. The song echoed in my head, louder than normal, longer than normal. Just like last time. "I-- I can't. I'm sorry." He looked sad, but he quickly hid it with a blank face. Hearing him say that, the pain got worse. I gasped and clutched my chest. "P-please.. it... It hurts..." Tears burned my eyes. The next this I know, I'm in his arms and he's running through the front door, taking me outside. He had no shoes on, but he was running through the snow like it didn't bother him. Once we entered the treeline, I squirmed in his arms, I needed down. He placed my on my feet and put his sweater around my shoulders. There was no sun, just the full moon above my head. The song slipped from my lips, howls echoed along with my song. In almost a trance, I stepped deeper into the woods. A ray of moonlight shown through the trees. I stopped there and slowly, I spun in a circle. Wolves gathered near me, circling me, running in the opposite direction of my spin. My lungs burned, but I kept singing. I didn't know how long it was like that, but at the end of the song, the man was gone and in his place stood that same, almost silver wolf. Clothes in shreds around it. Its tail swayed, like it was happy. Those same deep blue eyes watched me. I reached my hand out as it came closer. I slipped my fingers into its fur. Soft thick fur covered my fingers. The wolf purred. It sounded almost like a cat. I couldn't stop the giggle the escaped my lips. "Hello there wolf. I'm Arabella. The last time I saw you, you scared me. This time, not so much." I paused as it nuzzled its head into my stomach. "I know you probably don't understand me, but I feel like you will listen if I told you things." A soft smile graced my lips. The wolf looked at me and nodded. Or, was that just my mind playing tricks on me again? Whatever it was, I shrugged it off. "I had that pain again in my chest. Just like when I was 4 years old. Mother Edith took me to the clinic then, but this time..." I paused and hugged the wolfs head. "I didn't wake up in the clinic. I woke up in a strange man's room. He scared me, but he felt familiar at the same time. I don't understand how he is, I've never met him before. Somehow, he reminded me of you. He had the same deep blue eyes that you do. The same smell as you." I giggled. "You're not him are you?" I looked at the wolf, its eyes held panic for a second, but it was gone as fast as it was shown. I giggled again. "I know, I know. It's silly to think that werewolves are real, but somewhere deep inside me, I feel like it's true." I ran my fingers over its body. This wolf was massive. When I got to its side, it dropped and rolled onto its back. I rubbed, the now known male wolf's, belly. His tail wagging fast. "You are a male. Could that be why you are so big?" I asked, knowing I wouldn't get an answer. I sat beside him, watching the forest life. Watching the wolves play and run. I wasn't sure when I fell asleep, but when I woke up, I was shocked to see the wolf was gone, but in his place, there was that same man as before, lying on his back, naked. It was freezing out here, but he slept like it was a warm bed. I gasped and shuffled away from him. He looked like he was sculpted by the Gods themselves. I felt the heat rush to my cheeks when I noticed he was now awake and looking at me. "I-I'm sorry! I... I didn't mean to look!" I turned away quickly. He chuckled. "I'm sorry I scared you yesterday when you woke up. I heard a bang and thought the worst." My eyes widened in shock. "I... Didn't tell you that... I... Told the--" I covered my mouth with my hands. There was no way that was.. he couldn't be! "Yes. I know, Arabella. It's a shock, but yes. I am that wolf and that wolf is me. He and I are one. I'm a werewolf." I felt my jaw drop, shock was the last thing on my mind! Fear rippled through me and the next thing I know, I'm running away from him. I could hear him calling my name. He didn't chase me. I kept running deeper and deeper into the woods. I wasn't sure how long I ran for, but my legs hurt and my lungs burned. I gasped for air as I fell to my knees. I sat there, thinking. Who was he? Why did he take me to his house? Why put me in his room? Where am I? Werewolves weren't real, they were fictional. A bush rustled, breaking me from my thoughts. I looked up, a small brown wolf stepped out, growling. Saliva dripping from its teeth. I held out my hand, the song slipping from my lips slow and soft. It stopped and looked at me. Slowly it came closer. My hand touched its fur. It whimpered and started lowering its body to the ground. From no where, that silver wolf ripped the brown wolf away from me. It hit a tree with a sickening snap. It fell to the ground, never moving again. Pain erupted from my chest and a scream ripped out of my throat. I writhed in pain on the ground. Tears streamed from my eyes. Why did he kill the wolf? It wasn't doing anything wrong! I crawled over the the now dead wolf and pulled in into my arms. I cried and hugged the brown wolf. I heard a snap and soon, its body changed to a human girl. Her eyes lifelessly stared at me. I closed her eyes and hugged her once more before laying her down on the ground. I stood up and turned around to face the once again, naked man. "Why!?" I screamed at him. He flinched back, shocked that little soft me, screamed at him. "Wh-" "NO!! Don't you dare! You killed her for nothing! You monster!" I didn't realize that I was now standing in front of him, screaming right in his face. A heard him growl lowly. "I am the Alpha of this pack! You will NOT speak to me that way, whether you be my mate or not!" He roared at me. I took a deep breath. Wait- did he just say mate? "What did you just say?" I spoke low and soft. He sighed. "You may not feel it, but you're my mate. You're a human, I don't expect you to understand. You know nothing about us werewolves." I felt my heart thump in my chest. I'm his mate? How? From the stories Mother Edith told us orphans, a werewolf's mate, can only be, another werewolf. I steeled myself. "I can't be your mate. I'm human and you're a werewolf. It can't happen. Your Goddess doesn't mate different species." I shook my head and added, "Plus, I refuse to be mated to someone who kills for no reason." Hurt flashed in his eyes. "Ara-" "No. I reject you!" My eyes stung with tears as I turned and ran away, again. Kade's P.O.V. I watched as my mate ran away from me, a second time. Arron whimpered in my head. He needed our mate. I needed her too. "Kade.. we need her... She's our Luna.. Our mate.." I rolled my eyes. "I know, Arron. Let her be for now." I turned and walked back toward the pack house. I felt Arron force himself to the surface, forcing me to drop into the back of our mind. "Arron! Let me back up!" I yelled at him. "I'm sorry Kade, but I can't lose her. She's special and I refuse to let you ruin it for us." He forced me back deeper until I could see nothing and hear nothing. Arron's P.O.V I was not losing her to his stupidity. He has no idea who she is or what she is. He called her a human, she's not. She's much more than a human. Let me tell you a story; Once upon a time, there was a wolf who begged the Goddess to give him a mate that could tame his beast half. His beast half was wild and deadly. He didn't stop his rampage once it started. Nothing could stop him. The Goddess knew this, and she granted him a mate. This mate had a song that could make, break and tame him. But there was a price that had to be paid. That price, was never fully clear to him. He didn't understand why his mate came with a price. The price was that she would belong only to him, if she chose to, if he proved himself worthy of her love. If she chose no, or he proved that he wasn't worthy, she would be taken back by the Goddess and never seen again. Every time I was reborn, it was my human half that never learned. This had been going on for years. See, I was the very first werewolf. I have a wildness in me that I cannot get rid of without my mate. Many have tried, and failed to tame me. I was strong. I could easily take over my human half with just a lift of my paw, and there was nothing that anyone could do. "Arabella!" I yelled to her. I found her, she was running from me, my human half. "Arabelle please stop! I'm not the human half of me! I'm the wolf half! Please! I beg you!" She stopped and turned to me. I could see the doubt in her eyes. "How can I be sure you aren't lying to me?" I used my claws and cut my palm. "I swear the the Moon Goddess that I am not my human half. If I am lying now, may She cause my wound to turn black." I held my palm up and we waited. I knew nothing would happen other than myself healing. I saw her shoulders relax. "Why did he kill her? Why would he do that to an innocent girl?" I quickly stepped closer and pulled her into a hug. "He's an Alpha. Alpha's are possessive. The girl belonged to no pack. She was what is known as a Rogue. They follow no rule or law. But Arabella, I need you to know that Kade didn't mean to hurt you. You are our mate. I am calm because of you. Your song, is what tames a beast like me." I paused. "And I--" "What is your name, Mr. Wolf?" I blanked for a second. She just... Asked me for my name. If I had my tail right now, it'd be wagging like crazy. "I'm Arron. The wolf half of Alpha Kade." "Arron, will you please take me home?" My heart broke a little and I whimpered. I couldn't help it. "I will come back, for you Arron. Not for Kade. He is heartless and I don't like him." I smiled and shifted to my form. It was quite the distance between here and the town. She wouldn't make it on foot. She would pass out from exhaustion. I lowered my body to the ground. She seemed to understand what I meant and climbed up onto my back. I stood up when she was on. I waited for her to get into a comfortable position and began my trott to take her home. As I ran her home, I couldn't help but think of how warm she felt, how light she was. She was strong too. Her grip on my fur was a little painful, but I didn't mind. It simply told me that she was still there. I have to say, I had already fallen hard for her. She was beautiful. Her long raven black hair, her icy blue eyes with the small flecks of gold. Her skin was pale and smooth. I felt her adjust on my back. Her chest rubbed against my back. I shivered feeling how soft she was. I growled lowly. "S-sorry.. it's starting to hurt.." I slowed down and she got off my back. I shifted and held her hand. "Are you okay, Arabella?" "Y-ye--" she stopped herself. "No.. there's something wrong.. something doesn't feel right..." I furrowed my brow at her. "What do you mean? Could you explain it a little more?" I watched as she searched for the right way to explain, and after a few moments, she looked at something behind me. "That... That's what doesn't feel right..." I could smell her fear rising. I turned and there stood the one and only Alpha King Rogue. I couldn't stop the growl escaping my lips. "Well, well, well. What do we have here? Alpha Kade walking around with a pathetic human." His chuckle made Arabella cling to my arm. Her touch calmed me, but I needed to be wild. This Rogue was stronger than me. I turned my head slightly toward my mate. "That song, I need you to fight your fear and get mad. Sing it, and I will go wild. This Rogue is one that has lost his human half. He is nearly rabid." I whispered to her. Her fear rose, but soon became null compared to amount of anger that coursed through her. She sang, and all calmness left my body. I saw nothing but red. Arabella's POV I clung to Arron's arm. He made me feel safe, but that other man, he made me feel afraid. Like I was knocking on deaths door. "That song, I need you to fight your fear and get mad. Sing it, and I will go wild. This Rogue is one that has lost his human half. He is nearly rabid." He whispered to me. My fear rose, afraid that if this man got hurt, I would feel it too. I quickly pushed that away and my anger spiked. I began the song, and felt Arron go wild. The other man shifted into an inky black wolf. I closed my eyes and held onto that anger as I sang for Arron. It only took him about ten minutes to kill the rogue in front of us. I opened my eyes when I heard a sickening snap. I gasped at what I saw.
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