Chapter 1

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"Get up Angelina. You're going to be late for school." I heard my father say as he shook me from my slumber. I groaned. "Can't I just skip today? I'm so tired." I pulled the covers over my head. Dad chuckled and pulled my covers off me completely. "No. Today is your last day before you graduate. Come on. Up you get." Dad left my room, taking my blankets with him. I groaned and got up out of bed. I went into the bathroom to get in a nice hot shower before going back to hell. My name is Angelina Valentine. I am the only child from my dad. My mom died when I was young, so I don't really remember her much. I really only know what she looks like because of the pictures of her all over the house. Most would find it creepy with how many pictures of her my dad has, but this is normal to me. Dad told me a story when I was little. He said that there was a human man who fell in love with a werewolf and not long after they had a baby girl. He never finished the story, but back then, I believed werewolves were real. Now that I'm 17, I don't believe it's true. Just another story told in the many from my dad. See, my dad is a famous writer. He's written over a hundred books and all of them are loved by so many people all over the world. "Angel! Breakfast is ready!" I heard dad yell from the kitchen. I turned the water off. The usual squeak of the tap was a lot louder today. It actually hurt my ears. I hissed at the sound, but didn't think much of it. Standing in front of the mirror, I looked at my reflection. My strange eyes have always gotten me bullied. I mean, who has one purple eye and one bright gold?! I was told by dad that I was a special child. I just shrugged it off and went on with my day. My bright blonde hair comes from my mom since my dad has solid black hair. I ran down the spiral stairs two at a time. Yes, I lived in a huge house. It was almost a mansion, but not quite because it was three hundred whatcha ma call its smaller than the smallest mansion. "Daddy!" I jumped onto his back, giving him a tight hug. "Angel, good. You're all set for breakfast and school." He looked over his shoulder at me. I couldn't help but smile and nod. After breakfast dad drove me to school. This was normal, but as I was about to get out, he grabbed my arm to stop me. I turned to look at him. "What is it, Dad?" He looked grim but also sad at the same time. "I need you to come straight home after school today." "I always do, dad. You know this." I was generally confused right at this moment. "No. No coffee after school. No chatting with the girls. I need you to come STRAIGHT home." The way he emphasized straight caught my attention. "Off you go now, my little Angel." All through school, I couldn't help but think about what happened in the car with my dad. What had him so upset? I stood at my locker, staring blankly into it. What was going on with my dad? Was he finally seeing someone new? Was he finally over mom's death after sixteen years? I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see Selena. Her short red hair looked almost like fire. "I'm going to the café. You wanna join?" I shook my head. "Dad needs me at home today, Selena. I'm sorry." She rolled her eyes. "God you're such a nerdy daddy's girl. You're turning 18 at midnight tonight. When is he going to let go of you and let you have your own life?" She was a very dramatic person. "It's not that. I choose to be close with my dad. You know this. Plus, being close to my dad makes up for not having a mom." I closed my locker. "I have to go now. Dad's waiting for me." I slung my bag onto my back and headed home. "Ugh! Daddy's girl!" Selena yelled. I just shook my head and kept going. I knew she meant no harm in teasing me. We've been best friends since first grade. I raced home quickly and walked in to find dad sitting on the couch with his hands in his lap. He looked like he was lost in space. "Dad?" I called out to him. He looked up and smiled, but I could see something else in his eyes. "Welcome home, Angelina." "Dad, I can tell something is wrong. Please tell me what it is." I sat on the couch next to him. He took my hand in his and softly rubbed his thumb over my knuckles. "You're about to turn 18." He paused. I didn't dare speak. I knew he didn't like it when I cut him off. "There's something you need to know. Something that I've only ever given you hints about and something I've never told you at all." He paused again and took a calming breath. He was so nervous about this, and I had no clue as to what it was. "I'm a vampire, Angelina." He blurted out. I burst into laughter. "Dad, I think you are working too much. You're stories are sticking in your head again." I laughed, but once I looked at his serious face, I stopped. "Wait, you're not joking are you?" "No, Angelina. I'm not. I'm a vampire." He let go of my hand and took out the contacts that I never knew he wore. His eyes were purple! "Your mother, was a werewolf. I photo shopped all her pictures and changed the color of her eyes to blue. Her eyes were bright gold." He paused and looked at me. I could tell he saw shock on my face. I mean, I was shocked! My dad's a vampire and my mom was a werewolf?! That couldn't be true! They weren't real!! "This has to be some sort of prank!" I yelled. He went to go speak, but I held up my hand to him. "Dad, I love you, but this is ridiculous! Vampires and werewolves aren't real! They are made up stories to tell children!" I let go of his hand and stood up. "This is not real dad!" I turned around to walk away, but the moment I turned, dad was standing there. I blinked a few times. Dad wasn't this fast. Ever. "Angelina, I've never told you a lie. Why would I lie now? I've arranged for a meeting with this territory's alpha. He will be here soon. He is your mother's alpha. He allowed us to stay because of her." I felt like my head was spinning. This couldn't be true. At that moment, the doorbell rang. I heard the door open. There were voices, but I couldn't hear what they were saying. The next moment, I heard Selena's voice calling my name. "Earth to Angelina!" I blinked and looked at her. "Selena? What are you doing here? At my house?" "My dad picked me up from school and said that there was something important that I had to go with him for. Apparently it's this. Now, when were you planning on telling me that you are a hybrid?!" "Wait.-- You're a-- I --" I felt the ground give way, or was it my legs? I'm not sure. I just remember falling and everything going black. I opened my eyes to see my dad hovering over me. He looked scared. "Angel! Angel are you okay?" He helped me sit up. I blinked a few times and looked around. Selena was still here and a tall broad man stood next to her. That must be her father. He had these dark golden eyes. His face was covered in scars. He looked down right creepy. I heard Selena giggle. I looked at her and that's when I realized it. I had spoken out loud. I quickly covered my mouth. This made Selena giggle even more. "D-dad. I-" "Hush Angel. It's okay. He's a nice guy. I've known him since the day I met your mother. " I looked at the man again. "Umm. S-sorry." A smile broke out on his face. He began laughing. "It's fine kiddo. Your mom was like a sister to me. I'm here to help you through your first shift." "First shift?" I questioned him. I pieced together that he was the Alpha that my father was talking about. "Yeah girl! You're finally going to get your wolf at midnight! I got mine a week ago. That's why I was out of school for a few days. Warning, you're going to be missing grad." "Missing grad!? No! I refuse! I've worked so hard to be placed top of the class! I am not missing my graduation! f**k that!" I felt something inside me stir. "Angelina! I never raised you with those words! Never say them again!" Dad yelled at me. At that second, I felt it again. Something stirred inside me. "Eek! Angelina! It's happening early!" Selena squealed in delight. Her squealing was hurting my head. "Shut up, Selena! You're so loud!" I growled. It was so animalistic that is scared me. I wanted to run away. The urge to be outside grew inside me. I groaned and held my chest. "I need to go outside." Dad moved to stop me, but the Alpha stopped him. "It's best I do it, John. Only a wolf knows the pain she's in." Dad nodded and stepped back. Alpha Titus had taken me outside. I felt like I was on fire. I had stripped my clothes off and laid in the cold grass. It felt like I was on fire for hours with no relief. I heard someone burst through the back door of my house. A loud roar like growl sounded off and then, Alpha Titus's hand was ripped away from my shoulder. I looked over and saw him. Hair as black as night, eyes as red as blood. His muscles rippled as I watched him go from human to wolf. It was like he didn't feel it. "Alright Rowan. I give. I won't touch her." Alpha Titus said with his hand up in surender. The wolf turned and looked at me. Once he looked at my eyes, he growled. He knew I wasn't a pure bred. I cried out in pain when I felt one of my bones snap. It was happening. I heard the snapping of bones, but it wasn't mine. "I'll help you through this. You are my mate, even though you are a hybrid." He held me close to his chest. His skin felt hot, but it calmed my pain down to a numbness. I felt like he didn't really want me near him. Like I was a disgusting creature. I tried to push him away, but he wouldn't budge. "Let... Me... Go..." I struggled against his hold. Another bone snapped. I gritted my teeth. "You... Don't like me. Because I'm.. a hybrid." "Shut up and concentrate on your shift. It hurts more if you hold it back. We'll talk about the mate s**t when you finally shift back." His deep voice rumbled in his chest. It sent tingles through my body. Just as another bone snapped, the full moon shown through the clouds. It was like the moon itself was blessing me with it's light. Right then, there was a voice in my head. "It's time. The Goddess has blessed our shift." She said. "Let go and let it happen. Our mate will take the burden of the pain. He's strong." I didn't say anything. I just took a calm breath and let go. I felt no pain as I shifted into my wolf form. Rowan, however, grunted and growled through my whole shift. When my shift was done, I was tired but I felt like I could run for hours at the same time. "We are going for a run. I don't want anyone to follow us." Rowan's cold voice sounded in my ears. I felt a whimper leave my throat. "Don't be sad Angelina. He just doesn't know us yet. He will love us just the way we are." My wolf spoke. Hybrids are rare as it is. There's only two in a hundred that survive past ten years old. I was one of them. I looked at my reflection in the window. My jaw dropped at what I saw. My fur was a white as snow, but my paws were solid black. My eyes stayed the same, but my k9s were longer than a normal wolf. They were vampire fangs as well as werewolf teeth. I stepped closer to the window. My fangs were longer than my jaw. I looked at Alpha Titus, but he just smiled in acception. I didn't know if he was still in charge of the pack or not, but I felt like he was. I felt something form in my head. It felt like a little string that had a tiny bell on it. "Can you hear me Angelina?" Alpha Titus's voice sounded in my head. My ears perked up. "How?" I thought. Alpha Titus chuckled and knelt down in front of me. "Because I accepted you into my pack. Rowan isn't Alpha yet, but he will be as of next week." "What will become of me?" I blurted out. "If he's smart, he will make you his Luna. I can tell that you will make a wonderful Luna already." With that said, he stood up and left with Selena.
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