
1602 Words
Joshua’s POV: I had been in Dublin for a while, I wasn’t exactly sure how long, but it felt like a couple of days, maybe more. I had basically planted myself in a pub and had stayed there, only leaving when they locked up the bar. I couldn’t remember moving, but surely, I must have. My mind was a blur, the last couple of weeks had been a living hell. I decided to take a seat next to a window in a booth, not my usual place, but I needed a change. I felt my wolf stir, for the first time in weeks, I actually felt his presence. Something had piqued his interest. When his mate died, Remus had gone into himself. He hadn’t surfaced since that fateful day, but suddenly he was paying attention. I looked around, trying to discover what he was finding so fascinating. I sat in a booth close to the window, staring at the people passing me by, envying their lives. I noticed a young girl passing by the window, holding books, with a backpack. She turned her face to me and for a split second I couldn’t breathe, I felt like I had been hit by a lightning bolt. Her eyes were blue, not the usual kind of blue but indigo. I have never seen any color like that before. I tried to inhale but it was as if my lungs couldn’t draw in enough air. Her face was heart shaped and she had long honey blond hair, but those eyes stayed with you. I could see the world in them. She couldn’t have been more than fifteen. When her eyes finally fell on mine, it was as if she stared into my soul. I was sure I couldn’t breathe. I felt an instant bond with her, a powerful connection, which was strange, it was more powerful than the mate bond, something else, I felt protective of her. My wolf howled, sure it was his mate, but it couldn’t be, or could it? When his mate died, Remus had gone into himself, but here he was paying attention, and insisting on us following her. I kept looking at her, it was like a compulsion, I couldn’t take my eyes off her. I was frozen to the spot. I couldn’t move, no matter how hard I tried. I sat there in shock and, yes, even awe. I noticed two men following her. I could smell the arousal on them, and it disgusted me. I threw some money on the table and walked out. I quickly caught their scent and started following them. I saw the girl; she had noticed them, and she started walking faster. The fear she felt was oozing out of her. She darted down an alley which she probably thought was a short cut, but which put her in more danger. I heard them call after her and make rude comments. They were running now and quickly caught up with her. I saw the fear on her face as one of the men grabbed her arm and turned her around to face him. The man was touching her, and she started to cry. I felt disgusted by these men, if you could call them that. I felt my anger reach boiling point and then I heard Remus growl. He wanted to kill them. Both men turned around realizing they were not alone. They looked at me with frustration and a little fear, probably because of my size. “Get out of here boy” the fat man spoke to me, but I could sense his fear and knew it was false bravado. “Let her go, and leave now.” The bigger guy slapped the girl across the face, and she dropped to the ground, “I’ll get to you later, girly, let me first finish the boy here.” As soon as he slapped her, I jumped into the air and struck him hard with a superman punch. He was unconscious before his thick body even hit the floor. The other guy wanted to run, but I grabbed him by the throat and picked him up. He tried to speak but I cut off his air supply until he passed out. I turned to the girl; it was strange she didn’t make a sound once. I knew she was afraid, but not once did she cry out, not even when he smacked her, it was like she was used to this type of behavior. In that moment, I swore she would never feel pain again. I walked over to her slowly. She sat on the ground drawing her legs up to her chest, holding her cheek. “I am not going to hurt you”. I held out my hand for her to take, but she just stared at me. “Is there somewhere I can take you?” She still just stared at me. My hand was still extended to her. She slowly took my hand. I could feel a surge of energy running through my body. I had never experienced this feeling before, a feeling of home. I knew she felt it too because she ripped her hand from mine. I didn’t know what was happening, but something was drawing us together. I looked at my hand and then slowly took her hand again in mine. We stared at our grasped hands, for a few seconds I was stunned into silence. I gave her a small smile “What is your name?” She looked at me and softly whispered “Emma” Her voice made my heart skip a beat. I smiled at her. “My name is Joshua.” She gave me a small smile and it was as if I was looking at the sunrise. “How old are you Emma?” “I am sixteen” I smiled again and Remus howled “Can I take you home, Emma?” She looked at the two men lying on the ground. “Don’t worry about them, they won’t bother you ever again.” She smiled again. “I live with my granny, two blocks down. I had to pick up her medicine when I noticed them following me” “Then let’s go get her medicine and I will take you home.” “Thank you, Josh,” I wanted to correct my name, but I liked her calling me Josh. We walked to the pharmacy, she got the medicine, and I then walked her home. I was careful not to touch her again. I didn’t know what was happening and I didn’t want to scare her off, but I wanted to find out more about her. “Are you in school?” She shook her head, “No, my gran is very sick, so I have to take care of her.” “Sorry to hear that.” I tried to slow the walk, but she kept picking up the pace. When we got to her house, she looked at me, her cheeks turned red. I had never seen anything more beautiful. “Would you like to come in and meet my gran?” I smiled and shook my head. As soon as I stepped into the house, I could smell the illness. I immediately knew what it was. Cancer. Her grandmother was lying on the couch in the front room. She walked to her and gave her a kiss on the forehead. “How are you feeling Gran?” Her grandmother smiled at her and stroked her hand “Better now that I see you”. She looked over to me. “And who is your friend?” “This is Josh” The grandmother gave me a strange look: “Sit Josh. Why don’t you go make us some tea, Emma”? As soon as Emma left, she gestured for me to move closer to her. “I see and know what you are, Josh.” I gave her a quizzical smile “and what am I, mam?” She laughed at me. “I know you are one of them.” I started to speak but she interrupted me and waved her hand to quiet me. “You’re a wolf, right?” I was hoping I gave her a puzzled look, hoping she would believe my fake look “I can spot your kind from a mile, seeing as my father was one.” I choked on some spit, and she laughed loudly “Before you ask, no Emma is not one and neither was any of my father’s decedents, his mate. My mother was human, you see.” I shook my head. “I don’t know why you are here Josh, but I am hoping it is not going to hurt my granddaughter.” “I will never hurt her; I can promise you that.” She leaned over and patted my hand. “Then we are agreed, you should leave her life. She doesn’t need all the heartache and destruction you will bring her, your kind always do” I shook my head, deep down I knew she was right. I stood up. “You will say goodbye for me” She shook her head. “Thank you, Josh” I left feeling emptier when i left the house. For a brief second, I had a purpose again, but now it was gone. I felt a tear slip down my cheek as I walked away from her, forever. What the hell, why am I crying? She is not my mate, but I did feel some deeper connection. I longed to be close to her, to be near her.
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