
2020 Words
It was a cold autumn night, the wind was sharp and dark clouds covered the pale moon, it was going to rain soon. The streets of Greenwall were empty and the only place which had lights at its windows at this late hour was The Wayfarer’s Rest, the local tavern. The place had a cozy atmosphere about it, warm, quiet and inviting, the sounds of quiet humming interrupted by the cracking of pine wood on the fire being the only break in the silence. Despite the harsh weather outside, not many people were present inside, and of those few that were there, even fewer were noteworthy: a tall, bulky barbarian who was having a drinking contest with a fat peasant; a rather handsome rogue trying to charm the tavern wench with bad jokes and empty promises and a lone ranger smoking from a pipe while petting his white wolf near the fireplace. Aside from the unusual animal, his profession could be easily identified by the clothing he was wearing: tall leather boots, durable pants and tunic, all covered by a thick green cloak he kept over his head even inside. The rest of the villagers were a sad bunch, keeping to themselves, only rising their eyes from the ground to ask for more beer. This peace and quiet, however, would be interrupted when a robed, middle-age man walked inside and spoke in a commanding voice: “I need capable people to help me in my journey, the pay is 100 silver stags now and 200 after the job's done.” The bulky warrior did not even hesitate to jump on his feet and roar “Finally ! Count me in! And ye can keep your bloody coins as long as you give me food and drink.” The rogue also didn’t need to hear more than the mention of money. He walked towards the new-comer and introduced himself “Nicholas Hook, provider of fine goods and excellent marksman at your service, ser. I would be more than happy to assist you in your endeavours. Oh, and since my burly friend here doesn’t want any money I could take his payroll and care for his expenses.” The robbed man nodded and told both of them to gather their bags and sleep well as they were going to move out tomorrow morning. He then cried out one more time, saying that he still has a bag of coins for one more mercenary. The tavern was quiet like a grave. With a scoff the robbed man started to look around eventually stopping his eyes upon the hooded ranger, smoking near the fireplace. With a grin on his face he approached the cloaked figure. But before he could even open his mouth the ranger grabbed him by the neck and smashed him on top of the table he was sitting at. The wolf jumped on all-fours and started to growl near the man’s face. Feeling threatened, the robed man started to murmur an incantation as his eyes began turning purple. The ranger, now grinning himself, covered the man's mouth with one hand and pointed at the dire-wolf with the other, the robed man, understanding the situation he found himself in, stopped casting the spell. The ranger, then, grabbed the mage’s hand and undid his sleeve to uncover a strange tattoo. “What is a mage from the college doing in these parts? Did you run away? And why are you recruiting people?” ”As comfortable as the top of this table is, I would very much like to speak while standing and without the bad breath of a dog at my throat.” replied the mage. “He is a dire-wolf and if somebody is ought to know that is you fuckers at the college.” snapped the ranger as he released the mage and whistled at the wolf to get back down. The mage slowly sat down and introduced himself as Kralich Darkmane and informed the ranger he was sent by the college to recover an ancient grimoire that was stolen from the Great Library. “Why are you alone then?” replied the ranger. “The college can’t risk sending more of us, or Spell-breakers, after it or else the thief would notice, the book offers its wielder the power to sense large amounts of magic, among other things, so if the college sent more mages the thief would notice.” explained Kralich. “Where are you headed then?” continued the hunter. “Up north, past the Neck” replied the mage. The ranger’s eyes rose from the ground as he stashed his, now empty, pipe beneath the cloak “So you are getting past the border, into Zarvoss.” The mage nodded in agreement. “Can you get me past the border then?” continued the ranger. “I don’t see why that would be a problem.” “I was exiled. But if you can get me back there I can guide you around.” Finished the hunter. “I see... I’m sure we can figure something out” replied Kralich as he tossed a bag of silver coins on the table. “You should get some rest too.” The hunter nodded, when the mage was about to rise up, “Name’s Varonno and this is Shadow.” he said pointing at the white wolf by his side. “A pleasure to meet you.” said Kralich with a deep bow before moving towards the barman and letting out another comment "You should work on your people skills, first impressions matter." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The next morning, at the insistence of the old barbarian, who went by the name of Torstein Bjorn, the party delayed their departure by more than the mage would have liked. Torstein wanted to see the blacksmith so he could sharpen his axe. Nicholas also took the opportunity to tie some loose ends, as he called them, while Kralich made some more last minute preparations by the stables. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Torstein greeted the old dwarf working the forge like they were old friends. The blacksmith was a rugged man but his eyes warmed up at the sight of the man. “And were in seven hells have ye been?!” exclaimed the dwarf. “Don’t get used to me, I am leaving again…I need my axe sharpened.” replied the barbarian. The dwarf sighed, “Listen ‘ere you old ox, I know what happened to you and your people was bad but you can’t blame yourself for surviving all that. You need to stop going in stupid adventures just so you can have what you call an “honorable death”. Fuckin’ horse s**t I tell you.” he replied in an angry tone. “You know, I will still go. Now. I need my axe sharpened…” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On the other side of town, near the labirythian docks of the town, Nicholas was searching for somebody. When he brushed past one of the warehouses a gritty voice snapped “Well if it isn’t Nick motherfucking Hook” and before the rogue could react he was hit in the back of the head by something… When he opened his eyes again he was tied to a chair in a dark warehouse, his bow, arrows and knives were all gone and two thugs were sitting on either side of him. In front of him was a man with an eye patch and a long beard. “That last shipment you marked for me was an empty f*****g transport ship, you rat! “snapped the bearded man. “Listen, I’m sure we can work something out, can’t we?” replied Nicholas. “Oh, no you prick, we are way past talking, I’m going to cut your pretty little face and throw you in the river.” Said the man as he turned his back and started moving towards a table. Making most out of the situation the rogue slipped a small blade from his coat into his hand and loosened his binds, when he felt it was good enough he threw himself with the chair at one of the guards knocking him unconscious. He quickly stumbled on his feet, turning around, ready to face the other brute, only to find it face down and to see the ranger, Varonno, above him. "Kralich sent me for you. You were late." Before Nicholas would have time to utter a reply he would be interrupted by the bearded man who started booking it for the exit With a sigh Nicholas searched the room for his possessions."I am sure that won't come to bite me in the ass later." he murmured sarcasticaly. "Good thing you are getting out of town then." added the ranger. "Eh, that didn't stop him before...Come on now, let's get back before that mage decides to leave without us." When the two walked outside the ranger asked "What were you even doing here ?" Before Nicholas could utter a response he was interruped by a small boy who jumped into his arms. “I heard the loud noises and I figured it was you” said the kid with a big smile on his face. With a slight chuckle the rogue siad "Him, he was what I was looking for." and without too much fuss he dropped the two silver bags he received from Kralich in the boy’s hands “Here, this should keep you safe and warm for the winter.” “Whoa, this is going to help us a lot. Thanks uncle Nick. Papa is getting better, the doctor said he should be able to walk and go back to work by spring.” replied the boy. “Well, I’m going to leave town again, I don’t know how long it’s going to be until I am back. Tell your dad I said hello, okay? “ The boy nodded as he darted off into an alley. The ranger watched the whole scene quietly and only spoke up minutes later. "I must say. I judged you wrong, figured you would spend that money to gamble or on women." "I mean... Hey, if I didn't have that kid to take care of ... you would probably be right." he'd reply with a chuckle. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- By around 11 in the morning everyone was ready to go. The horses were packed with dry meats, cheese, bread and plenty of drinks, as per the insistance of the barbarian. Torstein was now wearing a thick grey fur cloak over his scale-mail and leather armour, held all together by a massive belt at the back of whom a massive battle-axe was swingly idly in its scabbbard. Nicholas was wearing a knee-long leather coat paired with a matching hood. He had a long bow and a full quiver on his back and, as Varonno suspected, many knives underneath his clothing. Kralich on the other hand was wearing the same dark-grey robes he did the night he arrived at Greenwall with no weapons on hand. Varonno, who was wearing a loose linen shirt and a green cloak with a hood had Shadow, the wolf, closely following behind him. “Aren’t you going to be cold wearing just that?”commented Nicholas at the sight of the ranger who did not change any of clothing. Before Varonno could open his mouth Kralich interjected “We are not going north straight away, we are moving with a caravan of wood-elf traders towards Ewrorin, their capital.The weather is quite pleasant down there.” “And why the f**k would we go there? You promised combat and danger!” said the barbarian. “Because their far-seer has an orb of power and if I manage to convince him to help us he can use it to locate the thief, better than going in blind in that savage land full of grumpy and angry nords who attack people without reason, don’t you think ?” stated Kralich. Everyone nodded, except Varonno who was mumbling angrily to himself about the mage and his comment on the northerners...
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