Weird Guy

2385 Words
ASHTON's POV. ‘’ Are you talking to me ‘’ the strange guy asks me with a stutter. I look at him ‘’ you are the only one here ‘’ I exclaim. He looks around and realizes that I am actually right. He looks confused and I wonder why. ‘’ You can see me ‘’ he asks still in his timid voice. He is really creeping me out ‘’ of course I can see you ‘’ I tell him bluntly. His shocked expression suddenly turns into a smile ‘’ wow....hi ‘’ he shrieks excitedly. ‘’ uh hi ‘’ I say since I am really not sure of what to say. He moves closer and I kinda shift backward on instinct. He chuckles ‘’ I promise I am not a psych ‘’ he exclaims half-heartedly. I roll my eyes ‘’ you know that is what a psych would say ‘’ I say with a smirk. He nods his head ‘’ I know.......uh what’s your name ‘’ he asks curiously. I look at him in shock ‘’ you really think I am that stupid ‘’ I ask him. He shakes his head ‘’ now why would I think that ‘’ I shrug ‘’ oh I don't about the fact that you followed me from the hotel to the forest and you still expect me to give you information about myself ‘’ He chuckles and I can’t help but laugh too. I know I am exaggerating a little, he doesn’t look like a psycho stalker, and he is obviously around my age. It’s weird that I am actually enjoying the convo because I am nowhere near social ‘’ come on, just tell me the first name ‘’ he pleads. I look at him and he looks happy. You know that feeling you get when you get your first toy as a kid. He had the same glint in his eyes. ‘’ Fine ‘’ I say with a smile. He looks at me and I can tell he is waiting, so I say ‘’ I'm Ashton ‘’ He smiles ‘’ hi Ashton.....I’m brody ‘’ he tells me. I look at him and smile. He actually looks like a Brody. He has black hair and he is what I would call a very good looking guy. He walks closer to me and I decide to see what he wants to do. He moves closer and before I know it, he touches my shoulder. He lets go immediately and I ask ‘’ why did you do that ‘’ He smiles ‘’ I wanted to confirm something ‘’ I look at him weirdly and he smiles ‘’ so ashes....why are you out here all alone ‘’ I frown ‘’ because I wanna be out here alone ‘’ He smiles ‘’ fine.....I get it. You aren’t comfortable talking to me yet ‘’ I don't know why he said yet like there is a possibility that we could ever be friends. I do not intend to become his friends. I am just here to have this stupid vacation and get back to school. ‘’ I gotta go ‘’ I say as I head for the hotel. He looks at me and it almost seems like he is scared ‘’ uh....wait up ‘’ he says as he grabs my arm. ‘’ What ‘’ He sighs and rubs his forehead ‘’ let’s hang out ‘’ he asks me hopefully. I shake my head ‘’ look no offense but I really don't want to hang out with you. I don't know you and you don't know me so why don't we leave it at that ‘’ He frowns and I can tell he is disappointed ‘’ please ‘’ he says with pleading eyes. I am really confused and he is kinda scaring me. ‘’ Please ash ‘’ he says again. Normally I would have walked away and left him hanging but something about this guy made me feel different. ‘’ Fine.....where do you wanna go ‘’ I ask him in defeat. His frown turns upside down and he smiles widely ‘’ anywhere......I just wanna talk to you ‘’ he says still smiling. I nod ‘’ fine.....let’s go get a drink ‘’ I suggest. He nods and we walk out of the forest. We get to the hotel and I look around in confusion. I didn’t actually know my way around. ‘’ I know a good juice bar ‘’ he tells me. I nod and he leads me to the bar. We get there and he takes a seat beside me. I order an apple drink and he says he is fine. I find it weird that he didn’t want anything to drink but I shrug it off. He is a weird guy and apparently, I am okay with weird people. ‘’ So why did you wanna hang out so bad ‘’ I ask him as I take a sip from my juice. The juice is actually really nice, so I lick my lips and moan out. I look at him from the embarrassment and he just has an amused look. ‘’ It’s good ‘’ he asks. I nod and he smiles, I remember the question I asked and remind him ‘’ so you didn’t answer my question ‘’ His eyes never leave my face and I am a little uncomfortable. I don't mean to be rude but it comes out rudely ‘’ can you stop staring ‘’ He looks shocked but smiles ‘’ you really are an upfront kinda guy ‘’ ‘’ What do you mean ‘’ I ask still in a rude tone. ‘’ You don't spare anyone’s feelings; you just come right out and say what you want. I find that a little strange ‘’ he says nonchalantly. I roll my eyes and I notice some people stare at me. The family in the table beside me just keep staring and it’s like they are talking about me. I look at brody ‘’ are they actually talking about us ‘’ I ask him. He nods ‘’ yep....’’ he says matter of fact. I scrunch my face up in confusion ‘’ why are they looking at us weirdly ‘’ He smiles ‘’ just ignore them. Do you wanna get out of here ‘’ he asks as he changes the topic. I raise my eyebrow ‘’ I don't know why you are so set on hanging out with me but I don't know and I’d like to keep it that way ‘’ He looks scared suddenly but I ignore him and walk out of the bar. I really don't need any friends, the ones I had couldn’t even stick around and now this strange dude from another state wanted to be my friend.....I think not. I go back to the main hotel and take the elevator back to my room. I really just prefer to be alone. There is no point mingling with a bunch of stuck up strangers. I walk into the room and see Chester and his eyes are glued to the video game he is playing. Something is seriously wrong with this kid. ‘’ Are you gonna stay in this room all day ‘’ I ask dryly. His eyes never waver from the screen but he answers me ‘’ yeah......I’ve got to beat my high score ‘’ he says slowly. I roll my eyes and jump on my bed ‘’ so how was sightseeing ‘’ Chester asks as he loses another round of the game. He stands up from the chair and walks over to my bed. He sits on the edge and waits for me to say something. I shrug ‘’ it sucked.....I met a weirdo ‘’ He creases his eyebrows ‘’ hmmmm....what did he do, that makes him weird ‘’ he asks curiously. I shrug again and open the fridge beside my bed. I grab a can of soda from it and open it immediately ‘’ he wanted to hang out ‘’ I tell him after a sip. If he looked confused before, he looked even more confused now ‘’ how is that weird ‘’ he asks me confused. I gave him a straight face ‘’ cause he kinda didn’t want me to leave and he almost looked terrified when I stood up ‘’ I explained. Chester rubbed his chin ‘’ maybe he has a crush on you ‘’ he suggests. I give him a what-the-f**k expression and he chuckles ‘’ I said maybe ‘’ I roll my eyes ‘’ he can’t be gay ‘’ I tell him. ‘’ Why do you say ‘’ he asks. He looks very interested in this conversation. ‘’ Well because he is too hot to be gay ‘’ I say before I realize what had just come out of mymouth. Chester looks at me wide-eyed and I slap my hand on my mouth. ‘’ I didn’t mean it that way ‘’ I say immediately. He looks at me with a serious expression and I suddenly start to get worried when he bursts into a fit of laughter. He lies on the bed and clutches his tummy. ‘’ Will you stop it ‘’ I say angrily. He starts to quiet down but he still chuckles as he wipes tears from his face ‘’ you...really...think...he ‘’ he says his words separately. I shake my head and get up from the bed ‘’ you are such a kid ‘’ I tell him. He finally shuts his pie hole and looks at me ‘’ dude.....I’m just playing ‘’ he says as he walks up to me. I push him playfully and he rubs his chest from the slight pain ‘’ I'm sorry.....I just kid around sometimes, but seriously what did you do to the guy ‘’ he asks. ‘’ Why do you think I did something to him ‘’ I ask in disbelief. He smiles ‘’ well you are you ‘’ he says. ‘’ What is that supposed to mean ‘’ He smiles ‘’ look I'm just can be a little mean and you don't know how to control your anger ‘’ he puts in plain words. ‘’ No I don't ‘’ I raise my voice. ‘’ You are getting all angry on me here ‘’ he points out. I sigh and take a seat on the armchair ‘’ I didn’t do anything to him, I just left ‘’ I told him. He nods ‘’ fine.....but you have to control yourself or you are really going to hurt somebody one of these days ‘’ he says seriously. Just as I am about to answer back, the door opens and my dad steps into the room without knocking. How the hell did he even get a key? ‘’ Afternoon guys ‘’ he says with a stupid smile. I roll my eyes ‘’ I’d like to ask you how you got a key but I don't wanna waste my breath ‘’ I tell him rudely. He ignores me and smiles ‘’ well if you must know...I have a spare. You didn’t think I was gonna leave you guys all alone ‘’ he says rhetorically. I shake my head and walk over to my bed. Chester has an amused look on his face and I am sure he enjoys me and my father’s banter. I jump on my bed and grab my I phone. I play the first song I could find and block whatever my dad has to say. He looks at me and walks over to me. He removes the earpiece from my ears ‘’ you know I actually came here to say something ‘’ I nod ‘’ yeah and I actually played this music to block it all out ‘’ I tell him rudely. He sighs ‘’ very funny....anyways we are having dinner together as a family tonight and it’s gonna be in an expensive restaurant, so id really appreciate it if you behave yourself ‘’ I chuckle ‘’ oh don't count on it ‘’ He frowns ‘’ don't test me ash ‘’ he warns me. I raise my hands in a fake surrender ‘’ yeah yeah ‘’ I tell him dryly. He nods ‘’ just be ready at seven ‘’ he says as he walks out of the room. I roll my eyes and put my earpiece back on. I look at Chester and he is smiling like a goofball. He stands up and walks back to his game. BRODY’S POV. This cannot happen; I won’t let this guy slip away from my fingers. He is the only one that can get me out of here. I don't want to be stuck here and this Ash guy is the only one that can see me. I watched him leave the bar and I groaned in frustration. I have to find a way to get him back. He is the only one that can help me. He is going to save me; I have to find a way to get him back. In addition, I am very persistent.
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