Chapter 2

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  The Jewelry Auction ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “You can do this, Claire.” She cheered for herself nervously as she parks the car in the designated area near the auction house. It was a good thing her previous job send her to a driving school and help process her license after she pass the exam and driving test.  “Louder.” Chrissa’s voice boomed at her earpiece that’s being covered with her hair since it was styled with glam volume.  “I can do this!” she said, touching her hair while looking at the mirror. She never styled her hair like this before so she’s amaze by the look. It exposes her right neck and shoulder and to be honest, with the kind of dress and heels she wears right now, she never feels more feminine than ever. Everything she wears are given by Chrissa.  The only accessory she owned that night is the heirloom her mother left her. A necklace made of diamond looking crystals which are set on a bed of gold chains and a green peridot at the center. It now highlights her swan-like neck. It actually looks real but she know better. There's no way her family will own something too valuable. Chrissa laughed. “Enjoy the auction and get that prize.”  She put the car key on her wine colored purse that matches her dress and stepped out of the car. It’s almost eight o’clock. She has to hurry. But then her cellphone ring. She almost rolls her eyes upon seeing her caller. It was a colleague who lends her money, insisting he wanted to help. But of course, she’s not naïve to know that he actually wants to bed her.  She touched her earpiece. “Chrissa, I’m wondering, when will I get the payment for doing this?” “Tonight.” “Really?” “If you’re successful.”  Her hand froze from answering the call and her feet halted too as if it has a mind of their own. “Don’t scare me. I’m nervous enough already.” Chrissa chuckled. “You’ll be fine. Just do as what we’ve briefed you. And remember—“ “Avoid Gustav Lawrence Winston. I know.” “Great! I’ll drop at your place tomorrow to get the info we need. Or you can send it to me through your phone too. You can take the car. It’s yours until you can buy your own.”  “No kidding!” It would be a great help if she has a ride of her own. Damn. The car might not be that flashy but it’s better than not having one.  Chrissa made some giggling sound. “I’ll be in the audience too so don’t be nervous. Make me proud, girl.” She text the caller to wait for the payment by weekend as well. After that, she head inside and joined the crowded place.  She’d never been an auction before but after the briefing she got the idea. And it makes her nervous and thrilled at the same time. She got a text from one of their company— Jordan, who’s going to be a Shill in the auction, together with some other random recruit. She learned that those were the fake bidders, who’ll hype the price until another clueless bidder will bid in a higher price. The shills will then act like they lose big time, boosting the winner’s ego and pride.  Crazy ass rich people. “Our first precious jewel for tonight is called the Red Moon ring.” The auctioneer said after a couple of minutes of introduction and greetings. A woman was at the center, beside him, wearing the item on her ring finger. “Made up of gold, covered with diamonds, and the huge red gem in the center, this ring has an intriguing history of its own…” She looked around to see where Jordan is located. She saw him stood and waved. He was holding a number 4 card. She head to his direction, a small nervous smile on her lips. She felt relieved since it was Jordan. Among the guys in the group whom Chrissa introduced, she’s comfortable with this one. “I thought you’ll never show up, beautiful,” he whispered. She rolled her eyes at him when he laughed. “I wish I can.” He pulls the chair for her to sit down.  “Thanks, Jordan.” “…the starting bid for the Red Moon is $1 million dollar…” continue the auctioneer. “You’ll do great. We’ll back you up.” Jordan winked at her before raising his number.  But before the auctioneer can speak, another guy in a suit raised his number and bid higher.  “$1.2 mil!”  “$1.3 mil!" “$1.5 mil!”  “$2 mil!” “Highest price for the Red Moon Ring so far is $2 mil!” the auctioneer look around the crowd. “Going once… going twice…” he raised the hammer. "$5 mil! someone shouted. "Thank you sir! Anyone else? Going one, going twice.." and the hammer finally drop, “Sold to the gentleman in table number 8! Congratulations, Sir!” The crowd applause as the winner grinned. The auction goes for a couple of more hours until every precious item in the catalogue was sold. Claire was amazed by the jewelries on the catalogue but she was more awed upon seeing those flashy items in person. Some of it, even just one jewelry cost her entire lifetime expenses! She never felt so poor. Her envy rising up to the sky. Damn this place for making me a sinner. The last item was presented. It was her cue. She excused herself from Jordan and went to the bathroom area. After checking her make-up, she gave herself a pep-talk and head to the second floor of the auction house. Some VIP’s were situated there. She scanned for a familiar face that she must avoid. But he’s not around. She felt relieved knowing there’ll be no one else she’ll have to distract but the auctioneer’s young assistant. His name is Harry from what she remembered in the briefing. A waiter came, winking at her. She chuckled, realizing it’s Ben, one of Claire’s men. She grab the wine from him and head into the room where details of the winning bidders are being processed real time. No one was there but the assistant. She smirked.  Here goes Claire the actress. “Hey…” Harry’s head snap to her direction. “What are you doing here? This place is restricted. Get out!” She bit her lip, acted like she’s been dejected. “I… I was just instructed to give this to you. I’ll leave as soon as you take it.” She clumsily left the wineglass on the nearest table near the door. His brow rose, scanning her from head to foot before smirking. “Come here.” She reluctantly did after picking the wine glass again. “Who instructed you, hmmm?” “Ben… the waiter. He’s almost here but he got an urgent business… you know, in the comfort room. Must be a bad stomach or something.” She playfully laughed. “I know him so I volunteered actually. Just helping a friend.” He chuckled. Not leaving his eyes from her, he took the wine glass from her hand. ”You drink first.” Her eyes widened a fraction. “But…” The wine glass touched her lip so she played along. She took a sip, distorted her face to show the bastard that she didn’t like the taste. “I have to go,” she said as Harry drinks the wine up to the last drop. She smiled internally. A few seconds passed and the guy now silently snores on his seat.  She immediately took her phone and manipulated the laptop Harry has been using. She took pictures and pictures of the winning bids details. Even the last item which he successfully encoded earlier before falling asleep. After sending the most important detail— which is the delivery details of the items— she hurriedly leaves the room. She was halfway on the circular staircase, clumsily putting her phone back to her purse, almost running to turn in a corner when she bumped into someone. She gasped as she lost her balance, closing her eyes as she readied her ass to hit the marbled stairs. Or worse, roll down to the floor. Instead of that humiliating scenario, a strong warm arm wrapped her waist. An expensive scent of manly perfume hit her nostrils. Holding tight to her purse, her hand automatically rested on her savior’s chest to give space to their bodies. She slowly opened her eyes and gasp once again. This can’t be happening! Hawk-like eyes meet hers. His bold brows feature an air of mystery that only adds to his striking good looks.. The high bridge nose and stubborn lips make him appear so intimidating she wanted to melt and disappear all of a sudden.  “Oh God!” she scrambled away from his hold. Good thing he let her. She cleared her throat as her hand reach out to comb her hair. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to…” He almost looked like he wanted to growl at her for running into him and creasing his suit. His mouth opened but closed right away. His brows furrowing, but the animosity was gone all of a sudden. Interest in his eyes replaced it.  What? What did he saw? What got his interest? He can’t be interested in me!  He closed the distance between them, cornering her to the wall as she steps back. His hand closing to her neck. “I- I said I’m sorry!” she exclaimed, closing her eyes. There was a moment of silence before a deep raspy voice filled her ears. “You’re forgiven.”  “Really?” she said, surprised that she opened her eyes. This can’t be the Gustav Lawrence Winston that Chrissa told her days ago!  “In one condition.”  She swallowed hard, feeling his fingers sensually move on her neck. Butterflies started to panic on her stomach as he trailed the necklace with his fingers, dropping to her cleavage where the green peridot gem rests. She can barely hide her shiver when he leaned in to her ears and whisper. “Give this precious to me.”   
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